(According to the Qur'an and Sunnah, as extracted and inferred by
scholars of the Hanafi school.)
From "Mukhtasar al-Quduri",
a matn of Hanafi fiqh
(with some rearrangement).
(Evidences are generally omitted for brevity)
 | Fard Rites in Hajj |
 | Wajib Acts in Hajj |
 | The Mawaqit |
 | Entering Ihram |
 | Forbidden Deeds during Ihram |
 | Permissible Deeds during Ihram |
 | Recommended during Ihram |
 | The Tawaf of Arrival |
 | The Sa`y |
 | Going out to Mina |
 | Arafah |
 | Muzdalifah |
 | Pelting Jamrat al-`Aqabah |
 | The Tawaf of Pouring Forth (Ifadah) or Visiting (Ziyarah)
 | Stoning the Jamarat |
 | The Tawaf of Farewell (Wida`) |
 | Special regulations for women |
 | `Umrah Components |
 | Hajj Components |
 | The Sacrificial Blood of Qiran |
 | `Umrah Components |
 | Hajj Components |
 | The Sacrificial Blood of Tamattu` |
 | Transgressions of the Ihram; Sexual
Transgressions |
 | Transgressions in Tawaf |
 | Other Miscellaneous Transgressions |
 | Hunting Transgressions; Killing Game, Other
Hunting Transgressions |
 | Violations of the Haram |
 | Transgressions in Hajj Qiran |
 | Ihsar; Make-up Requirements, Removal of the
Prevention |
 | Fawat |
 | Permissible Animals |
 | Benefitting from Sacrificial Animals |
 | Preparation and Slaughter |
 | Replacement |
 | Obligation |
 | Slaughter |
 | Benefitting from the Sacrifice |
- Hajj is obligatory on free, sane, healthy adults if
 | they are capable of [affording] provision and
transportation, in excess of one’s dwelling, of that which is
essential, and the maintenance of one’s family until the time of his
return, and
 | the way is safe, and
 | for a woman, her having a mahram or husband to perform
hajj with her, is considered. It is not permissible for her to
perform hajj without [these] two if there is between her and Makkah a
distance of three days’ and nights’ journey.
- If a youth attains maturity, or a slave is freed, after
entering ihram, and they continue thus, it does not suffice them for the
Hajj of Islam.
1.1 Fard Rites in Hajj
- Ihram, before any of the other rites.
- Standing at `Arafah, for at least a moment, any time
between the decline of the sun on the 9th of Dhu’l-Hijjah, and the dawn of
the 10th.
- Tawaf of Visiting, after the Standing at `Arafah, with
- Maintaining the order between the fard acts
- Keeping away from sexual intercourse before the Standing.
1.2 Wajib Acts in Hajj
- Standing at Muzdalifah, for at least a moment after dawn on
the 10th of Dhu’l-Hijjah.
- Sa`y (Running between Safa and Marwah)
- Pelting the Jamarat
- Tawaf of Leaving, for other than menstruating women and the
residents of Makkah.
- Cutting or shaving the hair of the head within the Haram,
within the Days of Immolation.
- Not delaying ihram beyond the miqat.
- Keeping away from transgressions of the ihram (sexual
intercourse after the Standing, wearing sewn garments, covering the head
and/or face).
- Prolonging the Standing at `Arafah until after sunset and
after the imam has begun issuing forth.
- Delaying Maghrib and `Isha’ until Muzdalifah
- Not delaying the Tawaf of Visiting beyond the Days of
- Beginning tawaf from the Black Stone.
- Performing tawaf counter-clockwise.
- Performing tawaf around the hatim.
- Walking in tawaf, for one who has no excuse.
- Being in a state of purity during tawaf.
- Covering the nakedness during tawaf.
- Performing two rak`ah after tawaf.
- Beginning Sa`y from Safa
- Walking in Sa`y, for one who has no excuse.
- Performing Sa`y after a valid Tawaf
- Slaughtering a ewe, for one performing tamattu` or qiran.
- Maintaining the order between pelting, slaughtering and
cutting hair.
2.1 The Mawaqit
- The mawaqit which it is not permissible for a person to
pass except in the state of ihram are:
 | for the people of Madinah : Dhu’l-Hulayfah, |
 | for the people of `Iraq : Dhatu-`Irq, |
 | for the people of the Levant (al-Sham) : al-Juhfah, |
 | for the people of Najd : Qarn al-Manazil, |
 | for the people of Yemen : Yalamlam.
- If one entered ihram before these mawaqit, it is valid.
- The miqat of one whose dwelling-place is after the mawaqit,
is al-Hill .
- The miqat of one who is in Makkah is the Haram for hajj and
al-Hill for `umrah.
- The Months of Hajj are : Shawwal, Dhu’-Qa`dah, and the
[first] ten of Dhu’l-Hijjah. But, if one entered ihram for hajj
before this, it is valid, and it counts as hajj [except that he must wait
until the time of hajj to perform the rites].
2.2 Entering Ihram
When one desires to enter ihram, he
- performs ghusl or wudu’, but ghusl is better
- wears two new or washed cloths : an izar (waist-wrapper)
and a rida’ (upper garment).
- applies perfume if he has some
- he prays two rak`ah
- says, Allahumma inni uridu’l-hajja fa-yassirhu li
wa-taqabbalhu minni.
- pronounces talbiyah after his salah.
 | If he is performing hajj alone (ifrad), he intends hajj
with his talbiyah.
 | The talbiyah is that one say : Labbayk-allahumma
labbayk. Labbayk la sharika laka labbayk. Innal-hamda wan-ni`mata
laka wal-mulk. la sharika lak.
 | It is not appropriate to leave out any of these words,
but if one added [something] after them it is permissible. |
2.3 Forbidden Deeds during Ihram
When one has pronounced talbiyah, he has entered ihram, and so
he should keep away from that which Allah has forbidden :
- rafath (sexual intercourse, or sexual talk),
- fusuq (sins) and
- jidal (argument).
- He should not kill game, nor point it out, nor direct to
- He should not wear a shirt, nor pants, nor a turban, nor a
cap, nor a gown.
Nor [should he wear] khuffs unless he cannot find shoes, in which case he
should cut them below the tarsus
- He should not cover his head, nor his face.
- He should not apply perfume.
He should not wash his hair or beard with marsh amllow.
- He should not shave his head, nor his body hair, nor cut
[anything from] his beard, nor [cut] his nails.
- He should not wear a garment died with wirs , saffron or
safflower, unless it has been washed and does not exude fragrance.
2.4 Permissible Deeds during Ihram
There is no harm in :
- performing ghusl
- entering a bath-house
- taking shade under a house, or a canopy
- Tying a himyan (belt to carry money) around his waist.
2.5 Recommended during Ihram
One should recite talbiyah abundantly, after salah, and
whenever one mounts an elevated place, or descends into a valley, or meets
riders, and in the last part of the night.
3.1 The Tawaf of Arrival
When one enters Makkah, he begins [by going] to the Sacred
Mosque, then when one sees the House, he pronounces takbir and tahlil.
- Then, one starts at the Black Stone, faces it, pronounces
takbir, raises his hands and touches it, and kisses it if one is able to [do
so] without harming any Muslim.
- Then, he starts [walking] to his right, by the door [of the
- having donned his rida’ in the style of idtiba’ .
- One makes ones tawaf (circumambulation) around the Hatim.
- One performs raml in the first three circuits, and
walks calmly in the remaining [four].
- One touches the Stone whenever one passes by it, if one is
able, and one ends the tawaf with touching [it].
- Then, one proceeds to the Maqam (Station of Prophet
Abraham) and prays two rak`ah at it, or wherever he is easily able to in the
This is the Tawaf of Arrival (tawaf al-qudum). It is sunnah,
and is not obligatory.
 | There is no Tawaf of Arrival due upon the people of Makkah. |
 | If the one in ihram did not enter Makkah, and [instead] set
out for `Arafat [directly], and stood there according to what we [shall]
mention, the Tawaf of Arrival is waived for him, and he is not liable to do
anything for having omitted it. |
3.2 The Sa`y
- Then, one sets out to Safa. One climbs onto it, faces
the qiblah, pronounces takbir and tahlil, invokes blessings on the Prophet
(may Allah bless him and grant him peace), and supplicates Allah for his
- Then, one descends calmly in the direction of Marwah.
- Then, when he reaches the inside of the valley, he runs
between the two green posts.
- [He proceeds] until he comes to Marwah, and then he climbs
onto it and does as he did on Safa.
This is one round, and he performs seven [such] rounds, [such
that] he begins at Safa and ends at Marwah.
Then, [if performing ifrad] one stays in Makkah in the state
of ihram, performing tawaf whenever one desires.
3.3 Going out to Mina
- Then, when it is one day before the Day of Tarwiyah , the
imam delivers a sermon in which he teaches the people [the details] of going
out to Mina, salah in `Arafat, the Standing, and the Ifadah.
- Then, when one has prayed fajr on the Day of Tarwiyah in
Makkah, one goes out to Mina and stays there until he prays Fajr on the Day
of `Arafah.
- Then, one sets out to `Arafat, and stays there.
3.4 Arafah
- Then, when the sun declines on the Day of `Arafah, the imam
leads people in Zuhr and `Asr, starting with a sermon in which he teaches
people [the details of] the Standing at `Arafah and Muzdalifah, the Pelting
of the Jimar, the Immolation and the Tawaf of the Visit (Ziyarah).
- He leads the people in Zuhr and `Asr in the time of Zuhr,
with one adhan and two iqamah.
 | Whoever prays in his camp alone prays each one [of the
prayers] at its [own] time according to Abu Hanifah (may Allah, the
Exalted, show mercy to him). Abu Yusuf and Muhammad said : The
solitary one conjoins them.
Then, he sets out to the Standing Place, and stands close
to the mountain, although all of `Arafah is a standing place except for the
valley of `Arafah.
 | Whoever catches the Standing at `Arafah between the
decline of the sun on the Day of `Arafah, until sunrise on the Day of
Immolation, has caught the hajj.
 | Whoever traversed `Arafah while sleeping or
unconscious, or did not know it was `Arafah, that suffices him for the
It is appropriate for the imam to stand at `Arafah on his
camel, and to supplicate and teach people the rites.
It is recommended to perform ghusl before the Standing, and
[It is recommended] to exert oneself in supplication.
Then, when the sun sets, the imam, and the people with him,
pour forth at their leisure, [proceeding] until they come to Muzdalifah and
alight there.
3.5 Muzdalifah
- It is praiseworthy to descend close to the mountain called
Quzah, on which is the Hearth.
- The imam leads the people in Maghrib and `Isha’ with an
adhan and iqamah.
Whoever prays Maghrib on the way, it is not valid according to Abu Hanifah
and Muhammad.
- Then, when the sun rises, the imam leads the people in Fajr
in the dark [part of the time].
- Then, he stands, and the people stand with him, and he
All of Muzdalifah is a standing place, except for the Valley of Muhassir.
- Then, the imam, and the people [along] with him, pour forth
before sunrise, [proceeding] until they come to Mina.
3.6 Pelting Jamrat al-`Aqabah
- Then, one proceeds to Jamrat al-`Aqabah, and pelts it
 | from the inside of the valley, |
 | with seven pebbles, like the stones of a slingshot |
 | pronouncing takbir with every pebble. |
 | One does not stand by it [thereafter].
One ceases talbiyah with the [throwing of] the first
Then, he slaughters [an animal] is he likes [since he is
performing ifrad].
Then, he shortens or shaves [his hair], but shaving is
[After this] everything is permissible for him except
3.7 The Tawaf of Pouring Forth (Ifadah) or Visiting (Ziyarah)
- Then, one comes to Makkah on that day, or the following
day, or the following, and circumambulates the House [performing] the Tawaf
al-Ziyarah, seven circuits.
- If he had run between Safa and Marwah after the Tawaf of
Arrival, he does not perform raml in this tawaf, nor is he obliged to run
again. But, if he had not performed Sa`y before, he performs raml in
this tawaf and Sa`y after it in, the manner we have mentioned.
- [Now,] women are permissible for him.
- This tawaf is the obligatory (fard) one in hajj.
- It is disliked to postpone it beyond these days.
 | If one did postpone it beyond then, one [sacrificial]
blood becomes incumbent upon him, according to Abu Hanifah. |
3.8 Stoning the Jamarat
- Then, one returns to Mina and stays there.
- When the sun has declined on the second day of immolation,
one pelts the three Jamarat,
 | starting with the one next to the [Khif] mosque [of
Mina], |
 | pelting it with seven pebbles, |
 | pronouncing takbir with every pebble. |
 | One stands and supplicates by it.
Then, one pelts the one next to it similarly, and stands by
Then, one pelts Jamrat al-`Aqabah, and does not stand by it
The next day, he pelts the three Jamarat after the decline
of the sun similarly.
Then, if one wishes to hasten one’s departure, one
departs to Makkah. But, if one wishes to remain, one pelts the three
Jamarat on the fourth day after the decline of the sun.
 | If, on this day, one performs the pelting before the
decline of the sun, after sunrise, it is valid according to Abu Hanifah.
It is disliked for a person to send his belongings ahead to
Makkah and to take up residence, until he has pelted.
3.9 The Tawaf of Farewell (Wida`)
- Then, when one departs to Makkah, one alights at al-Muhassab.
- Then, one performs tawaf of the House, seven circuits, not
performing raml in them.
- This is the Tawaf of Leaving, and it is wajib, except for
the residents of Makkah.
- Then, one returns to one’s family.
3.10 Special regulations for women
The woman is, in all of [the above], the same as the man,
except that:
- She does not uncover her head
- She uncovers her face.
- She does not raise her voice in talbiyah.
- She does not perform raml in tawaf.
- She does not run between the two posts.
- She does not shave her head, but she shortens [her hair].
- If a woman menstruates at the time of ihram, she performs
ghusl and enters ihram. She does as the [male] hajji does, except that
she does not perform tawaf of the House until she becomes pure.
- If she menstruates after the Standing and the Tawaf of
Visiting, she [can] depart from Makkah, and there is no [penalty] upon her
[in that case] for abandonment of the Tawaf of Leaving.
Qiran, according to us, is better than [both] tamattu` and
The manner of qiran is [as follows]:
4.1 `Umrah Components
- That one pronounce talbiyah for `umrah and hajj from the
miqat, saying after one’s salah : Allahumma inni uridu’l-hajja
wal-`umrata fa-yassirhuma li wa-taqabbalhuma minni.
- Then, when one enters Makkah, one proceeds to perform tawaf
of the House, seven circuits, performing raml in the first three of them.
- One performs Sa`y after that, between Safa and Marwah.
These are the actions of `umrah.
 | If the one performing qiran did not enter Makkah
[initially], and set out [instead] to `Arafat, then he has then
abandoned his `umrah by [performing] the standing. The
[Sacrificial] Blood of Qiran becomes futile for him, but a [sacrificial]
blood is [incumbent] upon him for his abandonment of his `umrah, and it
is [obligatory] upon him to make it up. |
4.2 Hajj Components
- Then, one performs tawaf after the Sa`y; the Tawaf of
- One runs between Safa and Marwah, as we explained in [the
case of one performing] ifrad.
[The other components of hajj are the same as in in ifrad, except for the
Sacrificial Blood.]
4.3 The Sacrificial Blood of Qiran
- When one has pelted the Jamrah on the Day of Immolation,
one slaughters a goat/sheep, or a cow, or a camel, or a seventh of a camel.
This is the [Sacrificial] Blood of Qiran.
- If one does not have [anything] to slaughter, one fasts
three days in the hajj, the last of them being the Day of `Arafah.
 | If he has missed the fasting by [the time] the Day of
Immolation arrives, nothing but the [sacrificial] blood suffices him. |
 | Then, one fasts seven days when he returns to his
family, but if he fasts them in Makkah after he has completed the hajj,
it is valid. |
- Tamattu`, according to us, is better than ifrad.
- There are two methods of tamattu` : tamattu` in which one
sends a sacrificial animal, and tamattu` in which one does not send a
sacrificial animal.
- The residents of Makkah may not perform Tamattu`, nor Qiran;
they specifically may only perform Ifrad.
- Whoever entered ihram for `umrah before the Months of Hajj,
and performed less than four circuits for it, and then the Months of Hajj
entered, such that he then completed it, and then entered ihram for hajj, is
in the status of tamattu`. But, if he performed four circuits or more
of the tawaf for his `umrah beforte the Months of Hajj, and then performed
hajj that same year, he is not in the status of tamattu`.
The manner of tamattu` is [as follows] :
5.1 `Umrah Components
- That one start at the miqat, and enter ihram for `umrah.
- One enters Makkah, and performs tawaf for [`umrah].
 | One ceases the talbiyah when one starts the tawaf.
One performs Sa`y, [and then] shaves or shortens [his
He has now come out of the ihram of his `umrah.
 | He remains in Makkah, out of ihram. |
5.2 Hajj Components
- Then, when it is the Day or Tarwiyah, one enters ihram for
hajj from the Mosque.
- One does as the hajji of ifrad does.
5.3 The Sacrificial Blood of Tamattu`
- The [Sacrificial] Blood of Tamattu` is [obligatory] upon
 | If he does not find [the means to sacrifice then] he
fasts three days in the hajj and seven when he returns.
2. If the one performing tamattu` desires to send a
sacrificial animal, he enters ihram and sends the sacrificial animal.
If it is a camel, he garlands it with a haversack, or leather.
 | He marks the camel, according to Abu Yusuf and
Muhammad. It is : that one rend its hump from the right side.
According to Abu Hanifah, one does not rend it [if it will be in a cruel
Then, when one enters Makkah, one performs tawaf and Sa`y,
but does not come out of ihram. [He remains in ihram] until he enters
ihram for hajj on the Day of Tarwiyah, although if he entered ihram before
that it is valid but a [sacrificial] blood is [then obligatory] upon him.
Then, when he shaves [his head] on the Day of Immolation,
he has thereby freed himself from both ihrams.
If the one performing tamattu` returned to his family after
his completion of `umrah, and had not sent a sacrifical animal, his tamattu`
is invalidated.
6.1 Transgressions of the Ihram
- If the one in ihram applied perfume, expiation is due upon
 | If he perfumed an entire limb or more then a
[sacrificial] blood is due upon him. |
 | If he perfumed less than a limb then a charity is due
upon him.
If he wore a sewn garment, or covered his head
 | [If it was] for a complete day, then a [sacrificial]
blood is due upon him. |
 | If it was less then that, then a charity is due upon
[Shaving or cutting hair]
 | If he shaved one fourth or more of his head, then a
[sacrificial] blood is due upon him.
If he shaved less than one fourth then a charity is due upon him.
If he shaved the areas of bloodletting then a [sacrificial] blood is due
upon him according to Abu Hanifah. Abu Yusuf and Muhammad said : a
charity is due upon him.
[Clipping the nails]
 | If he clipped the nails of both his hands and both his
feet, then a [sacrificial] blood is due upon him. |
 | If he clipped [them from] one hand or one foot, then
[still] a [sacrificial] blood is due upon him. |
 | If he clipped less than five nails, distributed between
his hands and his feet, then a charity is due upon him according to Abu
Hanifah and Abu Yusuf. Muhammad said : a [sacrificial] blood is
due upon him.
If he applied perfume or shaved [hair] or wore [sewn]
garments due to some excuse, then he has the choice :
 | If he wishes, he may slaughter a ewe, or |
 | If he wishes, he may give three sa` of food in charity
to sixty destitute people, or |
 | If he wishes, he may fast three days. |
Sexual Transgressions
- If one kissed, or touched with lust, then a [sacrificial]
blood is due upon him.
- Whoever had intercourse in either of the two pasages before
the Standing at `Arafah,
 | his hajj is nullified, and |
 | [sacrifice of] a ewe is [due] upon him, and |
 | he continues in the hajj in the same manner as one who
has not nullified his hajj, and |
 | a make-up [of the hajj] is [due] upon him.
He is not required to part from his wife when he performs the make-up
Whoever has intercourse after the Standing at `Arafah, his
hajj is not nullified, but [sacrifice of] a she-camel is [due] upon him.
If he had intercourse after shaving [the head on the Day of
Immolation] then [sacrifice of] a ewe is [due] upon him.
Whoever has intercourse in `umrah before performing four
circuits of tawaf
 | has nullified it, and |
 | continues in it, and |
 | makes it up, and |
 | [sacrifice of] a ewe is [due] upon him.
If he had intercourse after performing four circuits of tawaf, |
 | [sacrifice] of a ewe is [due] upon him, but |
 | his `umrah is not nullified, and |
 | he is not obliged to make it up.
One who had intercourse forgetfully is the same as one who
has intercourse deliberately.
6.2 Transgressions in Tawaf
- Whoever performed the Tawaf of Arrival with hadath, a
charity is [due] upon him.
 | If he performed [this] tawaf with janabah then
[sacrifice of] a ewe is [due] upon him.
Whoever performed the Tawaf of Visiting with hadath,
[sacrifice of] a ewe is [due] upon him.
 | If he performed [this] tawaf with janabah then
[sacrifice of] a she-camel is [due] upon him. |
 | It is better for him to repeat the tawaf, as long as he
is still in Makkah, and there is no slaughter [of a ewe due] upon him
[in that case].
Whoever perfomed the Tawaf of Leaving with hadath, a
charity is [due] upon him.
 | If he performed [this] tawaf with janabah, then
[sacrifice of] a ewe is due upon him.
Whoever omitted three circuits or less from the Tawaf of
Visiting, [sacrifice of] a ewe is [due] upon him.
 | If he omitted four circuits [or more] he remains in the
state of ihram indefinitely, until he performs them.
Whoever omitted three circuits of the Tawaf of Leaving, a
charity is [due] upon him
 | If he omitted the Tawaf of Leaving, or four circuits
[or more] of it, then [sacrifice of] a ewe is [due] upon him. |
 | If he delayed the Tawaf of Visiting [beyond the Days of
Immolation], [then a sacrificial blood is due upon him] according to Abu
Hanifah (may Allah show mercy to him). |
6.3 Other Miscellaneous Transgressions
- Whoever omitted the Sa`y between Safa and Marwah,
[sacrifice of] a ewe is [due] upon him, but his hajj is complete.
- Whoever issued forth from `Arafah before the imam, a
[sacrificial] blood is [due] upon him.
- Whoever omitted the Standing at Muzdalifah, a [sacrificial]
blood is [due] upon him.
- Whoever omitted the Pelting of the Jamarat on all the days,
a [sacrificial] blood is [due] upon him.
 | If he omitted the pelting of a single day, then a
[sacrificial] blood is [still due] upon him. |
 | If he omitted the pelting of one of the three Jamarat,
then a charity is [due] upon him. |
 | If he omitted the pelting of Jamrat al-`Aqabah on the
Day of Immolation, then a [sacrificial] blood is [due] upon him.
Whoever delayed the shaving [or cutting of the hair] until
the Days of Immolation had passed, then a [sacrificial] blood is [due] upon
him according to Abu Hanifah.
6.4 Hunting Transgressions
Killing Game
- If one in ihram kills game, or directed towards it
someone who killed it, then the recompense is [due] upon him.
 | The deliberate and the forgetful, the initiator and the
persister, are equal in this. |
 | If two people in ihram collaborated in killing game,
then the complete recompense is [due] upon each of them.
The recompense, according to Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf, is
that he determine the price of the game in the place in which he killed it,
or in the closest of places to it if it was in the wilderness.
 | The price is determined by two upright people. |
Then, one has the choice concerning the price :
 | If he wishes, he may buy a sacrificial animal with [the
amount] and slaughter it, if it reaches [the price of] a sacrificial
animal, or |
 | If he wishes, he may buy food with it, and give it in
charity, [giving] to every destitute person half a sa` of wheat, or one
sa` of dates or barley, or |
 | If he wishes, he may fast one day in lieu of each half-sa`
of wheat and one day in lieu of every sa` of barley. |
Then, if there remains less than a half-sa` of the food,
he has the choice:
 | If he wishes he may give it in charity, or |
 | If he wishes, he may fast a full day in lieu of it.
Muhammad said : For game, an equivalent is obligatory for
that which has an equivalent. So,
 | for the gazzelle, a ewe [is obligatory], |
 | for the hyena, a ewe, |
 | for the rabbit, a she-kid, |
 | for the ostrich, a she-camel, and |
 | for the jerboa, a four-month kid.
Whoever killed game whose meat may not be eaten, such as
carnivorous animals and the like, the recompense is [due] upon him, but its
price does not exceed a ewe.
If a carnivorous beast attacked one in ihram such that he
killed it, then there is nothing [due] upon him.
If one in ihram was compelled to eat the flesh of game,
such that he killed it, then the recompense is [due] upon him.
There is no harm if the one in ihram slaughters a ewe, cow,
camel, chicken, duck or [tame] Kaskari duck.
If he killed a trousered-pigeon, or a tamed gazzelle, then
the recompense is due upon him.
If one in ihram slaughters game, his slaughtered meat is
carrion. It is not permissible to eat it.
If one in ihram sells game, or buys it, then the sale is
There is no harm in one with ihram eating the flesh of game
hunted and slaughtered by someone not in ihram, provided the one in ihram
neither directed him to it, nor ordered him to hunt it.
Other Hunting Transgressions
- Whoever wounded game, or plucked out is hair, or cut a
member from it, is liable for that which he has diminished [from it].
 | But, if he plucked out the feather of [the wings of] a
bird, or cut the legs of a game-animal, such that it became
incapacitated, then its entire price is [due] upon him.
Whoever broke the egg of a game-bird, its price is [due]
upon him.
 | If a dead chick emerged from it, then its price live is
[due] upon him.
There is nothing [due] for killing a crow, kite, wolf,
snake, scorpion or rat.
Nor is there anything [due] for killing a gnat, mosquito or
Whoever kills a louse gives in charity whatever he wishes.
Whoever kills a locust gives in charity whatever he wishes,
and a date is better than a locust.
6.5 Violations of the Haram
- For the game of the Haram, if one not in ihram slaughters
it, the recompense is [due] upon him.
 | If two people out of ihram colloborated in killing game
of the Hram, then a single recompense is [due] upon them.
If he cut the grass of the Haram, or its trees which are
neither owned [by anybody] nor of those [varieties] which are planted by
people, then its price is [due] upon him.
6.6 Transgressions in Hajj Qiran
For anything of that which we have mentioned, in which one
[sacrificial] blood is [due] upon someone performing ifrad, two [sacrificial]
bloods are [due] upon one performing qiran : a blood for his hajj, and a blood
for his `umrah,
except if he passed the miqat without ihram, and then donned ihram for `umrah
and hajj, in which case he is only obliged for one [sacrificial] blood.
7.1 Ihsar
- Whoever was prevented from Makkah, and is hindered from
[both] the Standing and the Tawaf, is in the state of ihsar, but if he is
capable of performing either of them, he is not in the state of ihsar.
- If one in ihram is prevented [from performing hajj] by an
enemy, or there afflicted him an illness which prevented him from
continuing, it is permissible for him to come out of ihram, and he is told :
send a ewe to be slaughtered in the Haram. He arranges someone who will take
it on a particular day on which to slaughter it, and then he comes out of
 | If he was performing qiran, he sends two [sacrificial]
It is not permissible to slaughter the [sacrificial] blood
of ihsar [anywhere] other than in the Haram according to Abu Hanifah.
Abu Yusuf and Muhammad (may Allah show mercy to them both) said : It is not
permissible for the one prevented from hajj to slaughter [any time] other
than in the Days of Immolation, but the one prevented from `umrah may
slaughter whenever he wishes.
Make-up Requirements
- A hajj and `umrah are [due] upon the one prevented from
hajj when he comes out of ihram.
- A make-up `[umrah] is [due] upon one prevented from `umrah.
- A hajj and two `umrah are [due] upon the [prevented] one
who was performing qiran.
Removal of the Prevention
If the prevented one sent a sacrificial animal, and arranged
with them to slaughter it on a particular day, and then the prevention was
removed, then:
 | If he is able to reach the sacrificial animal and the hajj,
it is not permissible for him to come out of ihram, and he is obliged to
 | If he is able to reach the animal, but not the hajj,
he comes out of ihram.
 | If he is able to reach the hajj, but not the sacrificial
animal, it is permissible (by istihsan) for him to come out of ihram. |
7.2 Fawat
- Whoever entered ihram for hajj, and then missed the
Standing at `Arafah until the dawn rose on the Day of Immolation, has missed
the hajj.
- It is [obligatory] upon him
 | to perform Tawaf and Sa`y, |
 | to come out of ihram, and |
 | to make up the Hajj the next year |
No [sacrificial] blood is [due] upon him.
`Umrah is never [considered] missed.
8.0 `UMRAH
- [`Umrah] is valid throughout the year, except for five days
in which performing it is disliked :
 | the Day of `Arafah, |
 | the Day of Immolation, and |
 | the Days of Tashriq.
`Umrah is sunnah.
It is [made up of]:
 | Ihram |
 | Tawaf |
 | Sa`y |
 | Shaving or cutting [the hair]. |
9.1 Permissible Animals
- The minimum sacrificial animal is a ewe.
- [The sacrificial animal] is of three types : camel, cow and
- A thaniyy , or better, of [any of] these suffices, except
for the sheep, of which a jadha` suffices.
- [The following are] not permissible as sacrificial animals:
 | [An animal] with severed ears, or the major part
severed, |
 | [An animal] with a severed tail, arm or leg, |
 | [An animal] whose eyesight is gone, |
 | An emaciated animal, |
 | A lame animal, such as cannot walk to the place of
A ewe is permissible for everything, except in two cases:
 | One who performed the Tawaf of Visiting with janabah,
and |
 | One who had sexual intercourse after the Standing at
In these two cases, only a she-camel suffices.
A she-camel and cow each suffice for seven [people], if
each one of the partners intends devotion. So, if one of them intended
[only to obtain] meat through his share, it does not suffice the
remaining [six].
9.2 Benefitting from Sacrificial Animals
- It is permissible to eat from the meat of the sacrificial
animals of supererogatory, tamattu` and qiran. It is not permissible
to eat from the remaining [types of] sacrificial animals.
- One should give its covering and halter in charity; one
should not pay the butcher’s fee from it.
- One who sends a camel, and then is forced to ride it, rides
it, but if one can do without that, [then] one does not ride it.
- If it has milk, one does not milk it. One sprinkles cold
water on it udders so that the milk ceases.
9.3 Preparation and Slaughter
- It is not permissible to slaughter supererogatory, tamattu`
or qiran sacrificial animals [at any time] except on the Day of Immolation.
It is permissible to slaughter the remaining [types of] sacrificial animals
at any time one wishes.
- It is not permissible to slaughter sacrificial animals
[anywhere] except in the Haram.
- It is permissible to give it in charity to the destitute of
the Haram and others.
- It is not obligatory to take the sacrificial animals to
- Supererogatory, tamattu` and qiran sacrificial animals are
garlanded, but the sacrifical blood of ihsar and the sacrificial blood of
transgressions are not garlanded.
- The best for camels is to pierce the base of their necks
(nahr), while for cows and sheep [the best] is to slaughter them.
- The most appropriate is that a person take care of the
[animals’] slaughter himself, if he knows how to.
9.4 Replacement
- One who sends a sacrificial animal, which then dies :
 | If it was supererogatory, then another is not [due]
upon him. |
 | If it was in compensation for a wajib, then he must
sets another in its place.
If it is afflicted with a severe defect, one sets another
in its place, and does as one wishes with the defective one.
If a she-camel dies on the way :
 | If it was supererogatory, he pierces the base of its
neck, daubs its collar-leather with its blood, and strikes with it one
of its dies. he does not eat from it himself, nor [do] other
well-off people. |
 | If it was obligatory, one sets another in its place,
and does as he wishes with [the first]. |
10.1 Obligation
- The immolation is wajib on every free, resident, well-off
Muslim, on the Day of Immolation, for himself and [on behalf of] his minor
- He slaughters on behalf of each of them a ewe, or he
slaughters a she-camel or a cow on behalf of seven.
- There is no immolation [due] upon the poor one, nor the
- The time for immolation enters with the rise of dawn on the
Day of Immolation, except that it is not permissible for the inhabitants of
cities to slaughter until the imam has performed the `Id salah. As for
the inhabitants of rural areas, they may slaughter after fajr.
It is permissible on three days : the Day of Immolation, and two days
[immediately] thereafter.
10.2 Slaughter
- One does not sacrifice :
 | a blind animal |
 | a one-eyed animal |
 | a lame animal such as cannot walk to the place of
sacrifice |
 | an emaciated animal.
The [preferable] slaughter is in the neck and upper chest.
The best is that one slaughter one’s sacrifice with
one’s [own] hand, if one knows how to slaughter.
It is disliked for a Person of the Book to slaughter it.
If two men made a mistake, such that each of them
slaughtered the sacrifice of the other, it suffices them both, and there is
no liablity on either of them.
10.3 Benefitting from the Sacrifice
- One may eat from the meat of the sacrifice, and feed the
rich and poor, and store.
- It is recommended that the [portion given in] charity not
be less than one third.
- One gives its skin in charity, or makes from it some item
used in the house.