... you recall ... |
Answers ...
He is Abu-Bakr Al-Siddiq RAA. The
first khalifa after the death of the prophet and his close companion who traveled with him
during Hijra (migration to Madina) and hidden with him in the cave during that journey as
mentioned in the Qur'an. The first among men to become a Muslim. He was given the neck
name "Al-Siddiq" because of his un-reluctant unconditional belief in the event
of Isra & Mi'raj (prophet's trip to Jerusalem and then to heavens in one day and one
night) while most people considered it a lie and accused the prophet PBUH of being crazy.
Q2 : Who are those seven people?
They are (not in order):![]() | A just (fair) leader. A man whose heart is attached to the Masajid (mosques). |
![]() | A person who remembered Allah between himself then his tears filled his eyes. |
![]() | A person who gave a charity and made it secret so its left hand won't know what his right hand had paid. |
![]() | Two people loved each other for the sake of Allah, met each other on that status and left each other on that status. |
![]() | A young person who grew up (spent his youth) in full obedience of the commands of Allah SWT. |
![]() | A man who was called by a prestigious pretty woman (to commit adultery) and he said "I fear Allah". |
She is Um-Amara
They are according to one narration (not in order)
Association a partner with Allah (Shirk). Mistreating the parents. Eating from the money of the orphan without any right. Escaping the battle field when meeting the enemies of Islam. Accusing innocent women of adultery without a proof.. Killing the soul that Allah had forbidden to be killed without a right. Evil magic (magic that uses Jinns and evil to perform, it is NOT the tricks you see in the circus).
They are Zayd ibn Haritha (prophet Mohammad's fostered son), Ja'far ibn Abi-Talib (prophet Mohammad's cousin and the brother of Ali ibn Abi-Talib) and Abdullah ibn Rawaha (a great companion of the prophet). The prophet PBUH appointed those leaders in that order, so if any of them get killed, the other takes over. When the two armies met each other in Mu'ta, the first leader, Zaid ibn Haritha, just kicked his horse and rushed towards the enemy lines and was cut into pieces as history books say. Immediately angel Gebrael told the prophet that Zayd was killed and the prophet announced it by saying "Zayd was given shahada" (one of the miracles of the prophet that he announced news way ahead before it reached Madina). Then after Zayd was killed, the second leader Ja'far ibn Abi-Talib took the Muslim flag and followed the path of Zayd. He just rushed towards the enemy lines carrying the flag in his left hand and his sword in the other hand. When he reached there, a Roman soldier hit him with the sword and cut his left hand. Since the Muslim flag was so precious to Ja'far, he dropped his sword and carried the flag on his right hand preventing it from falling down on the ground. Another Roman soldier hit him with the sword again and this time he cut his right hand. At this time Ja'far hugged the Muslim flag of what remained from his two hands and fell off his horse as a Shaheed. At the same time, the prophet with eyes full of tears announced "Ja'far was given shahada" and went to Ja'far's family and hugged Ja'far's kids while weeping PBUH. Leadership now came to Abdullah ibn Rawaha who when he saw what happened to the first two leaders, he hesitated for a SECOND, but then he followed the path of his two partners and rushed to the front lines and got torn into pieces by the Roman spears. The prophet announced in Madina "Abdullah was given Shahada and Allah has given the flag to one sword of His". Who was this sword of Allah that took the leadership after all three leaders were killed, well that would be another quiz, but to continue the story, he was actually Khalid ibn Alwaleed who took the flag and made a tactic withdrawal of the Muslim army towards the desert where Muslims can fight very well. The Roman were so scared to follow them so they also withdraw. Interesting to mention that when the Muslim army returned to Madina, the wives and relatives of the Muslim soldiers threw sand in the faces of their husbands accusing them of being coward to escape the battle (instead of being happy that they returned safe!) The prophet said, No they did not escape and they'll return back there (an indeed this happened few years later after the death of the prophet). Finally, because Abdullah ibn Rawaha hesitated for a SECOND, the prophet said "I saw all three of them in Janna (heaven) laying down on their beds, but I saw the bed of Abdullah a bit inclined than the other two"!!! May Allah be pleased of them all.