Stock of of primal deriving of similar in the
Knowledge knowledge knowledge processes very
flows flows by large
discursion scale
H here denotes the end of the cumulative process of all flows within and across nexuses of world-systems. The appearance of the attributes which is pervasive in all of the processes as the defining conditions of the nature of primal Stock of Knowledge and the derived knowledge flows has been suppressed.
Unlike the knowledge flows, de-knowledge claims a multitude of T to give rise to pluralistic knowledge flows with differentiated pre-conditions of such pluralistic orders. Consequently, although the nature of the evolutionary processes of de-knowledge flows is similar to knowledge flows, their interactive, integrative and evolutionary conditions are distinct. In de-knowledge flows these are defined by pluralism and dualism of interactions lading to individuation and differentiation, conflict and independence from each other. Thus, systemic interactions, integration and evolution devolve to individual sub-systems but do not interact across systems to gain integration, or unification of knowledge. Thus, universal complementarity is systematically replaced by marginalism, trade-off, conflict and substitution in the de-knowledge world-system. This is a pervasive fact of its socio-scientific perspective and explanation. Because of the random nature of its epistemological premise that remains disjointly distributed across sub-systems, their variables and relations, the essence of rationalism fully characterizes such sub-systems. Rationalism is defined as the epistemology of pluralism of thought without a premise that inter-systemically unifies knowledge according to certain unique laws. The premise of rationalism is sheer anthropic. The premise of unity of knowledge is the set of unique laws that remain immutable and that are then humanly comprehended and applied by reason to world-systems.
To formalize, let {T1,T2 ,…} denote the indefinitely large number of competing epistemes from which individually arise relational chains of the type shown by (1). Because of the axiom of systemic independence either of the following conditions will apply to {Ti}, i =1,2,….: (1) Ç i {Ti} = f (methodological individualism); (2) {Ti}=aj.{Tj}, i,j = 1,2,….
Consequently, each of the corresponding kinds of entities in the chains shown in (1) for the case of de-knowledge, remains mutually independent. Thereby, the beginning and endpoints of the chains in the very large scale universe are not unified across systems. In such universes equilibria can exist within the disjoint sub-systems but they do not exist across systems. The concept of interactions leading to integration is lost. Evolution of the disjoint systems result in infinitely many competing sub-systems. We refer to such individuated sub-systems as being characterized by endogeneity of de-knowledge flows within sub-systems but exogeneity of such flows across sub-systems. Contrarily, in the knowledge-induced world-system there is endogeneity of knowledge flows both across and within sub-systems of the world-system.
Because of the pervasively relational essence of knowledge centered world system we will consider the following expression:
F1 Û F2 (2)
F1: T® F {F } ® f* {F *}® f11{q 1}® f21 {X1({q 1})}® ¯ ® f31 New {q 1} ® continuity ® T=H (3)
W(q 1,X1(q 1)) in repeated
F2: T ® F {F } ® f* {F *}® f21{q 2}® f22{X2({q 2})} ® ¯ ® f32 New {q 2}® continuity ® T=H (4)
W(q 2,X2(q 2)) in repeated
Between (2), (3) and (4) we obtain the following system of interrelationships:
® {q 1}® f21 {X1({q 1})}® ¯ ® f31 New {q 1} ® continuity ®
W(q 1,X1(q 1))
T ; ; ; ; ; T=H ….. (5)
® {q 2}® f22{X2({q 2})} ® ¯ ® f32 New {q 2} ® continuity ®
W(q 2,X2(q 2))
By an elementary disaggregation of relations we note that,
{q 1}® f21 {X1({q 1})}® f31New{q 1}
; X ; X ; X ; X ; … (6)
{q 2}® f22{X2({q 2})}® f32New{q 2}
where, X denotes cross-wise interactions. Such interactions are extensive as can be worked out even from this simple disaggregation when extended to second and higher number of processes (not shown). In terms of the functional mappings the extensive interactions cause compound functionals to arise.
The well-being criterion function resulting from the pervasive interactions across the interactive, integrative and evolutionary branches (3) and (4) is the non-linear aggregation of the separate well-being functions. One such non-linear form would be the product function with indexed coefficients of elasticities of the individual variables to the aggregate well-being function. The resulting non-linear aggregate well-being function is a cardinal measure of the complementarity among the various variables and their relations. Among the variables are also policy and institutional ones that imply the complementary role of agents in the underlying decision-making. Through the joint aspects of interactions that lead to the compound form of the branches, functionals and now well-being functions and the representation in the resulting well-being function of the complementary role of agents, variables and their relations, the essence of integration is introduced. Finally, because of the continuously dynamic nature of knowledge flows affecting decision-making, variables and their relations, evolutionary processes become the natural consequence.
The evolutionary nature of the interactive and integrative processes at each stage conveys the importance of simulative method of quantitative analysis in this interactive, integrative and evolutionary system (IIE). It also points to the replacement of all steady-state equilibrium points by a multiple evolutionary knowledge-induced equilibria. Optimization as a method is totally rejected as a method in the IIE system, as their cannot be any attained position of the system except in the instantaneous case of the variables, their relations and the underlying decision-making. The instantaneous case is not a sustainable perspective in knowledge-induced evolutionary models. Besides, the presence of unification of knowledge in the principle of universal complementarity by negating the contrary idea of marginal substitution, as in the case of neoclassical resource allocation, also rejects the idea of scarcity and constriction in resource supply. The circular causation and continuity model if unified reality in the IIE-system makes risk-diversification, product-diversification, institutional development and participation among the agents in the work place to constantly reduce the unit cost of production. The principle of universal complementarity and diversity of methods as signified by the branches of (5) followed by creative evolution are intrinsic in realizing reduction in unit cost due to risk and scarcity.
In the de-knowledge system there will be independent branches of the type shown in (1) with respect to each of the competing {Ti}, i = 1,2,… There will be a plethora of such emerging independent branches from any given branch in as far rationalism rules the individuating configuration of human thought and organization. Ultimately in such a process, all perspectives of convergence will be dispensed with giving way to utter randomness. Along each of these independent branches the condition of equilibrium is once again of the evolutionary type but optimality of the objective criterion is a precept independently of separate branches of the evolutionary process. Continuity and interrelationships across branches not being present, the optimal conditions of each of these branches are also unrelated to each other; so too are the equilibria of the evolutionary branches.
To formalize we let (xi*,Wi*(xi*)), i = 1,2,… denote the optimal values of the variable, xi and the objective criterion function, Wi(xi). From our formalization in (6) we note that in the generalized case a joint objective criterion function is given by,
W((q , x(q )) = S i Wi(q i, xi(q i)),
because of independence among the (q I, xi(q i))-tuplets, i = 1,2,…
The optimal value of W((q , x(q )) with respect to (q i, xi(q i))-tuplets, i = 1,2,…yields,
dW/dx = S i (¶ Wi/¶ xi).(dxi/dx)= 0 .. (7)
identically in the terms, because each ¶ Wi/¶ xi = 0,
i = 1,2,.. for reasons of optimality along the individual branches.
Likewise, dW/dq = S i [(¶ Wi/¶ q i).(dq i/dq ) + (¶ Wi/¶ xi).(¶ xi/¶ q i).(dq i/dq )] = 0 ..(8)
identically in the terms, because each ¶ Wi/¶ q i = 0, i = 1,2,… for the same reason.
These results clearly indicate that in a state of optimal trade-off must be maintained among at least two of the xi(q i)-variables, i = 1,2,… The determination of such variables by means of the trade-off is shown by dxi/dxj < 0 and dq i/dq j < 0. These results are consistent with the given optimal value of Wi(.), ii = 1,2,... along the independent branches. Aggregation of the knowledge flows and the variables being laterally additive implying independence among the variables, this aspect does not convey the meaning of interactions.
In the case of the IIE-system we would have the non-linear result corresponding to the expressions (7) and (8):
dW/dx = S i (¶ Wi/¶ xi).(dxi/dx)> 0 .. (9)
dW/dq = S i [(¶ Wi/¶ q i).(dq i/dq ) + (¶ Wi/¶ xi).(¶ xi/¶ q i).(dq i/dq )] > 0 .. (10)
corresponding to, dW/dq > 0, implying that dWi/dq
I > 0, dWi/dxI > 0, dxi/dq i
> 0, i = 1,2.., due to the positive induction of the complementary
variables by knowledge flows in the IIE-system.These identically positive nature
of the knowledge-induced variables and well-being function imply that
optimization fails to be an acceptable method for use in the IIE-system, except
in the instantaneous case of theq -value, when an attained consensus does not
progress dynamically to higher levels. Consequently, the corresponding x-values
and W-value also remain unchanging. We now relapse from the knowledge-induced
forms to the neoclassical case of independence and inter-systemic exogeneity
from interactions. This last case we will now prove.
Expressions (9) and (10) can be now extended to the inter-systemic case in accordance with expression (6). The evolution of the interactive and integrative sequences of knowledge flows and their knowledge-variables would now yield the following well-being system, where i denotes the number of interactions, k denotes a given numbered system; l denotes a numbered system, with k ¹ l (=1,2,…):
Simulate {q ikl}W(q ikl, xikl(q ikl)),
Subject to, } .. (11)
q ikl = f1(È i{q ik}Ç {q il}, x-ikl(q -ikl), W-(..)),
xikl(q ikl) = f2(È i{xik(q ik)}Ç {xil(q il)}, q ikl, W-(..))
symbol denoting recursively lagged values. |
T ® F {F } ® f* {F *} ® f1 [q ikl] ® [f(ikl)] [X ikl({q ikl})] ® ¯ ® [f ‘(ikl)] New[q ikl] ® T=H .. (12)
[W([q ikl],[X ikl(q ikl)]]
The square brackets indicate the matrix of variables, relations and well-being function corresponding to the ([q ikl],[X ikl(q ikl)])-entries across (k,l)-systems for given numbers of interactions (i). The same matrix meaning applies to the functionals.
The variables shown in (11) and (12) can be simplified by taking limiting values of the knowledge flows over given number of interactions, as was explained earlier. In this way the values of i would be assigned with respect to the number of interactions undergone to arrive at the limits of the ([q ikl],[X ikl(q ikl)])-values.
With such limit values of ([q ikl],[X ikl(q ikl)]), say ([q kl*],[X kl*(q kl*)]), the simulation path of the well-being function and variables in expression (12) can be depicted in figure 1.
Figure 1: Simulation path of the well-being function and
The arrows in the diagram show the simulative direction of convergence of the knowledge flows, the knowledge-induced variables and the resulting simulated well-being function. This whole convergence marks one given process in the IIE-system. In the simplification of the expressions (11) and (12) we would substitute (q *1kl, X*1kl) for stage 1 in the interactions. The resulting simulated well-being function would be W*(q *1kl, X*1kl) for process 1 when the second process commences, and so on.
The expanding knowledge-inducing random field of interactive events, Ç kl(q *1kl, X*1kl) that can be made to converge into integration represents an aggregate topological domain. This is shown by,
W(q *1, X*1) = ò q *e {q *1kl} ò X*e {X*1kl} W(Ç kl(q *1kl, X*1kl)d X*1kldq *1kl. (13).
Furthermore, in the case of random field the variables are probabilistic. We then have to replace the integrand by the expected value of W(.). One is then led to determine the type of probability distribution of W(.) in the random field of (Ç kl(q *1kl, X*1kl). However, as knowledge flows and the knowledge-induced variables progress towards their limiting values greater certainty is gained. Consequently, it would be safe to assume a multivariate normal distribution in this random field.
In the complex case of conditional probabilities of a q occurring, subject Bayesian probability distribution of (Ç kl(q *1kl, X*1kl) needs to be used. That is, in terms of the inter-systemic interaction and integration of intra-systemic events during any given range of interactions denoted by 1, such as, Zk = (Ç k(q *1k, X*1k)) and Zl = (Ç l(q *1l, X*1l)), the Prob.(ZkÇ Zl) = Prob(Zk| Zl).Prob(Zl), where, Prob(Zk| Zl) denotes the conditional probability of Zl subject to the lagged occurrence of Zk. But since there exists causal interrelationship between the events of systems k and l, therefore, the simultaneous occurrence of these events will have a probability of Prob(Zl| Zk).Prob(Zk) or a linear function of this. But now, Prob(Zk| Zl).Prob(Zl) = Prob(Zl| Zk).Prob(Zk), or a linear relationship of the two. Hence the probabilistic condition for the simultaneous occurrence of events in knowledge-induced random fields under the principle of universal complementarity is given by the proportionality between the conditional probability of occurrence to the probabilities of actual occurrence of the events or a linear relationship thereof. That is,
Prob(Zk| Zl) / Prob(Zl| Zk) =.Prob(Zk) / Prob(Zl) (14)
Generalization to an expanding field of knowledge-induced random fields can be given by,
W(q *1, X*1) = Convolution of ò Ç kl(q *1kl, X*1kl)W(Ç kl(q *1kl, X*1kl)d(Ç kl(q *1kl, X*1kl) (15)
k,l = 1,2,…
P k,l=1N [Prob(Zk| Zl)].Prob(ZN) = P k,l=1N [Prob(Zl| Zk)].Prob(ZN') (16)
The proportionality condition as above is given by,
P k,l=1N [Prob(Zk| Zl)] / P k,l=1N [Prob(Zl| Zk)] = Prob(ZN') / Prob(ZN), (17)
where, k¹ l, N ¹ N', but, k,l = 1,..N.
The knowledge-induced nexus
In figure 1 we show the generalized region A as the intersection meaning interaction and integration of the three systems 1, 2 and 3. The region BBB shows the expansion or evolution of region A under the impact of knowledge flows. Consequently, the properties of the regions A and B under the impact of random field in which knowledge flows according to IIE are given by,
A = Ç k=13([q k*],[X k*(q k*)])
B = Ç k=13([q k**],[X k**(q k**)]),
with expanding limit values ([q k**],[X k**(q k**)]).
Aggregation of the well-being function is given by,
W(q **, X**(q **)) = ò Ç k(q **k, X**k)=B ò Ç k(q *k, X*k)=AE{W(Ç k(q *k,X*k)d(Ç k(q *k,X*k))} (18)
k = 1,2,3.
E{W(Ç k(q *k,X*k) is the expected value of W(Ç k(q *k,X*k) according to the conditional probabilities explained earlier, now taken for the three systems k = 1,2,3.
Expansion of the systems indicated by the arrows show the induction of these interactive and integrative systems by means of knowledge flows. If any of these three systems becomes disjoint with the other system, then interaction of the disjoint system with the remaining system cannot be maintained. The entire system then collapses into two competing system and disjointness continues between these competing systems. The extensive interactive nature of the systems on the other hand is the result of the complementarity between both {q *k} and {X*k(q *k)}, k = 1,2,3. Consequently, Ç k(q *k,X*k) ¹ f , Ç k(q *k,X*k) ¹ f . The systems can be of the most generalized kind ranging from scientific systems and global systems, to systems of variables and their relations in the socio-scientific order and between self and the other. We call any phase of such IIE-systems for a given range of interactions to be the nexus. Thus, (Ç k(q *k,X*k)) ¹ f , Ç k(q *k,X*k) ¹ f are nexuses corresponding to the range interactions given. The totality of such nexuses across various phases of interactions is given by, È i (Ç k(q *k,X*k) ¹ f , È i Ç k(q *k,X*k) ¹ f , i denotes sequences of interactions.
Figure 2: Generalized knowledge flows in random fields
The nexus induced by de-knowledge
Figure 3 shows the methodological independence and disjointness of the three systems. The direction of the arrows indicate increasing disjointness of the systems as de-knowledge flows increase. The principle of complementarity is thus replaced increasingly by marginalist substitution or trade-off between alternatives. Contrary to the knowledge-induced generalized system, the generalized system of de-knowledge is shown by,
A = Ç k=13([q k*'],[X k*'(q k*')]) = f
B = Ç k=13([q k**',[X k**'(q k**')]) = f ,
across systems. Within such systems there are interactions.
The primed values stand for de-knowledge, with expanding limit values
([q k**'],[X k**'(q k**')]), independently across the three systems, k = 1,2,3.
Aggregation of the well-being function is given by,
W(q ', X'(q ')) = ò (q *'3, X*'3) ò (q *'2, X*'2) ò (q *'1, X*'1)E{W(q *'k,X'*k)d(q *'k,X*'k)} (19)
The probabilities are now additive indicating independence among the events ,
(q *'k,X*' k):
S k=13 Prob(q *'k,X*'k) = 1.
Figure 3: Systemic generalization in de-knowledge flows
Unity of knowledge has been the time honoured quest for scientific explanation of reality. Yet it is also the scientific project that remains the most evasive. This problem of lack of unity in knowledge across and within disciplines has posed the greatest problem of unification in theories of everything in present times. Yet this interdiscplinary insulation in the name of efficacy and scientific rigour within self-same disciplines has marked the nature of modern scientific inquiry. The post-modern inquiry into scientific inquiry remains unhappy within such a dichotomous perspective in the sciences by rejecting foundationalism, but at the same time a new barrier is raised by the utter randomness of pluralistic thinking in post-modernism. In the words of Foucault, "From one end of experience to the other, finitude answers itself; it is the identity and the difference of the positivities, and of their foundation …. "(Order of Things 315-16).
Yet unity of knowledge appears to be evasive because of its anthropomorphic origins primarily. The change of this anthropic primacy to the Unity of God returns the sciences and human designs to the axiomatic foundation of fundamental unity as the root of all world-systems. The world is then constructed on the basis of this singular, unique, complete and absolute primacy of unity. The world in its details is recreated by cause-effect relationalism in the midst of this fundamental Unity of God.
While all religions have shared in this primal contest of Divine Unity as a fundamental way to explain reality, yet the context of the emanating laws enabling the organization of various aspects of life and thought has not been uniform. In Islam this ordering of both the primal epistemology and ontology of Divine Unity and its expression in terms of Divine Laws in precise ways for externalizing to the world-system, is firmly established. The rumbling of fundamentalism in the Islamic scholarly legacy of all ages is precisely this causal relationship between the Divine Laws of Unity, their derivation, understanding and application to the world-system. In the Qur'an the fundamental Unity of God is termed as Tawhid. The Divine Laws emanating from this Divine episteme are termed as Sunnat al-Allah.The concrete way of deriving rules of life and thought from this epistemic origin is termed as Sunnat al-Rasul also called Sunnah, as the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad in their most authentic form. In the context of these fundamentals the epistemological domain of Divine Unity (Tawhid = T) interrelating Sunnat al-Allah with Sunnat al-Rasul, is given by the phase, T ® F {F } ® f* {F *}. This primal chain is further is further composed of T ® F {F } (Sunnat al-Allah) and {F } ® f* {F *}, which is Sunnat al-Rasul. The combination of these two sub-chains is the foundation of the ‘core' of Islamic Law (Shariah).
The derivation of rules (Ahkam) premised on the episteme of Tawhid is given by the extending mapping, ® f1 {q }. From the discourse or interactions (Ijtihad) arise the limiting values of {q } or consensus within and across the interactive systems (Ijma) that provide rules to guide the ordering of issues and problems of world-system. Hence arises the Qur'anic meaning of Signs of God (Ayath al-Allah) in the perceived world. This is signified by ® f2 {X({q })}. From a combination of knowledge flows (Ahkam) and the ordering of the world on the basis of these knowledge flows (Muamalat) is determined the post-evaluation of the applications of laws to issues of world-system and their reconstruction. This entire process is called the process of Islamic discursive institution (Shura) called the Shuratic Process. The Shuratic Process is pervasive and embryonic across and within world-systems in all its details. It is shown by the chain,
[T ® F {F } ® f* {F *}® f1]0 [{q } ® f2 {X({q })} ® ¯ ® f3 New {q }]1, (20) W(q ,X(q ))
where, the subscript 0 indicates the complete exogeneity and immanence of the episteme of Divine Unity in all matters. The worldly process of unification of knowledge premised on Divine Unity is shown by the endogenous knowledge-centered process subscripted by 1. The emergence of new knowledge flows through the interactive (Ijtihad) and integrative (Ijma) phases regenerates a new and similar Shuratic Process in which the exogeneity of the primal chain remains the cause and endogeneity of knowledge flows derived from the Unity episteme are regenerated. Such a discursive method of continuing the Islamic process of knowledge regeneration is the essence of the ever evolving nature of Islamic Laws (Shari'ah). The next round of the Shuratic Process is given by the chain,
[T ® F {F } ® f* {F *}® f1]0 [New{q } ® f2' New{X({q })} ® ¯ ® f3' Fresh{q }]2, (21) New[W(q ,X(q ))]
This kind of regeneration of the knowledge forming process in its cause and effect circular causation interrelationships in a knowledge-centered world-system is referred in the Qur'an as Khalq in-Jadid.
The attributes ‘A' that establish and sustain the uniqueness of the primal episteme are referred in the Qur'an as Asma al-Husna (the beautiful attributes of Allah). Because of the infinitely many diversity of the Asmas we reduce this to the enabling vector of attributes, {Justice (‘Adl), Purpose (Maqasid), Certainty (Haqq al-Yaqin), Well-Being (Falah & Tazkiyyah), Re-origination (Khalq in-Jadid}. Such a derivation and ordering of the attributes is not unique as many of the Asmas can be inducted into ‘A' in accordance to how we can comprehend and use them in systemic world-system studies.
Since (20) and (21) are uniquely premised on the same episteme of Unity, these must be diverse expressions of unity across and within systems in all matters of details. Hence we have the meaning of unification of knowledge by endogeneity within and across systems. We call such extended methodology of unification arising from Unity as the circular causation and continuity model of unified reality.
The endogenous knowledge inducing processual methodology just explained remains perpatually evolving and discourse oriented in the IIE perspective. However, in the very large scale perspective of the universal system, the cumulative supercardinality of T is attained. This can be the only point of Optimum and Final Equilibrium. Being so the End characterization of the topology of T, i.e. Hereafter H, is equivalent to the Beginning T in this supercardinal sense. In the Qur'an it is said that God will reveal Himself in Hereafter. This Qur'anic mention is equivalent to saying that the total Stock of Knowledge (Lauh Mahfuz) will be revealed.
Both the Islamic epistemologists and rationalists in different ways though, developed the epistemic worldview of Tawhid at great length. In the pure science of epistemology are the immortal works of Ibn al-Arabi, Imam Ghazzali, Shurawardi and Fakhruddin Razi. In the worldy matters applying the tenets Fakhruddin Razi was an original thinker on human fulfilment and social well-being and he made this idea epistemologically revolve around the precept of obedience to God. Thus he thought early in those years of the precept of self-actualization through a combination of self-reformation and appropriate socioeconomic choices. Ibn Taimiyyah and Imam Shatibi were great exponents of the social organization of well-being and market guidance. They considered issues such as of money, finance, preference formation under guidance of public policy, selection of means to attain public purpose, social contractarian and the market order, the proper structuring of social institutions and control of inflation. In recent years, Malik Ben Nabi wrote on the precept of Qur'anic historicism in scientific endeavour. He called upon Muslims to discover science in the Qur'an and take that scientific methodology to the highest level of analytical discourse and investigation. Thus in all we have amply significant historical legacy to confirm the place of the epistemology of Divine Unity that is at the same time backed up by pragmatism through the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad, what came to be known as the Sunnah.
The analytical and historical basis of the epistemological of Divine Unity and its crystallization in real world-system has left an abiding legacy for generations to look up to and discover new and fresh paths to the answer of unification of knowledge. Increasingly as the scientific endeavour marches on in answering the initial conditions of the universe, it has become inextricably gripped in the research project of theories of everything. In social theory as in scientific paradigm, the praxis of unifying the premise of markets with institutions or polity. The endogenous theory of institutions is notable in this area of economic research of institutionalism. However, to date the research has either taken up a purely historistic perspective or has been entrenched in neoclassical roots of new institutionalism and social choice theory. This has not helped in the critical study of discourse within market interactions. The invisible hands of the market order has remained hidden in explaining the preference formation of institutions, agents and markets.
The theory of unity of knowledge premised on the Unity of God
and its externalization through concrete laws in the real world-system. This
appears not to be a problem of religious fundamentalism. Rather it is a matter
of deep analytical reasoning on which a substantive theory of science and
society can be premised. Thus when we write on the need for unification of
knowledge we treat the relevance of unity of knowledge on solid topological
domains of functional relationism of Unity of Knowledge with unification of
knowledge in endogenous world-systems. This precept of knowledge-induced
endogenous world-system and its extensively complementary explanation holds a
prospect of great significance in the scientific research program of theories of