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The Last Message
The actions of Hajj transmit the message that the Quran
relates in words. Before the completion of Hajj, it is recommended that you read
the whole Quran at least once and learn a lesson from its final chapter. Why the
final chapter? The last words of the final chapter of the Quran warn of a DANGER
while the last action of Hajj is the SHOOTING! At the end of Hajj, you are to
"shoot the three idols" while the end of Quran "denies the three
powers". In the last part of Hajj, a Muslim is warned of a
"danger" and in the last chapter of the Quran, he is warned of a
"mischief". Surprisingly, the Quran comes to an end but the mischief
will not; the prophecy ends but the danger still exists! The last two chapters
of the Quran speak of "seeking refuge from mischief" and also warn
Mohammed (PBUH) the last prophet of monotheism who completed the prophecy of
Ibrahim. And, the last two days of Hajj are to be spent in Mina where one must
fight and where Allah warns Ibrahim, the man who started this prophecy.
And you, Oh follower of Mohammed (PBUH) and Ibrahim's
tradition, you are to understand the "codes" and not only to follow
the acts. Where are you going after Mina? Oh Hajj, before we leave Mina for our
homes, let us sit down and read the last two chapters of the Quran to discover
what danger our victorious prophet was cautioned about. Let us listen to these
revelations to know from what Allah told his beloved messenger to seek refuge
(Quran CXIII):
Say (Oh Mohammed), I seek refuge in the Lord of dawn. From
the mischief (evil) of that which he created. From the evil of darkness when it
is tense. From the evil of malignant witchcraft. And from the evil of the envier
when he envieth.
Here Allah refers to the foreigners and foreign enemies who
are strangers to you and your country. You must fight them!
As in a dark night in which everything is obscured, the
darkness of evil and ignorance covers the valley of Mina and the vision of
Arafat. The insight of Mashar and the ideal faith of Mina are all lost in the
dark! As a result, you are in Mina but you cannot see nor realize important
matters. You have love but do not know for whom! You have faith but do not know
in whom! And, you will sacrifice your "son" not for the sake of God
but before Satan! Darkness is everywhere!!! You shoot not at Satan but at the
angels! You sacrifice man not the sheep! You perform the Sa'y not willingly, but
in response to the pull of the enemy's bridle! You begin circumambulation not by
having Allah in your intention, but as if it is a dance to the ring of Nimrod.
Oppression is everywhere! There are secret as well as obvious
plots by clever politicians, brain-washer and hooligans gossiping to cause
disunity and animosity and to create the "uprising fists" from the
"uptiding hands". They conspire to alter the ties whereby your brother
becomes your enemy or your enemy pretends to be your brother, to break all
relationships, to paralyze all decisions, to weaken your faith, to cause
sectarianism in religion and to promote disunity within the community. This is
done so that each sect can be easily manipulated by the imperialists and their
agents Finally, the jealous ones must be considered. Such a person is not one
who is sick and keeps his jealousy in his heart but the envious one. He is
neither a foreign oppressor who obviously acts by force not an agent who works
secretly for his "boss" and for money. No! It is an acquaintance, a
mate, a relative, a deceiver, a puppet who commits treachery and pretends to be
your friend, a murderer who claims innocence, an unsuspected corruptor or an
unintentional troublemaker who is motivated by the most incurable disease -
jealousy. This complex shatters victorious revolutions, knocks down the
freedom-fighters at the peak of their devotion and sacrifice and realizes the
shedding of blood between friends. Consequently, the righteous believer becomes
a puppet of the non-believers. The non-believer performs this so intelligently
that people are not aware of his plans. This is why you see the
"oppressor's" dark tent at the top of Mina and the "agent's"
ambush near it. But, what about the jealous one who is ill and does not seem to
be the enemy? Although he may hate your enemy more than you, he is the puppet!
So in terms of the evils, he is the last one and therefore the last idol to be
shot on the first day. This is the hidden enemy of your faith and aspirations.
Here again, the trinity exists.
Oppressor: The cruel oppressor (i.e. first idol) Agent: The
agent who corrupts the morals and intelligence of people (i.e. second idol).
Jealous One: The oppressor's spy, the agent's puppet and a friend in service of
enemy (i.e. third idol)
However, it is not very difficult to defeat these evils. Wait
for the first beams of the dawn which will overcome the darkness and illuminate
the valley of Mina. They will ignite the enemy's tent and overthrow the darkness
and ignorance. The agents who hid in the dark behind the rocks will be forced to
flee. The complexes of jealousy will remain untouched but will be buried in the
hearts of ill-friends!
As Imam Fakhr Razi noted, Sura Dawn points to one
characteristic of God, while Sura People, points to three charteristics. This
indicates a more serious danger which seems to be more difficult to get rid of
it. In Sura CXIII (Dawn) Almighty God is called upon as the "God of
dawn". This chapter describes the darkness and its power at the enemy of
the sun; but by SUNRISE they will die. In Sura CXIV (People), Almighty God is
called upon as the "Lord" the "King" and the
"Love"; these are the three powers or enemies of man who live among
the people and claim to be their Lord.
Say I seek refuge of: Lord of the people, King of the
people, God of the people or Love of the people.
Sura Dawn refers to this world, the society, the power of
darkness when it takes over, those who knowingly and secretly brain-wash people
and the selfish treacherous ones. It speaks of three social disasters - darkness
and injustice, corruption and straying, selfishness and treachery!
Who is sacrificed here?
Mankind, human society and revolutionary movements! Sura
People speaks of social systems, social structures and the governing power who
makes decisions for the people. It refers to the existing relationship between
the people and their lord or their god-father. It mentions the real evil, the
usual enemy of the people.
And who is sacrificed here? Not the human being, not the human
society but the "people themselves"!
Idols are created and worshipped. They claim God's special
attributes and place themselves only in relationship to the Lord and the people
NOT in relationship to the world or nature! Simple minded people are enslaved by
them. In contrast to the opinion of some educated individualists who search for
the truth by reading texts rather than facing the facts, monotheism and
polytheism, are not two philosophical theories or disputes in the temple; they
are live and productive facts in human nature and life. Monotheism and
polytheism are in the heart of movements and socio-economic struggles of people
of all times. In other words, polytheism is a faith as well as history's
dominating faith. Yes, it is the opium of the people!!! On the other hand,
monotheism which is the blood, arm, nature and guide of the people is history's
condemned faith!!!
The biggest, worst and most discreet "tragedy of
mankind", as yet not well understood by many intellectuals, is the
"slavery of mankind by his only means of freedom" and the
"torturing and killing of people by their only source of honorable
living"! How? Through converting one faith into another (such as concealing
polytheism behind the visage of monotheism)! This is demonstrated by the great
hypocrises of history - Eblis disguised as a holy man; Tawheed in the service of
Shirk!; Shirk, the faith of the Godfathers who represent Satan!, and the
mischievous Khannas; the enemy of people! Therefore, the word "people"
is repeated several times in Sura People. Who are these godfathers that live
among people and have such influential power? Who are the oppressors that rebel
against God and disrespect human rights? Once again they are the three
oppressors, the Trinity! They usurp the three positions that belong only to God
and are described in Sura People.
Monotheism: Unity of the attributes.
Disunity of the attributes; the Trinity; "Cain the
murder" who appears in three faces and rules the children of Abel. (Thereis
oneCain and Pharoah, Croesus andBalam are his threefaces. They are not three
"persons" but three "faces".Surprisingly, in all
theTrinities of history, God issymbolized as "one" head that has
"three" faces!)
Long ago, people lived as a brotherhood. Forests and rivers
were their common wealth. They all had their share sitting at the free table of
nature. Fishing and hunting was a means for acquiring food for survival. God was
the only owner and all people were considered equal. People adhered to the
morals of Abel and lived like him. But, later Cainbecame the farmer and claimed
the land as his own, thereby restricting its use.
The unity was broken! Worshipping one God was replaced by
worshipping many; Cain appeared with three faces and people worshipped him
instead of God. An inauspicious triangle, the Trinity, is the graveyard of all
the messengers, freedom-fighters and martyrs. It is an "ill-omened
chain" which like the "chains of slavery" is used to enslave
"the obedients of God" and make them "slaves of the rulers"!
The Trinity is like a three way partnership in one company; one partner
propagandizes, one robs your pocket and the third gets a share of the profits.
The last one pretends to be a spiritual man and whispers so-called
"heavenly words" in your ears:
Oh my brother, be patient! Leave this world to the worldly,
people. Suffer in this world in order to go to heaven duringthe hereafter. Even
if you die of hunger, have tolerance.Had the people concerned with this world
only known therewards in the hereafter for being poverty stricken andoppressed,
they would have been envious of your futurehappiness!!!
Nothing can be done. What is happening to us is ourpredestined
fate. The poor are born poor and lucky ones are born lucky. Any objection is an
opposition to God's will, so be thankfulfor what you have. Leave your judgments
to the hereafter.Be patient and don't complain about your poverty andoppression
or you will loose the rewards in the here after'.
Don't forget that complaining about people is like
complainingabout God. Theright of justice belongs only to God and not topeople,
not in this world but in the hereafter. Any judgmentsare to be made only by God,
therefore, be careful so that youdo not feel shame on the day of judgment when
you see God, theMost Compassionate the Most Merciful who forgives the
oppressorwhom you did not forgive in this world! Everyone is responsiblefor his
own deed. In order to persuade people to do good andprohibit them from doingbad,
you must be first righteous,knowledgeable and effective. However, do you think
it is dangerous, then you are not obliged to do it ...
So the three friends are close to each other. Cain who wears
three masks is the eternal God of the Trinity. It does not matter if they act
under the banner of Islam or are anti-lslamic, if they act under monotheism or
poly theism. They are the ones who in the name of faith make the laws and
constitutions to rule the people everywhere and always! The three oppressors are
the three faces of Cain, the "owner" who killed his brother Abel, a
shepherd and became the guardian of Abel's orphaned children. The murderer
became the heir of the victims!
Surprisingly, all the Ibrahimian prophets who proclaim
monotheism and justice, the true heirs of Abel during the first common period -
were all shepherds! Our illiterate prophet Mohammed (PBUH), the last in a series
of these messengers, was a shepherd in Gararit.
There is no prophet who was not once a shepherd.
And it is the tradition of Cain, that his children,
"Wolf", "Fox" and "Rat", have tried their best
throughout history to herd the children of Abel (people) as sheep by means of
oppression, brain-washing and despotism! This is why occasionally at different
periods of time - instead of a philosopher, learned person or a chief of a
center of civilization, educational institution, scientific society or religious
temple - a shepherd or illiterate one from the heart of the desert suddenly
arises and leaves his flock to become the leader and liberate the victims of
Cain's power! They arise to use their sticks to knock on the heads of those who
call themselves the "Lord of the earth". Here is how we realize the
beauty of the meanings of Allah's words in the Holy Quran:
Quran LVII: 25
We verily sent our messenqers with clear proofs and
revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance so that mankind mayobserve
right measures; and He revealed Iron wherein is mightypower and many uses for
mankind ...
Hence, throughout history, whenever a messenger came forth
from amongst the people to carry on his mission or when a responsible person
supported the cause of justice and called upon the people to be united, to
struggle for justice and to be aware of what was happening in their society,
immediately the ruling powers would wholeheartedly attempt to assassinate that
individual or his character. For one generation or more those same assassins
would mourn the deceased, become heirs to his mission and assume his leadership.
Quran III: 21
Lo! Those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah and slay
the prophets wrongfully and slay those of mankind who enjoin equity:announce to
them a painful doom.
However, if the prophet was victorious in the battle, the
opposition temporarily ceased their efforts, changed their positions and masked
their faces only to succeed him and inherit his book and sword a generation
 | There is one Cain with three faces, seven colors,
seventy masks, seven thousand names and seventy thousand tricks! |
 | There is one Cain who is the murderer and killed his
brother! |
 | There is one Cain who is the owner and all the people
are owned by him! |
 | There is one Cain who is the ruler and all the people
are his servants. |
 | There is one Cain who made two enemies of two
brothers! |
 | There is one Cain who changed two equals into
unequals! |
He divided mankind into two races, society into two classes,
made history bi polar and converted the unity into a duality, The Quran uses the
term despising to describe the act of making people weak and vulnerable.
 | There is one Cain who acts (despises) from three
bases by using his three children: |
By force: Despotism, Politics, Pharoah By blood-shed:
Exploitation, Economics, Croesus By deception: Brain-washing, Faith, Balam
It is one "ruling class" that has three faces (or
powers). There is one Cain who converts the unity into a Trinity! He employs
many approaches - openly or secretly, belief or disbelief, unity or trinity,
anarchy or law, dictator ship or democracy, slavery or freedom, feudalism or
bourgeoisism, faith or science, spiritualism or intellectualism, philosophy or
sufism, happiness or suffering, civilized or savage, regression or progression,
idealism or materialism, Christianity or Islam, Sunnism or Shi'ahism! These
faces go and return. You kick them out of your door but they enter through your
window! For instance, slavery was opposed but the master became a Feudal Lord
and the slave became a farmer. Feudalism was defeated by the success of a great
revolution, but it became capitalism and the farmer became a factory worker.
With the help of Allah, Moses (PBUH) drowned Pharoah in the
Nile, buried Croesus and used his stick to struggle with the magicians. Soon
after, the Pharoah who drowned in the Nile reappeared by coming out of the
Jordan River. He called himself Sham'oon, the successor of Moses (PBUH) and
carried Moses' cane instead of a whip. Pharoah's magicians became the children
of Aaron and the companions of Moses. They carried the Scripture instead of the
magic ropes in their hands. Balam became the spiritual leader. Croesus, held the
treasury and became the trustee of the nation of unity. All three (Pharoah,
Balam and Croesus) assisted each other in embezzling Palestine as the
"promised land"; the old Egyptians are now called new Israelis.
Then, Jesus (PBUH) appeared. He abrogated Judaism and
overthrew the Roman Empire. However, Caesar, changed his name to Pope, the
Jewish rabbis were replaced by Christian monks, the old Roman genates became
clergymen and Vatican cardinals, the palace was called the church and Jupiter
assumed the name of Jesus (PBUH).
Then Mohammed (PBUH) came. Caesar and the Persian King were
defeated, the priest and Mubed were rejected and Persian and Arab aristocrats
were no longer recognized. But later, Caesar and the King were replaced by the
Caliphs, the priest and Mubed became the Imam and Quzil and Zorastrian social
classes (Dehganan, Aswaram, to Kmedaran, Aristocrats, feudals...) were called
the companions, children of the Imam, the honorables, the nobles...The Roman
Empire and Persian Kingdom changed their names to the Caliphate of God's
messenger, massacres were labelled acts of Jihad, plunders were considered as
Zakat and the suffering of people was viewed as the will of God.
The Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) family was either killed,
imprisoned or exiled. The right to continue his prophecy was disregarded. The
family of Abu-Sufyan, and the Abbassians became his successors. Ali sincerely
tried to follow and support the tradition of Mohammed (PBUH). He and his
followers resisted the Caliphate for two hundred and fifty years but they were
all martyred. Their devoted followers opposed the ignorant traditions and
aristocracy of the Caliphs. They sacrificed their lives to overthrow the cruel
and oppressive regimes. Imamate and Adalat (Justice), were chosen as the slogans
of their party. Suddenly, the caliph became a Shi'ee and the Safavi King assumed
the position of Shi'ah leadership. The Caliph's house became the King's palace
and so on ...!!!
In Europe, the scientific revolution overcame the church.
Science took the place of religion! The old theological schools were transformed
into modern universities. The spiritual people were expelled to the corner of
the temples by the scientists; Balam left the church and appeared at the
university! The French Revolution eradicated feudalism but Croesus who was
defeated in his village rushed to the city and established abank! Although
Pharoah was beheaded by the blade of a guillotine and buriedin the Wersa Palace,
by a democratic vote, he was resurrected and supportedby Croesus' money and
Balam's magic! DeGaulle came to power.
We will never get rid of our cousins, the children of Cain who
always support each other. If you defeat one by seizing his arm, the second one
will try to buy you with his money; if this fails, the third one will cheat you
in the name of faith! If none of these methods succeed, they will try to achieve
their ends by using science, art, philosophy or ideology. And, if one of these
are effective, they will resort to mourning, crying, begging, praying or simply
keeping your mind occupied so that you will not realize what is happening! They
will make you believe that history is responsible for all the faults and hatreds
which exist and that all the loves belongs to the hereafter! If none of these
approaches work, they turn you into a "crazy consumer" whereby you
spend all your earnings in order to live luxuriously. As a result, you are
constantly in debt and working all day for nothing. Is this what is called
"your living" - to work and overwork so that you have more
"conveniences" and simultaneously kill yourself all day and night yet
still feel lagging many years behind?!! All human values and freedoms are
sacrificed for the sake of living luxuriously! The ease and comfort of life is
sold to pay for the luxuries. All your life, you hurry and worry to the degree
that you do not have time to stop and think; you do not even have a change to
understand what is going on! And finally if none of these work, there is the
propaganda of sex, jazz ... "getting high" on heroin, marijuana, LSD
and a thousand other ways. Right or wrong, anyway will be employed to keep your
mind occupied, to prevent you from thinking about the present and to push you
astray with or without faith!
We are the "orphans" of history; that is, the poor
and oppressed on this earth. We, the children of the martyred Abel, are the true
believers in God. We are the children of Adam demonstrating high qualities,
supporting brother hood, loving equality, representing the original pure nature
of humanity and representing the true picture of monotheism, unity and peace
...! We are a memory of the era when there was only one community which ate at
the common table of nature. But ... all of this was buried after our father,
Abel, was martyred. Through trickery and treachery, his blood was shed. He
became the innocent victim of capitalism (Cain's ownership)!
The desire to revenge him has always remained in our hearts as
a hope and wish. Impatiently, we have waited to one day see a prophet who would
help us with our cause! Monotheism is the torch of this hope and the signal of
the prophecy which was carried on the shoulders of the shepherd throughout
They transferred this flag from hand to hand and from
generation to generation. It went from Abel to Ibrahim, from Ibrahim to
Mohammed, from Mohammed to Hussein and from him to everywhere and everyday until
the very last day, the day of judgment! It went to the world-wide revolution of
justice, the leadership of the victims of oppression and the heirs of the
poorest on earth! The flag is carried on hand to hand, drawing a "red
line" on the earth! In contrast, the flag of the non-believers which
signifies cruelty, ignorance and being blood-thirsty passes from hand to hand of
the three false Gods
Belief or disbelief is not fanaticism or a lack of unity nor
is it the simple imagination or dispute of a sufi or philosopher. It is intended
to guide mankind to the right path of maturity and evolution instead of being
misled and going astray. The meanings of these two words are clear and the
differences are as obvious as those between "justice" and
"injustice". Any other description is wrong and false; it is intended
to confuse and deceive us. Be careful not to be cheated by falsehood since
throughout history which has been full of "hypocrisy", only
"Cain's" children have had the right to speak of justice and faith;
they could not even talk about their martyred father! In order to know the story
of Abel and his children, listen only to the Holy Quran and NOT to those who
want to speak for them.
Since some of Cain's descendants are commentators for the
Quran, you should read the text itself and comprehend what it says because it is
the only document which has been saved from their embezzlement. Listen to the
Quran to learn the story of mankind and the meaning of the "prophecy".
Quran II: 213
Mankind was one common society, having the same equity.
God sent the Messengers to warn those hypocrites who knowingly blocked justice
and caused oppression.
This was not done because of simple differences in opinion or
being prejudiced; it was done intentionally and out of jealousy! Listen directly
to the words of Allah who explains why He appointed the prophets and sent them
to us.'
Verily we sent our messengers with clear proofs and
revealed with them the scripture and the balance so that mankind may observe
right measures ...
Search the Holy Quran again. You will be told in a simple and
clear way not by philosophical theories, not in sophisticated language and not
by the use of confusing scholastic theological terms. The Quran is written in
such simple language that it is even understood by illiterate people.
Quran IV: 76
Those who believe do battle for the cause of Allah and
those who disbelieve do battle for the cause of false Gods. So, fight the
Minions of the devil. Lo, the devils strategy is ever weak.
Fight the Minions (servants) of the devil? Yes, the false Gods
of Trinity!
 | Oh you who love to help the cause of Almighty God, |
 | Oh you who protect yourself from the devil's constant
attacks by your knowledge and awareness |
 | Oh you who resist the devil's magic and gimmicks by
your righteousness |
The enemy, like a spider, has spun a web whose texture is
money and power in order to trap people and suck their blood. "Do not be
afraid of dying and do not call off or delay the battle. Be righteous and you
will not even face a trace of danger."
 | Oh you who believe in monotheism and the
responsibility of vengence for Abel's blood-shed, |
 | Oh you who shoulder the responsibilities of the
prophets - "the Book", "the Balance" and "the
Iron". |
 | Oh you who are a "child of Adam", |
 | Oh you who are from amongst the people, |
 | Oh you who are an example of "ability",
"freedom", and "intelligence ", |
Seek refuge in Allah, "the Owner of mankind, the King of mankind and the Love
of mankind!"
 | Oh Hajj who has marched the red path of martrydom by
going from Arafat to Mina, |
 | Oh Hajj who has stepped on the grave of the last idol |
 | Oh Hajj who has ascended to the peak of freedom |
 | Oh Hajj who has conquered the land of Mina (your
Mina), |
 | Oh follower of the tradition of Ibrahim (PBUH) and
Mohammed (PBUH), |
Be alert and very careful! You are in danger (the danger of
Cain and the fear of the return of false gods)! The messenger is in danger! His
message is in danger! Be careful of the danger of the idols. Seek refuge in
"the Owner, the King and Love of the people". There are three idols
who represent one evil, one Cain - so fear:
Quran CXIV 4-6
The evil of a sneaky whisperer, The one who whispers into
the heart of mankind, The Jinn and mankind.
What or who is the "Waswas" (whisperer)? The
dictionary defines it as the one who whispers a rumor or hint; the state of
melancholy which is a disease that disturbs the mind creates a feeling of
uselessness in one's consciousness. What is suggested to you enters your
subconscious; it appears to you and speaks to you. You can hear it but not with
your ears! You can see it but not with your eyes! How is this whisperer who
disturbs minds? He is a sneaky "Khannas". What is a "Khannas"?
The dictionary defines it as whatever leads you astray, attracts you, absorbs
you, follows you or cheats you. Even though you try to escape, it will persist
after you. What does the "sneaky whisperer" do? It promotes temptation
and inspires evil suggestions into your heart. What is "Temptation"?
The dictionary defines it as enticing someone to commit an unwise or immoral
act; to cause a disease which disturbs one's wisdom and creates a state of
deliriousness, perplexity and uselessness! What is the "sneaky
whisperer" made of? It can be of a "Jinn" or mankind. What is a
"Jinn"? It is a mysterious, invisible and inhuman power which handles
mankind. How clearly it is defined, yet more clever and tragic today. Those
three idols are hidden but visible. They go, change colors and return. They will
be defeated and will rise again. Today capitalism and ruling colonialism are
covered up by neo-colonialism. The three idols are involved in alienating and
brain-washing mankind with the help of their experts and advanced technology.
As "Shandel" says, "Today's greatest danger for
mankind is not the explosion of the atomic bomb, but the transformation of human
nature. The human element in mankind is being demolished with such great speed
that a non-human race is being produced. A machine with the appearance of a man
is created neither by God nor nature. Man becomes a slave who does not see or
know his master. His only freedom is to try his best to be a better slave. He is
exchanged for money, but he pays the price himself. He will wait for hours in
the long lines of the "house of robbers" awaiting his turn to be
robbed! He is like a slave who grows no more. He gets whatever he wants for the
price of what ever he has! He believes only in "business" and this
faith makes him pay for more than what he gets. His life pattern is designed
before he is born. This way his life is an assignment rather than true living!
Now he has the chance to discover the world, but he has lost God and humanity
"forever ... "
The tragedy is beyond one's imagination. Human nature is
changing. Those three tempting evils are not only the force of "arms",
the power of "gold" or the deception of "beads". They have
also employed the extraordinary power of "science", the surprising
magic of "art" and the huge power of "technique" in their
tricks and cover-up plans!
Nowadays it appears as if there is no yoke of slavery
existing, but in reality, people all over the world are enslaved by invisible
chains. People are free to vote for who they want, but long before they vote,
"sneaky whisperers" have whispered in their hearts.
Today's tragedy is one of "alienation". To alienate
means to become unfriendly and indifferent. The alienated is the insane, someone
whose true personality or consciousness is hidden. Political despotism, social
discrimination and old western exploitation methods are gradually disappearing,
but they reappear in a worse shape - as capitalistic regimes hiding behind the
masks of liberalism and democracy. Slavery, plunderings of "Tatars"
and Gengisian Laws (Yasa), oppression and torture by the cruel regimes of "Teimoor"
and "Halakoo" have disappeared in the east, but they are all returning
in a more deceptive fashion, in the name of modernization and civilization, only
to hide the true face of colonialism.
The tyrannical rulers and the professional murderers of old
colonialism are disappearing in the third world, but thelr economic systems,
political regimes, social relations, education, arts, morals, freedom of sex,
ideologies, propaganda of the media, literature, fashion, cultural madness,
nihilism, superconsumerism and westernization all invisibly reappear in the new
colonialism. They appear not as men in military bases administration offices,
streets or markets.
In an invisible way, they enter with insensible hands and
secret relations to shape the economic structure, social system, beliefs nature,
spirit, morals, "values", "votes" and minds of the people
In these fourteen centuries there has never been a better time
to translate the meaning of this wonderful chapter (Quran CXIV). In over five
hundred centuries of the life of mankind, the "sneaky whisperer" has
never sacrificed human beings by his obvious and secret temptations. The
"evil whisperer" has never destroyed the hearts of mankind by his
mischief. Oh yes never! These last verses of the glorious revelation were
translated so clearly through history!
Today's intellectuals and sociologists, who are familiar with
capitalism and neocolonialism, know very well that these systems "will burn
a whole market if they want a handkerchief." They know how to abuse science
in order to achieve their ends and promote ignorance in the name of
civilization. They know how witches and sneaky whisperers corrupt the nation's
culture, faith, will consciousness and leave their hearts empty. This causes
alienation whereby they have a negative opinion of themselves. An attempt is
made to make them mere imitators and consumers and nothing else!
Todays conscious humanitarian workers whose vision is not
limited by traditional and sectarian views are not preoccupied by local
problems, historical prejudice, professional, educational and familiar
situations. They are not satisfied being mere observers to unstable political
operations; neither do they superficially evaluate what is happening to the
people nor do they feel happy to suggest simple resolutions. Rather, they care
for human-beings and humanitarian rights! They are the ones who realize the
effects of colonization, stealing the natural resources of poor nations of the
third world, appointing cruel agents to run these countries and disregarding
humanitarian rights ... All these are true tragedies caused by outsiders. The
real fearful tragedy is what is happening in the hearts of people. The dangers
of outsiders, the evil rulers and mischief and jealousies of the complexed
people wereznot considered that important. They were mentioned in the chapter
before the last (CXIII).
The most dreadful tragedy threatening the world population is
the "alienation of mankind" ... becoming inhuman! The tragedy is the
whisperer who damages not only the body, but the spirit as well. This is what
scares the conscious and responsible intellectuals of our time. He is the one
who knows the people as well as the whisperer. He understands the severity of
"alienation". He has seen "humanity" sacrificed wherever
"humanitarian rights" are disrespected. He is the one who knows the
evil-doers and idol makers who can't always be seen. Sometimes they are hidden
or they may be a mysterious power. They don't have to use the yoke of slavery;
they may whisper in the hearts. Covertly and quietly, they may enter the mind,
disturb it, change the personality and replace "one" by someone else!
This is "Alienation"! Yes, the danger lies in ambush, worse than ever,
not behind the rocks or mountains but deep in your heart or in your conscience.
It is not an ambush for your life or your money, but for your faith, your
"humanity", your knowledge, your love, your victory, your struggle,
the inheritance of your history, your way to become like Ibrahim and your way to
approach Almighty God.
Your enemy is not always arms or an army. It is not
necessarily a known outsider. It may be a system or a feeling, a thought or a
possession, a way of life or a type of work, a way of thinking or a working
tool, a type of production or a way of consumption, culturalism, colonization,
religious brainwashing, exploitation, a social relation or propaganda. It can be
neo colonialism, bureaucracy, technocracy or automation. At times it is
exhibitionism, nationalism and racism while other times it is nazifascism,
bourgeoisism and militarism. It may be love for joy (epiqurism), love for ideas
(idealism), love for matter (materialism), love for art and beauty
(romanticism), love for nothing (existentialism), love for land and blood
(racism), love for heroes and central government (fascism), love for individuals
(individualism), love for all (socialism), love for economy (communism), love
for wisdom (philosophy), love for feeling (gnosticism), love for heaven
(spiritualism), love for existence (realism), love for history (fatalism) love
for God's will (determinism), love for sex (Freudism), love for instincts (biologism),
love for the hereafter (faith), superstitiousness of idealism, gluttony of
economism ... These are the idols of the new polytheism. The new civilization is
like Latt, Ezza, Asaf and Naelah of the new Quraish. How do you realize the
meaning of pure worship of Almighty God and love for Allah? How broad is the
meaning of monotheism and how great is it's prophecy? People today are more apt
to use "reason" rather than to be obedient to God. Because of the
influence of science, they care less about faith. By so doing, they have denied
God and rejected faith and have done nothing in return for th,eir disobedience
and refusal of worship. The new polytheism in this civilization has many more
meaner Gods (Idols) than the old polytheism of the "time of
The ancient Arabs used to worship statues made of gold and
covered with jewels. They were symbols of power, beauty, perfection, abundance,
goodness and charity. They were sacred and respected but the symbols of today's
new polytheism are as low as the lower part of the human body. The three ever
lasting false Gods are oppressing more than ever. Today's Pharoah is not a
person; it is a system! Croesus is not one; it is a class. Balam does not speak
of faith anymore; rather he speaks of science, ideology and art!
Surprisingly, in the chapter before the last, the Quran speaks
of three evils who are unique in sharing one quality! In the last chapter, it
talks of one evil with three characters - the "Owner" the
"King" and the "God"; and this is more dangerous!
The three evils mentioned oppress, brainwash, deceive, murder
and plunder. They neglect human rights and freedom, enslave people, and keep
them poor and ignorant. Somehow, humans will survive the heavy pressures of
these tragedies! Today's greater tragedy is when these anti-human super powers
try to paralyze human values by emptying the hearts of the people for their own
exploitation. History has taught these powers that in order to take over
economically and politically, they have to destroy those values cherished by the
people and then they have to change their human nature. In other words, they
should be alienated.
This "evil" is much worse than the previous ones
even though their trouble making ability is the same everywhere. In the system
of trinity, the "Khannas" is the damage to human nature. It is the
danger which threatens the conscience of the responsible individual. The enemy
of mankind goes and comes back! It is everywhere with three faces and each time
it has a different mask.
The "whisperer" is a killing poison that is injected
into the human body by this "three-headed, hundred-faced" snake. Is it
not true that Satan tempted Adam and expelled him out of heaven? He did this by
showing himself in the shape of a snake! The "whisperer" is born of
three evils. The "Khannas" (sneaky) is the representative of those
idols and his mischief is much more tragic. In the last chapters of the book of
revelation, we learn that the sneaky whisperer is more dangerous than the three
idols. A heavenly consciousness is to cut the dark curtain of night by dawn to
fight the three powers that enslave mankind.
To oppose the Satanic power of "Khannas" (the sneaky
whisperer), one has to seek refuge in unity. To eradicate the structure of
polytheism in human consciousness and in society you have to find the three
powers of "ownership", "sovereignty" and
"divinity" in Almighty God alone. By doing this, you are able to
establish an Abelian society (i.e. a society based on equality and oneness of
We have to build an "exemplary community", the type
that was the goal of Ibrahim's prophecy. The last prophet Mohammed (PBUH) gave
us this responsibility. We understand the tragedy and it is our responsibility
to solve it. We are heirs to Ibrahim's tradition therefore, we must teach his
message to the intellectual generation who is struggling for social justice. We
must save the declining world population. Having the Quran, the family of the
prophet (PBUH) and Hajj gave us a greater responsibility.
The darkness of evil is overwhelmingly ruling the world. The
malignant witchcrafts are more powerful than ever. The sneaky whisperer is
stronger and more tragic!
 | Oh you who holds the position of Ibrahim and the last
revelation, you have been given the responsibility of carrying on the
mission. |
 | Oh you, conscious man, representative of Allah and
heir to the prophet Mohammed (PBUH), you have to adopt theprophet as
an example for your deeds and make yourself an example for others. |
 | Oh you who has the responsibility to establish the
"umma" your faith is based on "the book",
"the balance" and "the Iron". |
 | Oh you who are to establish social justice on earth,
fight the enemy and help the innocent. |
 | Oh you, the Muslim freedom-fighter, hear the cry of
the people, the mourning of the oppressed and the voice of those who
complain of the mischief of the "sneaky whisperer" |
Toynbee sees human civilization threatened by "internal
enemies" (i.e. the foolish enthusiasm for "consumption, consumption
and consumption")! Marcuse has warned that humans are becoming as "one
dimensional" as a tool. Erich Fromm like Diogen, is searching in the town
for a "conscious person". Camuss is raising his voice to say that a
"plague" is becoming an epidemic in "Oran" and in the
"temple of civilization", innocent children are dying of a mysterious
disease. John Isolet is talking about the "armed prince" who is
suffering from an "incurable disease".
The Conscious Sculptor of the Netherlands, in a square of the
new city of Netherdome, has designed the sculpture of a man, but his joints are
falling apart! Eliot and Joyce have described the idol (Trezi) as a
hermaphrodite taken from old Greek stories as a symbol of today's man! Eugene
lonesko describes the disasterous situation of a man where the "Khannas"
has entered his spirit and changes him to a Rhinoceros! Kafka describes the
picture of a man who was supposed to be the representative of God and was
given His spirit. Then he shows how he changes totally. Yes, the "The Picture of
Dorian Gray" is not a picture of Standal but a picture of an alienated man.
Take advantage of the dawn and escape - Oh you, conscious victim of the tragedy!
 | Since the dark night is "covering everywhere"! |
 | Since the "clever magicians are whispering in the hearts"! |
 | Since "those jealous people are the puppets of the night magicians and the
friends are serving the enemies"! |
Seek refuge in the God of dawn to kill the dark by rising the sun in Mina. And watch!
 | Since the false gods have returned cleverly masked by a popular army and secret arms. |
Oh "heir of Abel", "avenger of your father's murderer" - Cain is
not dead! Oh "heir of Adam" "to whom the angels prostrated" - Satan is
revenging now! Get away from this evil that has three faces, seven colors, seventy
thousand tricks and "whispers in the hearts of people".
Seek refuge in Allah, "God of the dawn", "Owner of the
people", "King of the people" and "Love of the people". And you,
Oh Hajj remain in Mina after the "Id of Sacrifice" and shoot the three idols
seven times everyday! Everyday is like the day of immolation, every month is like
Zul-Hijjah and every land is like Mina and ... life is like Hajj!
| |