A History of Islamic Philosophy - 2nd Edition

by Majid Fakhry

Columbia University Press, New York 1983

Table of Contents

Preface to the First Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Chapter One. The Legacy of Greece, Alexandria, and the Orient
I. The Near Eastern Scene in the Seventh Century
II. The Translations of Philosophical Texts
III. Neo-Platonic Elements: The Apocryphal Theologia Aristotelis and the Liber de Causis
IV. Persian and Indian Influences
Chapter Two. Early Political and Religious Tensions
I. The Religio-Political Factions
II. The Rise of Islamic Scholasticism (Kalam)
Chapter Three. Beginnings of Systematic Philosophical Writing in the Ninth Century
I. The First Creative Philosophical Writer in Islam: Al-Kindi
II. The Rise of Naturalism and the Challenge to Islamic Dogma: Ibn Al-Rawandi and Al-Razi
Chapter Four. The Further development of Islamic Neo-Platonism
I. Al-Farabi
II. Ibn Sina
Chapter Five. Neo-Pythagoreanism and the Popluarization of the Philosophical Sciences

I. Philosophy, the handmaiden of Politics
II. The Mathematico-Philosophical Presuppositions of the Brethren
III. The Cosmology and Metaphysics of the Brethren
IV. The Psychology and the Epistemology of the Brethren
V. Conclusion
Chapter Six. The Diffusion of the Philosophical culture in the Tenth Century
I. Abu Hayyan Al-Tauhidi
II. Miskawayh
III. Yahia b. ‘Adi
Chapter Seven. The Interaction of Philosophy and Dogma
I. The Eclipse of Theological Rationalism
II. The Ash'arite school and the Formulation of the Occasionalist Metaphysics of Atoms and accidents
III. The Systematic Refutation of Neo-Platonism: Al-Ghazali
Chapter eight. The Rise and Development of Islamic Mysticism (Sufism)
I. Ascetic Origins
II. Pantheistic Tendencies: Al-Bastami (or Al-Bistami), Al-Hallaj, and others
III. Synthesis and Systematization – Al-Ghazali and Ibn ‘Arabi
Chapter Nine. The Arab-Spanish Interlude and the Revival of Perpateticism

I. Beginnings of Philosophical Speculation in Muslim Spain: Ibn Masarrah, Al-Majriti, and Ibn Bajjah
II. Ibn Tufayl and the Natural Progression of the Mind Toward Truth
III. Ibn Rushd and the Defense of Aristotelianism
Chapter Ten. Post-Avicennian Developments: Illumination and the Reaction against Peripateticism
I. Al-Suhrawardi
II. The Subsequent Development of Illumination: Sadr Al-Din Al-Shirazi (Mulla Sadra) and his successors
Chapter Eleven. Theological Reaction and Reconstruction
I. Literalism and Neo-Hanbalism: Ibn Hazm, Ibn Taymiyah, and Muhammad B. ‘Abdul-Wahhab
II. Moderation and Decline: F. D. Al-Razi, N. D. Al-Nasafi, Al-Iji, Al-Jurjani and Al-Bajuri
III. Reaction and Reconstruction: Ibn Khaldun
Chapter Twelve. Modern Contemporary Trends
I. The Emergence of the Modernist Spirit: J. D. Al-Afghani, Muhammad ‘Abdu
II. Modernism in India: Sayyid Ahmad Khan, Ameer Ali, and Muhammad Iqbal
III. Contemporary Philosophical Scene: Fundamentalism, Modernism, and Existentialism
IV. Other Recent Developments: Positivism and Socialism