Arts of Life and Behavior

The great school of arts of life and behavior - which ranked among other schools of philosophy known as the `Greek Philosophy - had been oriental in the origin of its professors, its principles, and its thought; its thought uniquely impressed the thinking of the Original Greek Sages.

By this Oriental school we mean the school of the Rouaqien. The Sponsor of this School was called «Zeno» who was in origin a Canaanite or «Phoenician» as the Greeks used to call some Canaanites. Zeno was born on the Eastern coast of Cyprus at the end of the 4th century B.C.

Some of the leaders of this school were born in Sidaa, or on the bank of the River Aas or the River Trigris.

This school had a great influence on Greek culture, then Roman culture, then the Neo-Platonic school which appeared in Alexandria, and it continued to exert influence on European thought and behavior until the ages of Renaissance and Reformation. Thus the Rouoqi Philosophy was a torch-light for Reformers that illuminated for them the path to perfection, happiness, and practical wisdom in life.

The influence of this school is self-evident in the European literature during the Roman Empire. Seneca, Cicero, Epic Titus and Marcus Aurelius were followers of the Rouaqis. This school excelled over all other schools all over the world. It was unparalleled in its longevity, and the range of its extensiveness during the period of the Greeks and Romans. The Rouaqi Pattern was followed by Westerners until the ages of The French Philosopher Descaries and the American philosopher Emmerson, and their contemporary disciples.

The stamp of the Semitic mentally - which is almost that of the Arabian Peninsula - was noticeable in all the teachings of the Rouaqui school, viz, in metaphysics or natural science or ethics.

It upheld monotheism, and linked action with God, and reaction with matter. Sometimes it was inclined to the unity of being in its metaphysical researches.

In natural science, it fostered the principle that «the existing thing is that which acts and reacts», to the exclusion of all other ideal or fantastic suppositions. All that exists in the universe can be referred to sense, experience and the ability to act and react. They might have been the pilot-patrons of the Experimental school which appeared 2,000 years later. «Strabo», the great Geographer, believed that Mokhos Al-Sidaoui was the first enunciator of the «Molecule» before the Trojan War. He related it to the account rendered by the well-known Rouaqi philosopher Bossidneos. Thus he precedes others in broaching the questions of the ' molecule' and the `atomic bomb».

As regards ethics, they appraised philosophical research by its usefulness in bringing about a better life, happiness and perfection. To them the ideal ethical conduct consists in self-restraint, cultivating the will and disowning greed and lusts.

It is not difficult to relate the reasons for that Rouaqi penchant, or this ancient Arabic philosophy. It stems from three sources, each of which can orientate it in that direction. These three sources are the dominance of the tribe, the influence of religion and the power of the state and order.

The tribe imposes on its members patience, a hard life and the preservation of its old whole tribe. Each individual therefore has to account for all relations between him and the members of his tribe and other tribes. All that an individual feared was to be (disowned) and thus to become irrevocably unfit for reinstatement, and of no account.

Then comes the influence of religion and priesthood after the tribe had taken up the civilization rites and inherited customs. Old priesthood does not differ from the rites and arts relevant to life and conduct. The individual who renounced it was liable to grave danger, equal to disownment or worse, because he would be excommunicated from his tribe and from the followers of God.

Concomitant, with the influence of religion was the dominance of order and law of the awe-inspiring state, which was based on family relationships and the rites of worship, or on lineal heredity and the faith conscientiously adhered to.

If these three sources were agreed on the establishment of a school of wisdom, no wonder that that school was established on the lines of Rouaqi schools, the rise of which was known, and understandable among the Arab descendants. However, it is strange not to be able to relate, at the first glance, the reasons for the spread of this school throughout the Greek and Roman environments, in other words, throughout Europe. It would have been impossible to understand the reasons for that spread, had it not been for the psychological unrest of Europeans after the conquests of Alexander and before the call to the Christian Faith.