The essence of intention and its Virtue
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The Essence Of Intention And It's Virtue

Intention is not the saying of one " I intend..." but indeed it is the opening of the heart to what Allah requests from the individual. This is why it can occur with ease sometimes and can be absent on other occasions. So whoever has a heart which is consistent on the Deed, then intention will be easy on the majority of cases, because his/her heart is totally favor of good. And whoever heart is deviant towards this near world will not be easy for him to bring his intention at times of need, even in times of obligatory actions. This is why we realize the importance of the Hadith of Omar ibn Al-Khattab. He narrates that the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad(sm) said, "Verily, actions are only by intention. And for every person is what he has intended. So whomsoever migrates for Allah and His Messenger, then his migration is for Allah and His Messenger. And whomsoever migrates for a worldly affair to gain, or for a woman to marry, then his migration is for what he has migrated for."

"Verily, actions are only by intention. And for every person is what he has intended. So whomsoever migrates for Allah and His Messenger, then his migration is for Allah and His Messenger. And whomsoever migrates for worldly affair to gain, or for a woman to marry, then his migration is for what he has migrated for."

It has been narrated that Ash-Shafi said" This hadith is third of Knowledge" As for the first part of the hadith means to imply that the correction of actions-in agreement with AS-Sunnah is dependent on the correction of intention. This is similar to the saying of Prophet(sm) and second part of the hadith, and then it implies that the reward of actions is with accordance to his intentions (correct) which he has gathered with respect to his actions.

The last part of the hadith, are examples of comprehend, regarding similar actions, but different in intention, and hence reward.

Then the good intention doesn't change the status of sins. So, it shouldn't be understand by ignorant that the first part of the hadith means this. Such that he thinks that the sins become obedience with (good) intention. This is because the hadith is concerned with three types (divisions) of actions.

1. Obedience
2. Permissible actions
3. Sins

And obedience actions are related to intentions in the correction and in the multiple virtue. As for the fundamental of correction, because one should intend the worship the Allah alone. Because if one intends "showing off/boasting, it (the action) will become a sin. And as for the multiple of virtue, then as many good intentions, he intends. As for permissible actions, then they no doubt carry an intention or many intentions with which he can reach the virtuous closeness (to Allah) and can achieve the high levels.




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