Glossary: The First Muslim State


persecuted adj. treated cruelly.
2 oppression n. cruel or unjust act.
3 menace n. a threat, or the act of threatening.
4 lodge v. stay in a place for temporary residence.
5 congregational adj. of or like a congregation (group).
6 mount v. get on to (a horse. camel etc.).
7 guardian n. a person who guards, protects or takes care of another person.
8 fell v. cut down.
9 pillar n. column.
10 thatched adj. covered with straw.
11 bugle n. a brass-wind instrument like a trumpet but smaller, and usually without keys or valves.
12 appropriate adj. right for the purpose: suitable.
13 preach v speak in public on religious matters.
14 pulpit n a raised platform.
15 erected adj. set in an upright position.
16 ascend v. go up: rise.
17 precept n. a commandment or direction meant as a rule of action or conduct.
18 benignant adj. kind: gracious.
19 inculcating adj. fixing ideas in the minds of others.
20 exhortation n. strong urge or advice.
21 treaty n. a formal agreement between two or more nations, relating to peace.
22 venerate v. to look upon with feelings of deep respect.
23 idolatry n. worship of idols.
24 apprehensive adj. anxious or fearful about the future.
25 covenant n. a binding and solemn agreement between two parties.
26 mutual adj. equally shared by each one.
27 redress v. set right: rectify or remedy.
28 incurred adj. received as a result of an unpleasing action.
29 adherent n. supporter.
30 tribe n. racial group living as a community under one chief.
31 accorded adj. given, allowed.
32 abode n. a place where one lives or stays.
33 trichotomy n. division into three parts.
34 devoted adj. given completely to.
35 indicative adj. showing: suggesting.
36 conspiracy n. a secret plan for an unlawful or harmful purpose.
37 delineation n. description.
38 hypocrisy n. falsely making oneself appear to be virtuous or good.
39 hypocrite n. a person who says one thing and does another.
40 suspicion n. feeling that something is wrong.
41 pious n. having or showing religious devotion.
42 depicted adj. pictured in words: described.
43 hostile adj. having or showing ill will: unfriendly.
44 ignorance n. unawareness.
45 severe adj. very harmful or painful: serious.
46 torment n. very great pain or suffering.
47 unwittingly adj. unconsciously: unintentionally.
48 corruption n. evil or wicked behaviour.
49 reformer n. a person who seeks to bring about improvement.
50 mock n. make fun of: ridicule.
51 prolong n. make longer.
52 tyrannous adj. oppressive: unjust.
53 folly n. foolishness.
54 bargain n. a mutual between two parties.
55 ancestor n. person from whom one is descended.
56 supplication n. humble prayer.
57 pagan adj. believing in many gods.
58 reckoning n. a measuring of possibilities for the future: calculated guess.
59 infuse v. fill (with a quality, feeling. etc.): inspire.
60 cautious adj. full of caution: careful to avoid danger.
61 pilgrim n. a person who travels to a holy place as an act of religious love and respect.
62 enmity n. the state or feeling of being an enemy or enemies.
63 weary adj. very tired.
64 worn out adj. exhausted; tired out.
65 drooping adj. loosing vitality or strength.
66 feeble adj. weak.
67 gloom n. depression.
68 fundamental adj. basic, essential.
69 descendant n. one descended from an ancestor.
70 niche n. a hollow place in a wall.
71 influential adj. having influence.
72 formidable adj. requiring great effort to deal with or overcome.
73 distort v. give a false account of: twist out of the truth
74 conceal v. hide: keep secret.
75 rebellion n. rebelling especially against a government.