(Oaths )

  1. It is forbidden to take the oaths in the name of anyone else besides Allah
  2. He who takes an oath by Lat and Uzza' he should say: There is no god but Allah
  3. It is excellent to break the vow if one finds it better doing that which is against this vow one should expiate it
  4. The oath would be considered on the basis of the intention of one who takes an oath
  5. Expressing the words "God willing" in the oath
  6. It is forbidden to persist in an oath which causes trouble to the family and is not lawful
  7. What a non-believer should do with his vow when he embraces Islam
  8. How should the masters treat their slaves and expiation if they show high-handedness
  9. It is improper to accuse the slave of adultery
  10. Feeding of slave with what the master cats himself and clothing him with what he wears himself and not to burden him beyond capacity
  11. Reward of the slave when he is loyal to bit master and is good in worshipping Allah
  12. He who emancipates his share in the slave
  13. The permissibility of buying a mudabbar slave