Hazrat Umme Habibah

One of the staunchest enemies of Islam was undoubtedly Abu Sufyan ibn Harb from the tribe of Abd Shams of the Quraysh. A most powerful and feared man, he was the chieftain of Makkah-he had to be obeyed and followed. Among the Quraysh themselves it was inconceivable that any person could stand up and challenge Abu Sufyan in any way…but one person did.

That person was his daughter-Ramlah. Imagine what an uproar resulted in Makkah when the Chieftain of the Quraysh was challenged by a woman-and moreover his own daughter! Ramlah rejected the deities of her father and forefathers and accepted the true religion of Allah-Al-Islam. A strong support and encouragement was provided by her husband, Ubaydullah ibn Jahsh, who put his faith in the message brought by the Prophet of Allah-Muhammad ibn Abdullah (SAWS).

When Ramlah told her father that she had accepted the new religion, Abu Sufyan tried his hardest to bring her and her husband back to the old idolatrous ways. He was amazed at her conviction and firm faith in Islam: it was embedded so strongly in her heart that nothing he could say would change her mind.

Finally Abu Sufyan knew that he had to tell the Quraysh, but how could he, their Chieftain, admit that his own daughter had turned against them? Eventually, when the Quraysh found out and realized how distressed Abu Sufyan was himself, they unleashed the cruelest punishments on Ramlah and Ubaydullah.

Peacefully but strongly they bore the punishments until the fifth year of the Prophet's mission. At this time the degree of torture upon the Muslims had reached such a level that it had simply became unbearable to live there. The Prophet (SAWS) gave permission to some Muslims to leave and migrate to Abyssinia. Amongst these people were Ramlah, Ubaydullah and their little daughter Habibah. With the birth of her daughter, Ramlah became commonly known by her Kunya (nickname) as Umm Habibah.

The migration infuriated Abu Sufyan and the Quraysh even more and they followed the group to Abyssinia. However, when they reached the land of Nagus, the King of Abyssinia he examined both belief and declared: "What has been revealed to your Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) and what Jesus, the son of Mary, preached came from the same source!" According to some historians the Negus immediately accepted Islam according to others it was much later, but either way he gave full protection to the Muslims. Defeated, the Quraysh returned to Makkah only to increase the torture on the remaining Muslims. For Ramlah, the many years of hardships had finally led to this oasis of serenity. However, what Allah plans is different to what we could ever imagine.

Ramlah was blessed with a magnificent trial. One night she had a vision whilst sleeping, that her husband was in the midst of a fathomless ocean covered by wave upon wave of darkness. She woke frightened, but did not disclose the details of her dream to anybody-even to Ubaydullah.

It was the following day that the ominous dream became a most heart-breaking reality: Ubaydullah ibn Jahsh announced his rejection of Islam and acceptance of Christianity. Her pillar of strength had collapsed and shattered her world. He presented her with the 'option' of accepting Christianity or being divorced.

This left Ramlah with three possibilities. Either she could remain with her husband and accept Christianity-which she knew would deserve damnation in this world and the Hereafter. This she would never do because although Ubaydullah had been the pillar, she had been the foundation. Although he had collapsed, her faith was still permanent and pure.

Her second option was to return to her father's house in Makkah, which was still a citadel of idolatry, and live under his oppression. Finally, she could stay alone in the land of the Negus-without country, family or heritage.

Due to the clarity and firmness of her faith, she knew she must do what was best for her Imaan (faith). She understood that Allah was testing her and this test was for her own good. Finally Allah (SWT) rescued her from this predicament. Obaydullah ibn Jahsh breathed his last. Prophet (SAWS) sent her proposal of marriage through Amr ibn Umaiya. Umme Habibah accepted the proposal wholeheartedly. Then the marriage ceremony of Umme Habibah with the Holy Prophet (SAWS) was solemnized in the exile (in the land of Negus). Negus paid her 400 Dinars as marriage gift on behalf of the Prophet (SAWS). Umme Habibah was at her 37 at that time. Hazrat Umme Habibah used to listen to the discourse and speech of the Prophet (SAWS) with all her attention and try her best to translate them into her life. When her father Abu Sufyan died as a Muslim, she seemed overwhelmed with happiness and smeared his appearance with sweet scent. When the moment of her last breath was approaching, she addressed her co-wives Aeyshah and Umme Salmah and said, "There happened some slight family discords between us as it is usual between the co-wives, so forgive me." Hazrat Aeyshah promptly pardoned her. Hazrat Umme Salmah also pardoned her and added, "You have made me happy on the eve of your departure from this mundane world; may Allah keep you in happiness in the Hereafter."

Umme Habibah was very simpleminded and easygoing woman. Once she urged the Prophet (SAWS) to marry her own sister and told him that she wished her own sister also might enjoy the happiness of the family life with the Prophet (SAWS). Then the Prophet (SAWS) explained to her the rue of Islam regarding the matter.

Courtesy: TRENDS, Volume 5, Issue 4, UK

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