Separate transport for women

It is true that in the public bus in the city there is a seat arrangement for women. But the fact is that the women avail little chance to get on the bus and travel especially during the office hours when the bus is crowded. Even if there are audacious women who venture to get on the bus, they cannot reach their seat because of the predominance of man there. For this reason many women have to hire taxi or rickshaw whose fare is quite expensive. And in this case women have to spend more money. Sometimes it is seen that a service holder woman has to pay almost equal money of her salary for commuting to her office.

In fact, the very transport system in the city is problematic and to travel from one part of the city to another is really hazardous. A man has to experience a lot of difficult situation when venturing to go from one place to another let alone a woman. The problems of woman when travelling much more. She has to fall into rivalry with men when trying to get on a bus. Sometimes she can get on a bus and more often she fails to win the game with her male counterpart. Moreover, the bus driver is reluctant to take a woman and he advises his helper, "Mohila tulbina" (don't allow women in the bus). Nevertheless, when a woman gets on a bus, she has to face bitter and shameful experiences inside the bus as she remains in close contact with men. But she has nothing to do. Because she has no other means of travelling.

The facilities of woman to have job have been definitely increased at the present time than any time before. But her commuting to her work place has not been ensured in the least. The authority seems to have no concern about the safety of the female jobholders. The garment factory workers are mostly women and they are playing a great role in the development of our economy. But we feel aggrieved to see them neglected both in their work place and their way.

It is a good sign that some special services have been introduced in the city and these are quire comfortable. They can do a good job for the convenience of the women by starting separate services for the women. We request the authority of these services to introduce separate services for the women at least in the peak hour of the day.

by Monalia Sadiya, Dhaka University

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