Mawlana Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi
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Aoodhu Billaahi Minash Shaytaanir Rajeem

Bismillaah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful


My dear Brothers, Sisters and, Respected Elders,

As-Salaamu 'Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh

Today I am going to speak to you about one of the greatest Scholars of Islamic History Mawlana Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi

Mawlana Mawdudi was born Sept. 25, 1903. He was a special gifted child and became an author at the young age of 13. Mawlana was great as a man, thinker, writer, religious crusader, and leader of Islamic Renaissance. His greatness is best reflected by his writings. The Muslims all over the world, are getting united, under the banner of Islam and know him, and admire him, and indeed he has his friends, well wishers, and supporters all over the world. The greatest supporter of Mawdudi is Allah S.W.T The guide, the Helper.

Mawlana Mawdudi was the man who lit the torch of Islamic renaissance. He was the man who kept the lamp burning during the dark hours of Muslim Ummah's inaction and lethargy. He lived and died for Islam. The Mawlana once said, "Islam has not lost its intrinsic values and it is as dynamic today as it was yesterday. Only, the people have lost the understanding of Islam, and they are not conscious of its superiority over other ideologies."

Mawlana Mawdudi occupies a pivotal position in the movement for Islamic rebirth in the 20th century. He started his revolutionary mission at a time when the Western civilization was at the height of its intellectual and political power and when almost the entire Muslim world was in the grip of the western colonial rule. The demise of the Ottoman Caliphate had extinguished the last apparent hope of the Muslim Ummah. The clouds of gloom were cast upon the Muslim world. The horizon looked dark and dismal. It was in this background that a young scholar Mawdudi raised a clarion call for Islamic revival and reassertion. He invited the Muslims to the real source of their strength ----- The Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. He awakened the Muslims to a new goal and mission to live and to die for Islam.

He challenged the spell of the western thought. He expounded the original message of Islam with a contemporary freshness and expression that Islam is a complete way of life, with it's own belief system, values and principles, and it's own unique social, political, economic, cultural and educational system. He invited the Muslims to strive for the establishment of the Islamic order and to be witnesses of this Deen before the entire human race.

Although this call began as a solitary voice in 1932, it did not remain a cry in the wilderness. There were echoes from various parts of India, and later on from all parts of the world. The last 50 years have witnessed how this voice became the voice of Islamic resurgence. It has inspired Muslims all over the world and has brought millions of educated and dynamic new Muslims to the fold of Islam. Mawdudi authored around 150 books of erudite scholarship and delivered hundreds of speeches and lectures. He stands out as one of the chief architects of Islamic revival of our times.

Mawdudi was no arm chair scholar. He launched a vibrant movement of Islamic revival, which has been working for the mission ever since it's inception. This was not the task of a thinker, researcher or writer. He took it to be duty towards Allah SWT, Muslims and his fellow human beings. This movement has been actively working in different parts of the world, under different organizations, arrangements and leaderships. Islamic movement is a universal phenomenon today and the thought of Mawlana Mawdudi and example of the Islamic movement are the pace setters, in accordance with the guide lines given by our beloved and last Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H

May Allah SWT bless Mawlana Mawdudi's soul and give us courage to follow his lead to the full glory of Islam.


I thank you very much for the opportunity you have provided me to talk about our benefactor Mawlana Mawdudi.

Was-Salaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh



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