Before and After Conversion to Islam
Pre-Islamic Period
Conversion to Islam
Witness to Truth
Liberation of the Slaves
Persecutions of the Quraish
Protection of Ad-Dughna
Holy Prophet's Engagement to Ayesha
Migration to Madina
Second of the two
The Road to Yathrib
Life at Madina
Abu Bakr and Finhas the Jew
The blasphemy
Expedition of Ubayda Bin Al-Harith
Ayesha's Marriage to the Holy Prophet
The New World of Madina
Battle of Badr
Banu Qainuqa'
Battle of Uhud
Banu Nadeer
Banu Mustaliq
Ordeal of Falsehood
Makkah Revisited
Battle of the Ditch
Banu Quraiza
Treaty of Hudaibiya
Battle of Khyber
Conquest of Makkah and After
Conquest of Makkah
Battles of Hunain and Taif
Expedition to Tabuk
Abu Bakr as Amir-ul-Haj
The Farewell Pilgrimage
Successor to the Holy prophet
Appointment of Abu Bakr as the Imam
Death of the Holy Prophet
The faithful assembled in the mosque
Election of Abu Bakr as the Caliph
Inaugural Address of Abu Bakr
Encounter with the Tribes
Expedition to Syria
Encounter with the tribes
Battle of Zul Qissa
Battle of Abraq
Apostacy Campaign against Taleaha
Plan of Campaign against the Apostates
Campaign against Taleaha
Campaign against Bani Fazara
Battle of Zafar
Campaign against Bani Sulaim
Apostacy Campaign Against Musailma
Sajjah, the False Prophetess
Campaign against Bani Tamim
Campaign Against Musailma
Treaty of Yamama
Apostacy Campaigns in East and South Arabia
Campaign in Bahrain
Campaigns in Uman and Mahrah
Campaign in Yemen
Campaign in Hadramaut
Campaigns in Eastern Iraq
Muthanna's Reconnaissance Campaign in Iraq
Battle of Kazima
Battle of Mazar
Battle of Walaja
Battle of Ulleis
Conquest of Hirah
Occupation of Hirah
The Christian Arabs
Dialogue between Khalid and Abdul Maseeh
Campaigns in Western Iraq
Battle of Anbar
Battle of 'Ein-at-Tamr
Battle of Daumatul Jandal
Battle of Firaz
Battle of Babylon
Campaigns in Syria
Khalid's March to Syria
Battle of Busra
Siege of Damascus
Battle of Ajnadein
Political, Social, Economic and Military Organization
Political Organization
Social Organization
Economic Organization
Military Organization Under Abu Bakr
Mushaf, Hadith, Tasawwuf, Fiqh and Poetry
The Mushaf
Abu Bakr and the Hadith
Abu Bakr and Tasawwuf
Abu Bakr and Fiqh
Poetry in the Time of Abu Bakr
Anecdotes, Sayings, Sermons and Interpretation of Dreams
Anecdotes of Abu Bakr
Sayings of Abu Bakr
Sermons of Abu Bakr
Abu Bakr and the Interpretation of Dreams
Death of Abu Bakr
Passing away of Abu Bakr
Appointment of Umar as his Successor
Wishes and Regrets of Abu Bakr
Things which he did not do, and wished that he should have done them
Ali's Oration on the Death of Abu Bakr
Elegy on the Death of Abu Bakr
Wives and Children of Abu Bakr
Abu Bakr, The Man
Distinctions of Abu Bakr
Abu Bakr in the Holy Quran
Holy Prophet's Estimate of Abu Bakr
Abu Bakr as seen by Western Writers
Abu Bakr in History
Role of Abu Bakr
Supporting role of Islam
Apostasy Campaigns
Unification of Arabia under the Holy Prophet
Confrontation with Byzantium and Persia
Source: Alim