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The `Umrah or Lesser Pilgrimage
The Muslims' March to Makkah
A full year had passed since the Treaty
of al Hudaybiyah. Muhammad and his companions were accordingly free to
enter Makkah and to visit the Ka'bah under the terms of that treaty. The
Prophet, therefore, proclaimed to the people that they might now prepare
themselves to go to Makkah for performance of the lesser pilgrimage. It is
easy to appreciate the enthusiasm of the Muslims in response to Muhammad's
call. Many among them, the Muhajirun, were emigrants from Makkah who had
left their hometown seven years ago. Others, the Ansar, conducted wide
trade with Makkah and felt great love and loyalty to the holy sanctuary
which they longed to visit. Those who responded to Muhammad's call
exceeded two thousand in number. Hence, there were six hundred or more
than in the previous year. In compliance with the terms of the Hudaybiyah
Treaty, none of them carried any arms except his sword which he kept in
its scabbard. Muhammad feared treachery. He therefore equipped a hundred
cavalrymen and assigned them to Muhammad ibn Maslamah. He instructed them
to reconnoiter the fields ahead of the procession of Muslims but not to
tread on the holy, ground surrounding Makkah. His order was that they
should turn to a nearby valley as soon as they reached the canyon of al
Zahran. The Muslims herded before them the sacrificial animals; the entire
procession was led by Muhammad riding his she-camel, al Qaswa. They set
out from Madinah in the direction of Makkah moved by the strongest emotion
to circumambulate the House of God and to see the places where they were
born. Each longed to visit the house and quarter where he had grown up and
played as a child. They were quite anxious to visit their old friends whom
they had had no opportunity to see during those long years, and, in short,
to breathe the air of their dear homeland. The non-Makkan Muslims were
equally anxious to see and touch this blessed holy city which had brought
out the Prophet of God and in which the revelation of God was first heard.
One can imagine this great procession of Muslims numbering over two
thousand, pushing forward toward Makkah with their hearts practically
leaping out of their breasts in exaltation and reverence. At every
opportunity, a pilgrim would tell his companion what he knew of Makkah and
would recall nostalgically the days of his childhood or youth in that
city. He would tell about his friends that were still there and the wealth
and property which he had abandoned for the sake of God when he left it.
One can imagine this unique procession animated by faith, indeed bursting
with religious enthusiasm, pulling forward toward the universally revered
sanctuary. The reader may well imagine the jubilation of this procession
of men who for the last seven years had been prevented from performing
this sacred duty but who were now certain they could enter Makkah in
peace, with shaven head or cut hair, for an opportunity to re-express
their loyalty to God.
The Quraysh Evacuate the City
The Quraysh learned of the arrival of
Muhammad and his companions, and they evacuated the whole town as the
treaty demanded. They removed themselves with their families to the hills
surrounding Makkah where they erected tents for this purpose. Those who
could not afford tents spent the time in the shade of trees. From the
mountains of Abu Qubays and Hira' as well as from every mound or hill
surrounding Makkah , the Makkans looked down upon their city which
appeared to be invaded by this "refugee" and his companions. The
Muslims entered the city without resistance, indeed without meeting any
Makkans at all, and they poured into the sanctuary. They entered from the
north led by Muhammad on the back of al Qaswa' whose reins were held by
`Abdullah ibn Rawahah. The Prophet was surrounded by his elder companions,
and behind him followed the rank and file of Muslims, whether mounted or
on foot. When the Holy house came into view, every Muslim tongue was
loosened with a single call: "At Your command, O Lord! At Your
command, O Lord!" Their hearts and souls were totally turned to God,
the Lord of Majesty.
Circumambulation of the Sacred House
In surrounding the Prophet the
multitudes expressed their hope and reverence to the man whom God had sent
to convey His guidance and true religion and whom He promised to vindicate
against the adherents of all other religions. In truth, it must have been
a unique and truly great spectacle, defying history itself. Upon
witnessing it, even those most obstinate in their paganism or hostility to
Islam were softened and even attracted to the new faith. Such a spectacle
simply mesmerized the Makkans. The voice of the Muslims calling, "At
your command, O Lord!" rocked the horizon as well as their ears and
hearts. When the Prophet reached the Ka'bah he wrapped his mantle under
his right arm, baring his shoulder and praying, "O God, have mercy on
anyone performing this rite today and showing the enemy a side of his
spiritual strength!" He then stopped near the black stone to begin
circumambulation of the House. Followed by his companions and going at a
trotting pace, Muhammad circumambulated the holy shrine three times,
pausing whenever he reached the black stone at each turn. The Muslims, all
two thousand of them, followed Muhammad in every move while the Quraysh
were looking upon them from the height of Abu Qubays. Undoubtedly, the
Quraysh were stupefied by what they saw. Every notion they previously
entertained of the Muslims' weakness, exhaustion, and moral bankruptcy was
shattered. In the enthusiasm of the moment, `Abdullah ibn Rawahah wanted
to challenge the Quraysh by shouting a war cry at them. But he was stopped
by `Umar. The Prophet then advised him to recite the following prayer
instead: "There is no God but God alone. He is always true to His
word. He it is Who gave victory to His servant, Who reinforced His army,
Who defeated all the allies assembled against His people." Ibn
Rawahah recited this prayer at the top of his voice, and the Muslims, in
repeating these words after him rocked the horizons thereby and inspired
terror in the hearts of all the spectators of this ritual.
The Muslims' Sojourn in Makkah
When the Muslims completed their
circumambulation of the Ka'bah, Muhammad led them toward al Safa and al
Marwah [Two hills outside of
Makkah, between which Hagar ran a
number of times to and fro in search of water for her thirsty son, Isma'il. It
was part of the pre-Islamic pilgrimage as well as the Islamic pilgrimage to
Makkah to reenact this anxious running between these two hills and thereby pay
tribute to Isma'il, the common ancestor, founder of Makkah and co-builder of the
Ka'bah with his father, Ibrahim. -Tr.]. There, he covered the distance
between the two hills seven times mounted on his camel, just as the Arabs
used to do, and then proceeded to slaughter the sacrificial animals at al
Marwah. He then shaved his head and thereby completed the duty of the `umrah
or lesser pilgrimage. On the morrow, Muhammad entered into the Ka'bah and
there remained until noon. Despite the fact that the Ka'bah was still full
of idols, Bilal ascended to its top, gave the call to the noon prayer and,
led by the Prophet, the two thousand Muslims held the noon prayer around
the Holy House. It should be remembered that for seven years the
Muslims had been prevented from performing their religious functions in
the sanctuary. The Muslims remained in Makkah three whole days as the
Treaty of Hudaybiyah prescribed, and during these days, not a Makkan
remained in town or came to it. The Muslims roamed throught the city
without suffering any harm or being obstructed by anyone. The Muhajirun
among them visited their old houses, showing them to their Madinese
companions, the Ansar, and generally behaving as if they were the real
hosts to them. Everyone, by complying with every function Islam prescribed
for the day, deepened his Islamic awareness and effaced every trace of
pre-Islamic vanity. The Muslims were charitable to one another, the strong
among them helping the weak, the rich giving to the poor, and the Prophet
moving among them as a loving and beloved father, meeting the smile of the
one, reconciling the other, and teaching the truth to all. The Quraysh and
all other Makkans, looking down from their tents on the mountains,
pondered the behavior of the Muslims. They observed that the Muslims were
extremely good to one another, that they displayed exemplary nobility and
morality, never touching intoxicating drink, neither doing evil nor
allowing food, drink, or treasure ever to tempt them. They could not be
seen disobeying God's commandments even once. What effect did such a
spectacle have on the Makkans? What could they think of this new religion
which raised man to the greatest heights of spirituality and virtue
possible? It is easy for the reader to appreciate the awe and admiration
for Islam all this inspired. Only a few months later, Muhammad returned at
the head of an army of ten thousand Muslims; but Makkah opened its gates
without a struggle.
Muhammad's Marriage to Maymunah
Umm al Fadl, the wife of al `Abbas ibn `Abd
al Muttalib, the uncle of the Prophet, had been asked by her sister
Maymunah to be her agent in seeking a husband. Maymunah was twenty-six
years old, and she was the aunt of Khalid ibn al Walid. Umm al Fadl
delegated her function to her husband al `Abbas. When Maymunah saw the
Muslims performing the `umrah, she was attracted to Islam and permitted al
'Abbas to talk to Muhammad, his nephew, on the subject of marrying her.
Muhammad agreed and offered her four hundred Dirhams in dowry. In the
meantime, the three days prescribed by the pact of al Hudaybiyah had
passed. Muhammad sought to make of his marriage to Maymanah an occasion to
consolidate the mutual understanding between him and the Quraysh which the
Hudaybiyah Treaty had brought about. When Suhayl ibn `Amr and Huwaytib ibn
`Abd al `Uzza, delegates of the Quraysh, came to Muhammad and asked him to
leave the city because the time allowed by the treaty had expired,
Muhammad asked them that his marriage be performed in Makkah, and invited
Quraysh to attend both the ceremony and the banquet which the Muslims
would prepare for the occasion. Muhammad issued this invitation to them
knowing very well the powerful reconciliatory effect his performance of
the pilgrimage ritual had had on the hearts of the Quraysh. The Prophet
sought to further this feeling by having them participate in a joyous
occasion, one which would undoubtedly furnish the Makkans with further
evidence of Muhammad's sincerity and love of peace. He had hoped that if
he could talk to them leisurely and in an atmosphere such as a wedding
ceremony and banquet would provide, he could further allay their fears
and, perhaps, Makkah would then open its gate and heart freely to its
Muslim children. That was precisely what Suhayl and Huwaytib feared in
Muhammad's invitation. Hence, they answered: "No, we do not need your
food. Please evacuate our city forthwith." Muhammad did not hesitate
to comply with their request because it complied with the terms of the
Treaty, and he called his men to prepare for withdrawal to Madinah. He led
the exodus of the Muslims out of Makkah, leaving behind him his client Abu
Rafi` to take care of Maymunah and to accompany her on her trip
northwards. Maymunah joined the Muslim group at Sarif outside of Makkah,
where Muhammad married her. Maymunah hence became a "Mother of the
Believers," and the last wife of the Prophet. She survived him by
fifty years, and before she died she asked to be buried at the site of her
wedding. Muhammad took under his care the two sisters of Maymunah, namely
Salma, widow of his uncle Hamzah, and `Imarah al Bikr, who never married.
Conversion of Khalid ibn al Walid and Others
The Muslims returned to their residence
in Madinah. Muhammad did not doubt that the pilgrimage which he and his
companions had just performed had made the greatest possible favorable
effect upon the Quraysh and all the Makkans. The subsequent days proved
Muhammad's expectations. Indeed, as soon as the Muslims had left Makkah,
Khalid ibn al Walid, the greatest soldier of the Quraysh and the hero of
the Battle of Uhud, said to his fellow Makkans : "It has become
absolutely clear to any person with the least intelligence that Muhammad
is neither a poet possessed nor a magician inspired. His words are truly
the words of God, of the Lord of the Universe. It follows then that every
man with common sense ought to follow him." `Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl was
alarmed when he heard Khalid say this and said to him in reply: "O
Khalid, you have been brainwashed." Khalid answered, "Neither
brainwashed nor intoxicated, but simply Islamized." `Ikrimah said:
"By God, if any man in Quraysh ought not to say what you have just
said, it is you." Khalid asked, "Why?" and `Ikrimah
answered: "Because Muhammad stained your father's honor when he
wounded him and when he killed your uncle and his son in the Battle of
Badr. By God, I will never allow myself to be Islamized, nor will I ever
allow myself to say such words as you did. Don't you see that the Quraysh
are all ready to fight Muhammad?" To this Khalid replied: "All
you say is ignorant, tribalistic, and shows only the prejudices of
pre-Islam. But now I am a Muslim and the whole truth lies clear before my
eyes." Khalid sent to the Prophet his own mares together with a
message that he had accepted Islam and acknowledged Muhammad as the
Prophet of God. When Abu Sufyan learned of the conversion of Khalid, he
sent for him enquiring whether or not it was true. When Khalid answered in
the affirmative, Abu Sufyan flew into a rage and said: "By al Lat and
al `Uzza, if I were certain I heard you right, I would kill you before I
kill Muhammad." To which Khalid replied, "By God it is the
truth, and you have heard right. Let the consequences be what they
may!" Abu Sufyan rushed toward him but was stopped by `Ikrimah who
witnessed the conversation. The latter said to Abu Sufyan : "Slowly!
By God I, too, would have said exactly what Khalid has just said, and
would have joined his faith, had I not feared the crumbling of the Quraysh.
Now, you seek to kill Khalid because of a view he has just adopted while
the whole of Quraysh has invested him with leadership. I fear that hardly
a season will pass before the whole of Makkah will follow their leader in
his new faith." Khalid left Makkah and came to Madinah where he
joined the ranks of the Muslims.
After Khalid, `Amr ibn al `As and `Uthman
ibn Talhah, the guardian of the Ka'bah, converted to Islam. Many Makkans
followed them after hearing of their conversion to the religion of truth.
With their entry, the power of Islam grew considerably and the conquest of
Makkah by Muhammad became a future certainty.

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