Why I wear Hijab

Starting out in a new town
Right after my Dad's heart attack,
Just beginning Junior High,
Everything just went black.

Having no Muslim girlfriend around,
Like I had in Nashville, Tennessee.
I realized how lonely I felt,
Then again, I realized what had to be.

I began to wear hijaab.
Which didn't come easy at first.
I went into a minor depression,
Feeling alienated and cursed.

I started my first at school,
Many strange stares fell upon me.
With only a handful of minority students
I stood out as the lone soul with hijaab for all to see,

To Allah I turned
For help through supplication.
I yearned for more knowledge about being a Muslimah,
Then I realized what exactly was my mission.

My mission in life
Is to obey Allah's will.
Through good and bad,
In valleys and hills.

My prayers were soon answered
In the most remarkable way.
My Dad returned to work,
And I was respected and honored-That was Allah's way.

So I plead to you sisters,
If I can start wearing hijaab at an early age,
You can do it too
And be saved from Allah's Rage.

Remember Paradise!
Life there will forever last.
Entering there will not be easy,
So put on hijab, and do it fast!

by Tasfia Suhani Ahmad (Age 13)

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