(The Book of Purification)
- Merit of Wudu
- Purification is essential for prayer
- How to perform ablution
- The merit of Wudu and that of prayer after it
- While cleaning the nose and using of pebbles in toilet,the odd
number is preferable
- The washing of feet properly is indispensable in Wudu
- It is obligatory to wash all parts of the body necessary for
- Purging of sins with ablution water
- It is commendable to include forehead in washing the face and
elbow and ankle in washing the hands and feet, while performing
- Pertaining to tooth-stick
- Characteristics of Fitra
- How to cleanse oneself after relieving oneself
- Starting from the right-hand side for ablution, etc.
- Easing is forbidden in the streets and under the shade
- Wiping over the socks
- Wiping (over) the forelock and turban
- Time limit for wiping over the shoes
- It is undesirable to put one's hand in the utensil before washing
- Instructions pertaining to the licking of a dog
- It is forbidden to urinate in stagnant water
- It is forbidden to wash oneself in standing water
- It is obligatory to cleanse the mosque when there are impurities
in it and the earth becomes clean of impurities with the help of
water without scraping (the part of it)
- Pertaining to the urine of the suckling babe, and how it is to be
washed away
- Washing away of the semen from the garment and its scraping
- The Impurity of the blood of menses and its washing
- Proof of the impurity of urine and that it is obligatory to
safeguard oneself from it