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Ibrahim and the Wives of the Prophet
Effect of the Conquest of Makkah upon the Peninsula
Muhammad returned to Madinah after his
conquest of Makkah, his victory at Hunayn, and his siege of al Ta‘if. He
had convinced all that no power could match his power within the Arabian
Peninsula and that no tongue might henceforth vituperate him or spread any
false information regarding himself or his cause. Both al Ansar and al
Muhajirun returned heartened with joy that God had crowned His prophet's
endeavor with such success; that He enabled Muhammad to conquer the city
of the holy Mosque, that He guided its people to Islam ; and that He
inspired all Arab tribes to pledge their allegiance, loyalty and obedience
to him. They all returned to Madinah in order to settle down in peace.
Muhammad had taken care to appoint `Attab ibn Usayd as governor of Umm al
Qura, or Makkah, and Mu'adh ibn Jabal as teacher of the people in matters
of religion and in the Qur'an. This victory, the like of which the whole
history of Arabia and all its traditions have never known, left a profound
impression upon the Arabs. Whether lords and masters of land and cities,
men to whom it had never occurred that a day might come when they would be
subject to Muhammad or accept his faith as their religion, or poets who
labored as mouthpieces of those masters in exchange for their patronage
and protection, or, finally, simple tribesmen for whom personal freedom
was till death the most priceless possession, the Arabs were all strongly
affected by the conquest of Makkah, Hunayn and the siege of al Ta'if. To
one and all, it now seemed that the poetry of the poets, the mastery of
the chieftains, and the personal freedom of the tribesmen were all to no
avail before the tremendous power of Muhammad and his followers.
Conversion of Ka'b ibn Zuhayr
Muhammad's success among the Arabs of
the Peninsula influenced them so profoundly that Bujayr ibn Zuhayr wrote a
letter to his brother, Ka'b, after the Prophet's withdrawal from al Ta'if,
informing him that Muhammad had killed a number of men in Makkah who had
slandered his reputation by spreading false rumors concerning him. Bujayr,
after informing his brother that a number of these men had run away in all
directions, advised him to hurry to Madinah to give himself up and repent.
He assured him that the Prophet would not kill anyone who came to him
repentent and warned him that unless he was prepared to do so, he should
escape to the most distant place on earth to remain alive. Bujayr had
indeed told the truth. Muhammad commanded the execution of only four
persons, one of whom was a poet who had vituperated the Prophet severely,
and two of whom had hurt his daughter, Zaynab, when with her husband's
permission, she sought to emigrate to Makkah to join her father. Ka'b
recognized the veracity and timeliness of his brother's advice; and,
anxious not to spend the rest of his life as an outlaw, he hurried to
Madinah, spent the night at a friend's house, and came to the Prophet in
the morning at the mosque to declare his conversion and pledge his
allegiance. In the Prophet's presence, Ka'b recited his famous poem which
opened with the verse: "Great distance now separates me from Su'ad.
My heart is orphaned and bereaved. It awaits the sacrifice which will
ransom my beloved." The Prophet forgave him and he became a good
Conversion of Zayd al Khayl and Others
Another consequence of the same
influence was that the tribes began to come to the Prophet to pledge their
allegiance. Such was the case of a delegation headed by Zayd al Khayl who
came to Madinah to pledge allegiance of the tribe of Tay'. Muhammad gave
the delegation a fair welcome, conversed with their leader, and was so
well pleased with him that he said: "No Arab has ever been praised
before me but that when I finally met him I discovered that his eulogy
surpassed his reality, except Zayd al Khayl concerning whom I had heard
less than I have found." The Prophet then changed the name of his
guest from Zayd a1 Khayl (meaning literally, "increase of
horses") to Zayd al Khayr ("increase of goodness"), and the
whole tribe of Tay' entered into Islam under Zayd's leadership.
'Adiyy ibn Hatim al Ta'iy was a
Christian who felt the strongest hatred for Muhammad. As he witnessed the
rise of the Prophet and the Muslims and the spread of their dominion over
the Peninsula, he loaded his goods, family, and children on his camel and
joined his fellow Christians in al Sham. Indeed, 'Adiyy escaped at the
very time that 'Ali ibn Abu Talib destroyed, at the Prophet's command, the
idol of Tay' and seized a number of captives, including the daughter of
Hatim and sister of 'Adiyy and a large amount of booty. 'Adiyy's sister
was brought to Madinah and was held in the captives' quarters by the
Mosque's gate. As the Prophet passed through the gate one day, she said to
him from behind the bars: "O Prophet of God! My father has perished
and my supporter has deserted. Be merciful to me, that God may be merciful
to you." When the Prophet learned that her supporter was 'Adiyy ibn
Hatim al Ta'iy, the escapee, he refused to talk to her. She tried once
more, and this time she succeeded. In conversation, the Prophet mentioned
to her her father's old prestige and noble reputation in pre-Islamic days.
He praised him for the good name his hospitality had given to all Arabs.
The Prophet then granted her her freedom, gave her respectable clothes and
pocket money to satisfy her other needs, and sent her to her people with
the first al Sham-bound caravan. Upon joining her brother, she mentioned
to him the noble treatment Muhammad had accorded her. 'Adiyy was so
impressed by the Prophet's chivalry that he returned with her to Madinah
and joined the ranks of Islam immediately.
Likewise, following the conquest of
Makkah, the victory of al Sham, and the siege of al Ta'if, the great and
the poor, the tribes and the individuals, all came to Muhammad to
acknowledge his mission and to convert to Islam. In the meantime, Muhammad
remained in Madinah and, feeling reassured that God has given him victory,
he enjoyed a measure of peaceful existence.
Muhammad's Bereavement
The measure of peaceful existence which
Muhammad enjoyed was not to last. His daughter, Zaynab, was seriously ill.
After al Huwayrith and Habbar hurt her when she attempted to emigrate from
Makkah, Zaynab suffered from a miscarriage from which she never recovered.
With her loss, Muhammad's only surviving child was Fatimah, for Umm
Kulthum and Ruqayyah had passed away earlier. Muhammad was saddened by the
loss of Zaynab. He surely appreciated her compassionate disposition and
loyalty to her husband, Abu al 'As! ibn al Rabi`, whom she had ransomed
after his fall as captive at the Battle of Badr with jewelry her father
had given her on her wedding. It did not matter that she, a Muslim, sought
to ransom her husband, an unbeliever; nor that this unbeliever husband had
fought against her father in a battle in which, had the Quraysh been
victorious, Muhammad would have surely lost his life. The Prophet praised
Zaynab's good disposition and strong loyalty to her husband, and bemoaned
her suffering from sickness during the whole time since her emigration
from Makkah. It is no wonder that he felt bereaved at her loss. He felt
the same deep concern for the well-being and happiness of others. It was
his nature to sympathize with every sufferer, every bereaved, and to take
the trouble to go everywhere within and outside of Madinah to visit the
sick, console the destitute, and reassure the wounded. The hand of fate
had here touched his own daughter. His tragedy was not the first of its
kind, but the fifth, as he had previously lost two of his daughters and
two sons. If he had found in God's favorable disposition toward him a
measure of consolation, he surely well deserved it.
The Birth of Ibrahim, Muhammad's Son
Soon, Muhammad's loss was to be
compensated. Mariyah, his Coptic wife, gave birth to a son whom Muhammad
called Ibrahim after the ancestor father of the Arabs as well as of
hanifism and Islam. Until that day, and since the Archbishop of Alexandria
had presented her to the Prophet, Mariyah had the status of a slave. She
did not enjoy the benefits of a living quarter by the mosque as did the
other wives of the Prophet, "the Mothers of Believers." Muhammad
had provided Mariyah with a second-story residence in one of the outskirts
of Madinah, called today Mashrabat Umm Ibrahim. Her house, which was
surrounded with vineyards, was where Muhammad used to visit her every now
and then. He had chosen her for himself and gave her sister Sirin to
Hassan ibn Thabit. Muhammad did not expect to have any more children as
none of his wives except the late Khadijah had ever conceived, though some
of them were quite young and capable of bearing children. When Mariyah
gave birth to Ibrahim, the event brought to Muhammad, a man past sixty
years of age, great joy and filled his heart with reassurance and
jubilation. By giving birth to a child, the status of Mariyah was raised
in the Prophet's esteem; he now looked upon her as a free wife, indeed, as
one enjoying a most favored position.
Jealousy of the Prophet's Wives
It was natural that this change would
incite no little jealousy among his other wives who continued to be
barren. It was also natural that the Prophet's esteem and affection for
the newborn child and his mother increased that jealousy. Moreover,
Muhammad had liberally, rewarded Salma, the wife of Abu Rafi`, for her
role as midwife. He celebrated the birth by giving away a measure of grain
to all the destitute of Madinah. He assigned the newborn to the care of
Umm Sayf, a wet nurse, who owned seven goats whose milk she was to put at
the disposal of the newborn. Every day Muhammad would visit the house of
Mariyah in order to take another look at his son's radiant face and to
reassure himself of the newborn's continued health and growth. All this
incited the strongest jealousy among the barren wives. The question was,
how far would these wives be able to bear the constant challenge?
One day, with the pride characteristic
of new parents, the Prophet carried his son on his arm and walked into `A'ishah's
quarters in order to show him to her. He pointed out to her his great
resemblance to his offspring. `A'ishah looked at the baby and said that
she saw no resemblance at all. When the Prophet observed how much the
child was growing, `A'ishah responded waspishly that any child given the
amount of milk which Ibrahim was getting would grow just as big and strong
as he. Indeed, the birth of Ibrahim brought such disaffection to the wives
of the Prophet as would go beyond these and similar unfriendly answers. It
reached such proportions that revelation itself voiced a special
condemnation. Undoubtedly, the whole affair had left its imprint on the
life of Muhammad as well as on the history of Islam.
Such far-reaching effects were natural
in the circumstances. For Muhammad had granted to his wives a position
hitherto unknown in Arabia. `Umar ibn al Khattab said, "By God, in
pre-Islamic days, we never gave consideration to our women. It was only
after God had revealed in their regard what He did that we started to do
so. My wife came once seeking to dissuade me from doing what I had planned
to do. When I answered her that this was none of her business, she said:
`How strange of you, `Umar ibn al Khattab! You refuse to be told anything
whereas your daughter may criticize her husband, the Prophet of God-may
God's peace and blessing be upon him-and do so so strongly that he remains
worried the whole day long.' Upon hearing this, I took my mantle and went
straight to my daughter, Hafsah, and said to her: `0 my daughter, is it
true that you criticize the Prophet of God and do so so strongly that he
remains worried the whole day long?' Hafsah answered: `Indeed, I and his
other wives do criticize him.' I said: `You had better be warned that this
will bring both the punishment of God and the wrath of His Prophet upon
you. O Daughter, do not be deceived by that woman who became too proud of
herself because of her beauty or Muhammad's love for her.' I left my
daughter and went to visit Umm Salamah, another wife of the Prophet and a
close relative of mine. Upon asking her the same question, Umm Salamah
replied: `How strange of you, O Ibn al Khattab ! Are you going to
interfere in everything, even in the Prophet's own domestic
affairs?"' `Umar continued: "With this I was utterly rebuffed
and I abandoned every thought I had entertained." Muslim has related
in his Sahih that Abu Bakr once sought the permission of the
Prophet to visit him, and so did `Umar. Upon entrance into the Prophet's
living quarters, they found him sitting still and silent, surrounded by
his wives. After announcing that he was about to break the silence with a
story which he hoped the Prophet would find entertaining, he said: "O
Prophet of God, if the daughter of Kharijah, [As in the Sahih
of Muslim. In the account of Tabari there is no
mention of a wife of 'Umar by this name. In Ruh
al Ma,'ani of Allnsi, the same statement by 'Umar
names "The daughter of Zayd" instead.]
i.e., my wife, were ever seen or heard asking me for money, I would surely
pull her hair." The Prophet laughed, saying, "Here are my wives
surrounding me and asking me for money." Immediately, Abu Bakr rose
to his daughter `A'ishah and pulled her hair and so did `Umar to his
daughter, Hafsah. Both Abu Bakr and `Umar said to their daughters:
"Do you dare ask the Prophet of God what he cannot afford to
give?" They answered: "No, by God, we do not ask him any such
thing." Actually, Abu Bakr and `Umar had sought to see the Prophet
because the latter was conspicuously absent at the previous prayer in the
mosque, and the Muslims had asked one another the cause of his absence. It
was in connection with this conversation between Abu Bakr and `Umar and
their daughters that the following verse was revealed

"O Prophet, tell your wives that in
case they want the pleasures of this world and its ornaments, you will
give them their freedom and send them on their way in fairness that they
may elsewhere seek what they desire. But if they want God, His Prophet,
and the other world, then remind them that God has prepared for the
virtuous among them a great reward." [Qur'an,
The Wives Plotting
As a matter of fact, the wives of the
Prophet went as far as to plot against their husband. Muhammad was in the
habit of visiting them immediately after the mid-afternoon prayer.
According to one report, he once visited Hafsah (or Zaynab, daughter of
Jahsh according to another version) and paid her an unusually long visit.
This made all the other wives jealous. `A'ishah reported: "Hafsah and
I plotted together that any wife whom the Prophet-May God's peace and
blessing be upon him -will visit will complain to him that she finds his
breath undesirable, and will ask him whether he has eaten any maghafir (i.e.,
sweets with bad smells, and the Prophet could not stand bad smells). As he
entered upon one of his wives, she asked him that question to which he
answered: "No, but I have taken some honey at the quarters of Zaynab,
which I will never do again." Having agreed to the plot of `A'ishah
and Hafsah, Sawdah related that when the Prophet approached her, she asked
him whether he ate any maghafir to which he answered,
"No." She asked him: "Where then does this bad odor come
from?" Muhammad replied: "Hafsah gave me a little honey, so then
it must be that the bees that made that honey had picked it up from the
blooms of the awful tree which produces the maghafir." When he
entered upon `A'ishah, the latter repeated to him the question of Sawdah,
which he heard again from Safiyyah, whereupon he vowed never to touch that
honey again. Upon hearing the other wives' reports, Sawdah said: "May
God be praised! We have deprived him of something he truly likes." `A'ishah,
however, looked askance at Sawdah and asked her to keep quiet.
Since the Prophet granted to his wives
such an unusual position at a time when Arab women amounted to nothing at
all in society, it was natural for his wives to abuse the liberty which
none of their peers had known before, a liberty which went so far as to
enable any of them to criticize the Prophet so severely as to spoil his
disposition the rest of the day. He often ignored some of his wives, and
avoided others on many occasions, precisely in order to discourage their
abuse of his compassion. Even so, one of them was so moved by jealousy as
to exceed all limits of decency. But when Mariyah gave birth to Ibrahim,
they were incensed. They lost all the composure and self-mastery which
Muhammad had for years been trying to instill into them. It was for this
reason that `A'ishah had gone to the extreme of denying all resemblance
between him and his son, a denial which amounted to an accusation of
adultery on the part of the innocent Mariyah.
Their Rebellion
One day Hafsah went to her father's
house complaining about this situation. While the Prophet was in her room,
Mariyah came to him and stayed with him some time. Upon Hafsah's return
she found the Prophet and Mariyah in her quarters and, as she waited for
them to come out, her jealousy broke all bounds. When, finally, Mariyah
left the quarters and Hafsah entered, she said to the Prophet: "I
have seen who was here. By God, that was an insult to me. You would not
have dared do that if I amounted to anything at all in your eyes." At
the moment Muhammad realized that such deep-lying jealousy might even move
Hafsah to broadcast what she had seen among the other wives. In an attempt
to please her, Muhammad promised that he would not go unto Mariyah if she
would only refrain from broadcasting what she had seen. Hafsah promised to
comply. However, she could not keep her promise as jealousy continued to
affect her disposition. Hence, she intimated the secret to `A'ishah, who
in turn reported it to the Prophet. He took it as evidence of Hafsah's
failure to keep her promise. Perhaps the affair did not stop with Hafsah
and `A'ishah but spread to the other wives. Perhaps, too, all of them had
noticed the high esteem in which Mariyah was held and sympathized with `A'ishah
and Hafsah's opposition to the Prophet. There is nothing unusual in the
whole story, such gossip and petty jealousies being commonplace between
man and his many wives. A man's affection belongs where he puts it within
his household, and the controversy which the daughters of Abu Bakr and 'Umar
had woven around the Prophet's affection for Mariyah was utterly
groundless. Previously we had seen that some disaffection had risen
between the Prophet and his wives on various occasions because of the
pocket money he allocated to them, or because of the honey Zaynab used to
serve. Therefore, they had all the more reason to feel slighted and no
little alienated when they discovered their husband's inclination toward 'A'ishah
or his esteem for Mariyah.
An explosion was soon to come. One day,
while the Prophet was staying with 'A'ishah, his other wives delegated
Zaynab, daughter of Jahsh, to go in and, in their name, to accuse him of
injustice and unfairness to them, and to plead that his love for `A'ishah
was a violation of the code which he himself had set down of a day and
night for each of his wives. On the other hand, realizing that the Prophet
did not care very much for her charms, and being no longer anxious to
please him, Sawdah had given up her day and night to `A'ishah. But Zaynab
was not satisfied with expressing the other wives' indignation at this
apparent injustice. She attacked `A'ishah personally. The latter was
anxious to defend herself, but kept still in response to the Prophet's
reconciliating pleas. Seeing that `A'ishah was defenseless, Zaynab went to
excess in her accusations, and the Prophet finally had to permit his
favorite wife to take her defense into her own hands. `A'ishah spoke out
with great eloquence in refuting Zaynab's claims. The Prophet listened
with obvious satisfaction and admired the perspicacity of Abu Bakr's
Indeed, favoritism for some of his wives
had created such controversy and antagonism among the "Mothers of the
Believers" that Muhammad once thought of divorcing some of them, but
they soon agreed to let him distribute his favors as he pleased. When
Mariyah gave birth to Ibrahim, their jealousy was at its strongest,
especially in the case of `A'ishah. Certainly, Muhammad's leniency and
gentleness encouraged rebellion, and the new status which he had conferred
upon women in society fanned their vanity. Muhammad, however, was not free
to spend his time dealing with household problems. The need soon came to
be felt for a decisive lesson to reestablish discipline and to liberate
him for teaching the message and fulfilling the mission of his prophethood.
Hence, he decided to ignore his wives and, indeed, to threaten them with
divorce. A lesson had to be taught to them, and the time had apparently
come for a decision. Either these women were to return to reason or they
would be given their freedom in a mutually convenient divorce.
The Prophet's Separation from His Wives
Muhammad isolated himself from all his
women for a full month and refused to talk about them to anyone. Nor did
anyone dare talk to him concerning them. During this month, his mind was
absorbed by his mission and the requirement of carrying the message of
Islam beyond the Arabian Peninsula. Abu Bakr, `Umar, and his other in-laws
as well, were deeply concerned over the sad fate that awaited the
"Mothers of the Believers" now that they had exposed themselves
to the anger of the Prophet and the consequent punishment of God. It was
even said that Muhammad had divorced Hafsah, `Umar's daughter, after she
had divulged the secret she had promised to keep. The marketplace of
Madinah hummed with rumors about the impending divorce of the Prophet's
wives. The wives, for their part, were repentent and apprehensive. They
regretted that their jealousy of one another had carried them away, that
they had abused and harmed their gentle husband who was to each one of
them at all times an elder brother, a compassionate father, a nearest kin,
and the best of everything that might be hoped for in this life and the
next. Muhammad spent most of his time in a storeroom he owned, placing his
servant Rabah at its doorstep as long as he was inside. Therein he used to
sleep on a very hard bed of coarse date branches.
`Umar's Reconciliation of the Prophet and His Wives
At the end of the month during which
Muhammad vowed to separate himself from his wives, the Muslims were
despondent over the prospect of Muhammad's domestic affairs. Many signs of
dejection and sorrow were apparent on their faces as they gathered in the
mosque. `Umar ibn al Khattab sought out the Prophet in his isolation. He
went to the storeroom and called out to his servant, Rabah, asking for
permission to enter. Rabah went in to speak to the Prophet but came out
silent, a sign that Muhammad did not wish to see anyone. `Umar asked once
more. Once more Rabah went in and came out silent. At this, `Umar raised
his voice that the Prophet might hear and, repeating his request for an
audience, said: "O Rabah, seek permission for me to see the Prophet
of God. I fear that he thinks that I have come to intercede for my
daughter, Hafsah. By God, if he were to ask me to strike off her head, I
would do so without hesitation." The Prophet then permitted him to
enter. He came in, sat down as his eyes roved around the room, and began
to cry. Muhammad asked him why he was crying. Actually `Umar cried out of
severe shock at seeing the Prophet lying on the only piece of furniture in
the room, the miserable straw mat, whose pattern of weaving had imprinted
itself on the Prophet's side. He cried out of compassion for the Prophet's
isolation in a room absolutely empty except for a little barley, a skin,
and a small container of water. After hearing `Umar's explanation,
Muhammad taught him a lesson on the necessity of renouncing the pleasures
of the world in order to achieve inner peace. `Umar then said: "O
Prophet of God, what difficulties do your wives present? If you have truly
lost them through divorce, you still have God, His angels Jibril and
Mikhail, Abu Bakr and me, and all the Muslims on your side." He kept
on talking to the Prophet in this vein until the latter felt pleased and
even smiled. As the Prophet's mood changed for the better, `Umar told him
about the despondency of the Muslims gathered in the mosque and their
bemoaning of his separation from his wives. The Prophet explained that he
had not divorced his wives but that he meant only to teach them a lesson.
`Umar immediately asked for and was granted permission to inform the
Muslims waiting in the mosque. He hurried thither to announce the good
news that the Prophet of God-May God's peace and blessing be upon him -had
not divorced his wives. It was in connection with this incident that the
following verses of the Qur'an were revealed
"O Prophet, why do you forbid
yourself that which God has made legitimate for you, namely, to seek to
please your wives? God is certainly compassionate and merciful. God has
made it legitimate for you to release yourself from your vows. He is your
Lord, and He is the All-Wise and All-Knowing. The Prophet had intimated
information to one of his wives, but she did not keep the secret. When God
brought knowledge to the Prophet of her insincerity, and the Prophet
blamed her for it, her asking who had told him the news thus divulged her
secret. The Prophet answered that God, the All-Knowing and Omniscient, had
informed him of the deed. If the insincere wife and her insincere
confidante were to repent to God and purify their thoughts, then they
would be forgiven. But if they persist in striving against him, then God
will compensate him with His friendship, with that of Jibril, Salih, the
believers and angels, who will assist him in his plight. In case he should
divorce his wives, God might even replace them with better ones, with
women who are Muslims, believing, pious, repentant, and virtuous, whether
widowed or virgins." [Qur'an,
30:1-5] With this
revelation, the whole affair was brought to a close. The wives of the
Prophet, having regained their wisdom and common sense, returned to their
husband repentant, pious, and confirmed in their faith. Once reconciled by
their repentance, Muhammad returned to his wives and his domestic life
resumed its peace-the necessary prerequisite for any man with a mission to
The Judgment of Critical Historiography
In my opinion, the foregoing is the true
account of the story of Muhammad's self-imposed isolation from his wives,
of the choice he gave them, of the incidents which led to his isolation as
well as of its causes and consequences. This account is confirmed by all
the evidence of the books of Qur'anic exegesis and of Hadith, as well as
by the accounts of various biographies. The fact remains, however, that
not one of these biographies has presented all these data in the proper
sequence, beginning with the causes and ending with the consequences in
the manner we have done here. Most of the biographers have passed by this
matter too quickly and too simplistically. They give the impression that
they found the material too rough to handle. Some accounts have pondered
the story of the honey and maghafir at length but have omitted to
point to the affair of Hafsah and Mariyah. As for the Orientalists, they
regard the story of Hafsah and Mariyah and the former's divulgence to `A'ishah
of the secret she promised to keep as the cause of all that had happened.
Their purpose is precisely to add to their already alienated readers
further occasion to condemn the Arab Prophet by presenting him as a
shameless runner after women. It is also my considered opinion that the
Muslim historians are not justified in ignoring these incidents, or in
omitting to examine all the data available with a view to giving them an
objective interpretation. That is what we have sought to do here, though
only in part. While the mistake of the Muslim historians was to
underestimate the importance of these events, that of the western
Orientalists is to exaggerate their importance, to violate historiographic
precision, and to vent their Christian prejudice. Genuine historical
criticism will not attribute to any man as great as Muhammad such a petty
conduct as would be implied by referring his self-imposed exile solely to
Hafsah's divulgence of a domestic secret to `A'ishah. In fact, Muhammad
had nothing to hide since the women in question were all his own
legitimate wives. Indeed, whatever the nature of that domestic secret, it
is too insignificant to cause Muhammad to threaten to divorce all his
wives. Genuine historical criticism would also refuse to explain these
events as due to the "honey" affair. A man as great, forbearing,
and compassionate as Muhammad, as all historians and biographers
acknowledge, would not regard such incidents as justifying a whole month's
isolation, let alone divorce. The critical attitude is satisfied only when
all these incidents are arranged in such historical sequence as would not
violate the causal interrelationships between them. Only such
history-writing satisfies the requirements of objectivity and presents its
data as elements in factual interrelationships acceptable to reason. The
arrangement we have given these events seems to us to have achieved
precisely this, and to accord perfectly with what is known of Muhammad's
wisdom, greatness, determination and farsightedness.
Refutation of the Orientalists' Claim
Referring to some of the verses at the
beginning of surah "Al Tahrim" quoted above, some
orientalists argue that none of the holy books of the Orient make any
mention of domestic problems such as those of Muhammad. I do not think we
need to quote here the similar stories and accounts of other scriptures.
Suffice it to mention here the People of Lot and their argument with the
two angelic visitors of Lot, the story of Lot's wife and her vagrancies.
Indeed, the Torah does tell the story of Lot's two daughters, of their
deliberately intoxicating their father with wine that he might commit
incest and save their seed, and how they then suffered the punishment they
deserved. We may say that in fact, contrary to the Orientalists claim, all
the holy books have told stories about the prophets and have given
accounts of what happened to them so that they might serve as examples for
the education of mankind. Likewise, the Qur'an tells many stories for the
same purpose, stories which God related to His prophets for the best of
purposes. The Qur'an was not revealed for Muhammad's benefit alone but for
that of all men. Muhammad is a prophet and a messenger preceded by many
prophets and messengers, some of whose tales the Qur'an took upon itself
to tell. That the Qur'an should find it fitting to tell some of the
stories of Muhammad's life and to give some account of his biography to
provide examples for the education of Muslims, and that it should find it
fitting to give aspects of Muhammad's wise, pious, and virtuous conduct so
that the Muslims might find in him an example to emulate, is no different
from the contents and purpose of any other holy book. Moreover, what the
Qur'an reported about Muhammad is not different in content or purpose from
what it reported of the lives of the former prophets. If, therefore, it is
now asserted that Muhammad isolated himself from his wives, not for any
single reason deducible from that fact, nor for Hafsah's divulgence to `A'ishah
of Muhammad's legitimate love for Mariyah-a right which belongs to any man
toward his free and slave wives-this would not be far from the truth. But
it does expose the Orientalists whose claim stands on the shallowest
grounds and whose historiography flies in the face of the biographical
data common to all holy scriptures.

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