(Pertaining To Punishments Prescribed By Islam )

  1. Punishment for theft and the minimum limit according to which it is imposed upon an offender
  2. Prohibition of intercession regarding prescribed punishment for theft and other (crimes) in case of important persons
  3. Prescribed punishment for an adulterer and an adulteress
  4. Stoning of a married adulterer
  5. He who confesses his guilt of adultery
  6. Stoning to death of jews and other Dhimmis in case of adultery
  7. The prescribed punishment should be deferred in case of one who is in a state of parturition
  8. Prescribed punishment for (drinking) wine
  9. Number of stripes in case of Ta'zir
  10. Imposition of Hadd obliterates sins
  11. If the beast does any harm, or if one falls in a mine or a well, there will be no blood-wit for that