(The Book of Jihad And Expedition )

  1. Regarding permission to make a raid, without an ultimatum, upon the disbelievers who have already been invited to accept Islam
  2. Appointment of the leaders of expeditions by the Imam and his advice to them on etiquettes of war and related matters
  3. Command to show leniency and to avoid creating aversion (towards religion)
  4. Prohibition (denunciation) of branch of faith
  5. justification for the use of stratagem in war
  6. One should not desire an encounter with the enemy. but it is essential to show patience during the encounter
  7. Desirability of praying for victory at the time of confrontation with the enemy
  8. Prohibition of killing women and children in war
  9. Permissibility of killing women and children in the night raids, provided it is not deliberate
  10. Justification for cutting down the trees and burning them
  11. The spoils of war specially made lawful for this Umma
  12. Spoils of war
  13. Regarding the right of the fighter to the belongings of the one killed by him in the fight
  14. Additional award to the fighters and repatriation of the enemy prisoners as a ransom for the Muslims
  15. Fai' (property taken from the enemy without a formal war)
  16. The saying of the Prophet (may peace be upon him): "We (Prophets) do not have any heirs; what we leave behind is (to be given in) charity"
  17. Distribution of the spoils among the fighters
  18. The help with angels in Badr and the permissibility of the spoils of war
  19. Binding the prisoners and putting them in confinement and justification for setting them free without any ransom
  20. Evacuation of the Jews from the Hijiz
  21. Justification for killing those guilty of breach of trust and making the people of the fort surrender on the arbitration of a just person
  22. Showing promptitude in jihad and giving precedence to the more urgent of the two actions while making a choice between them
  23. Return of their gifts to the Ansar by the Muhajirs when the latter grew rich as a result of the conquests
  24. Justification for taking food in the land of the enemy
  25. The Holy Prophet's (may peace be upon him) letter to Hiraql (Caesar) inviting him to Islam
  26. Letters of the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) to the kings of disbelievers inviting them to Allah, the Exalted and Glorious
  27. The battle of Hunain
  28. The battle of Ta'if
  29. The battle of Badr
  30. The conquest of Mecca
  31. Removal of the idols from the vicinity of the Ka'ba
  32. No Quraishite will be killed bound hand and foot after the conquest of Mecca
  33. The treaty of Hudaibiya
  34. Keeping a Covenant
  35. The battle of Ahzab or the battle of the Ditch
  36. The battle of Uhud
  37. Wrath of Allah upon a person who is killed by the Prophet himself (may peace be upon him)
  38. The persecution of the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) at the hands of the infidels and hypocrites
  39. About the Holy Prophet's (may peace be upon him) calling for Allah's help and his patience over the persecution of the hypocrites
  40. The murder of Abu Jahl
  41. The murder of Ka'b b. Ashraf, (the evil Genius) of the Jews
  42. The battle of Khaibar
  43. The battle of Ahzab or Khandaq (the tribes or the ditch)
  44. Dhu Qarad and other battles
  45. Regarding the word of God, the Exalted: "It is he who restrained their hands from you" to the end of the verse
  46. Fighting of women side by side with men
  47. Women participants in jihid to be given a prize but not a regular share in the booty, and prohibition to kill children of the enemy
  48. The number of wars waged by the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him)
  49. The expedition called Dhat-ur-Riqa
  50. Disapproval of seeking help from a disbeliever on a military campaign