(Sacrifices )
- The proper time for sacrifice
- Of what age the animal is to be sacrified
- It is meritorious to sacrifice the animal with one's
own hand and so is meritorious the recitation of
Bismillah (in the name of Allah) and Takbir (Allah o-Akbar)
- Permissibility of slaughtering the animal with anything
which may make its blood flow except
tooth, nail and bone
- It was not permissible to eat the flesh of sacrificial
animals beyond three days at the beginning of
Islam, but this prohibition was abrogated, and
now it is permissible
- Sacrificing of Farat and 'Atira are Idolatrous practices
- It is not permissible for one who intends to sacrifice
the animal to get one's hair or nails cut after the
beginning of Dhull-Hijja
- It is forbidden to sacrifice the animal for anyone
besides Allah, the Exalted, and curse upon one
who does it