on the track of time 

The Message of Hijra    

The Hijra, the migration of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his companions from Makkah to Madina, is one of the greatest landmarks in the history of Islam. It is a unique event in the whole history of humankind. The Hijra, which marks the beginning of the construction of an ideal Islamic society with its full of life pertaining to all aspect of life, has several lessons for us. It in turn gives us the message of hope and expectations.

Hijra teaches the believers about the advanced preparations and adequate planning, which are highly essential in the propagation of the Islamic system of life. It highlights the total submission of the believers to the Will of Allah by leaving behind them everything dearer to them including their family, wealth, homes and even parents. This is possible only for those who possess strong faith and full commitment to the cause of Islam.

When we analyze the events just before the migration of the Prophet (pbuh) we find him staying a few days hiding somewhere from the eyes of the Quraysh to give back those entrusted things to its owners and hand over the remaining to a responsible person. Here we have to understand that a believer should be very careful with regard to the entrusted responsibilities and properties and should give it back to its owners at any cost. This is a very important aspect of the Islamic personality.

Another observation in the migration of the Prophet (pbuh) is that even in this decisive journey he selected an unbeliever as his guide. There are enough lessons to the believers in these wise actions of the Prophet (pbuh).

When the Prophet (pbuh) left the blessed place of Makkah his mind might have yielded to the good hope of a strong successful returning to the place defeating all the powers of ignorance and establishing the reign of Allah over there.

He hoped to see the flag of Islam flying over the most blessed House of Allah in Makkah (the Holy Ka'aba). We may note that the hope of the Prophet (pbuh) was materialised within a short time and he could see all the powers of disbelief and arrogance surrendering before him during the historical event of Fath Makkah (the victory of Makkah) the Prophet could win over the powers of jahiliyya beliefs and practice through a bloodless revolution, which is a unique incident in the history of man on earth.

When we pass on to a New Year of the islamic calendar, which is based on the Hijra of the Prophet (pbuh) the hopes of islamic revivalism make us courageous to proceed in the Way of Allah. The islamic calendar gives us several lessons and reminds us about such marvelous lessons from the life mission of the Prophet (pbuh).

It would be relevant to peep into the historical background of the Hijra and to draw certain important lessons from it. It is a known fact that the conditions of the Arabia, especially of Makkah, were very deplorable and the Prophet (pbuh) found it very difficult to continue his mission. Even after propagating and sincerely calling the people for more than ten years the Prophet felt insecure to live in Makkah.

by Amanulla Vadakkanga

[Taken from Gulf Times]

.... To be continued, insha'Allah  


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