Let us be Muslim

by. Syed Abul ‘Ala Maududi

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: IMAN

The essentiality of knowledge for being a Muslim

The greatest favor of Allah

Obligation for the favor First step to become a Muslim

Is Muslim the name of a race?

Meaning of accepting Islam

First requirement knowledge

Importance of knowledge

The real difference between a Muslim and a Kafir.

Why is there difference between a Muslim and a Kafir.

Is the difference only nominal?

Real difference --Islam and Kufr

Cause of difference--knowledge and deeds

Why are Muslims humiliated today?

A matter for serious consideration

Keenness to acquire knowledge

Points to ponder

Our treatment with Qur'an

It is imperative to understand and follow Qur'an

Result of injustice to Allah's Book

Who is called a Muslim?

Meaning of Islam

Duties of a Muslim

The meaning of Kalima Tayyiba

Why such a big difference?

Purport of Kalima

Covenant with Allah

Acceptance of Prophet's guidance

Responsibilities accruing from affirmation

Acceptance of Islam is no favor to God

Allah's favor and our behavior

Kalima Tayyaba and Kalima Khabitha

What is Kalima Tayyiba?

What is Kalima Khabitha?

Difference in results

Why are votaries of Kalima in disgrace?

Are believers in Kalima Khabitha prospering?

The purpose of affirming faith in Kalima Tayyiba

Every work has a purpose

Purpose of reciting Kalima

Failure and success in the Hereafter Why is there difference between the sequel of Kafir and Muslim?

The purpose of Kalima--Reform of knowledge and deeds Which knowledge is taught by Kalima Tayyiba

(1) Servitude to Allah

(2) Obedience to Muhammad

Deeds must accord with knowledge

Chapter 2. ISLAM

Who is called a Muslim?

What is Kufr and Islam?

Three ways of going astray:

(1) Servitude of Nafs

(2) Blind following of forefathers

(3) Obedience to others than Allah

Conditions of Punjabi Muslims:

(1) Difference of castes

(2) Injustice in inheritance

Touchstone of Faith

Real definition of a Muslim

Signs of Hypocrisy:

(1) Servitude of Self

(2) Adherence to Custom

(3) Imitation of other nations

A few examples of obedience to Allah:

(1) Abstinence from wine

(2) Confession of crime

(3) Severance of relationship

(4) Repentance from old customs

Way to God's pleasure

Muslims of today

Real criterion of Islam

Difference between Legal and True Islam:

(1) Legal Islam

(2) True Islam

Two kind of Muslims:

(1) Partial Muslims

(2) Full Muslims

The kind of Muslim desired by God

Muslim domination due to true obedience

Muslim is exclusively loyal to Allah


What for obedience to God?

Man's well--being lies in obedience to God

Obedience of objects other than Allah--Heresy

Real guidance--only from God

How to derive benefit from Divine Guidance

Meaning of obedience to Allah and His Messenger

Deen and Shari'ah

Meaning of Deen

What is Shari'ah?

Nature of difference among Shari'ah

Nature of difference between juristic schools

Detriments of not realizing difference between Deen and Shari'ah

Harmfulness of factionalism

Chapter 3. SALAH (Prayer)


Meaning of 'Ibadat

Results of wrong meaning of 'Ibadat

'Ibadat--Servitude throughout life


Comprehensive meaning of 'Ibadat

Benefits of Salah :

(1) Consciousness of being slave

(2) Sense of duty

(3) Practice of obedience

(4) Creating fear of God

(5) Awareness of Divine Law

(6) Practice of collectivism

What do you recite in Salah?

Adhan and its effects






Hamd (Praise of Allah)

Different surahs of Qur'an :

(1) Wal-'Asr

(2) Humazah

(3) Al-Ma'un








Salah and character-building

Congregational prayers (Salah)

What qualities does Salah produce ?

Complete servitude not possible by one man alone

Not possible to fight alone with Satan

What is desired is compliance with order

Benefits of congregational prayers (Salah) :

(1) Assembling on one call

(2) Purposeful assembly

(3) Mutual sympathy

(4) Gathering for a sacred purpose

(5) Brotherhood

(6) Uniformity in movements

(7) Prayers

(8) Congregation under an Imam

Quality and significance of Imamat :

Conditions and rules of Imamat :

(1) Pious and virtuous

(2) Representative of majority

(3) Sympathetic to followers

(4) He should vacate if disabled

(5) Complete obedience to Imam

(6) Admonition of mistake

(7) No obedience in sin

Why has Salah become ineffective ?

One example--clock

Aim of Muslim Ummah

Islamic orders are coherent like parts of clock

Joining disparates not useful

Those desirous of unexpected results

Real reason why religious practices are ineffective

Our deplorable condition

Chapter 4. FASTING

Fasting was made obligatory on every Ummah

Why fasting was made obligatory?

(1) Aim of life-servitude

(2) 'Ibadat--training of servitude

(3) Fasting is a hidden 'Ibadat

(4) Fasting --sign of strength of Iman

(5) One month's continuous training

(6) Long practice of obedience

(7)Favorable collectives environment for training.

Where are the results of 'Ibadat now ?

The real purpose of fasting

A purpose for every work

Consequences of considering the outward as real Again freedom from restriction after Ramadan

Result of wrong conception of 'Ibadat

Fast, source of becoming pious

Real aims of fasting:

(1) Abstention from lying

(2) Faith and self-scrutiny

(3) Shield for protection from sins

Temptation of goodness

Reward for providing Iftar

Chapter 5. ZAKAT


Importance of Zakat

Meaning of Zakat

Zakat a test

Zakat obligatory on Ummahs of all prophets

Zakat imperative for Muslim ummah

Sign of believers : Salah and Zakat

Foundations of Islamic fraternity

Conditions of Allah's help

Warning to Muslims

Doom of defaulters of Zakat

The real position of Zakat

How nearness to Allah is achieved:

(1) Test of Wisdom and prudence

(2) Test of moral strength

(3) Test obedience and dutifulness

(4) Test of financial sacrifice

Qualities required for Hizbullah:

(1) Must not be narrow--minded

(2) Must be magnanimous

(3) Must be large hearted

(4) Must be of pure heart

(5) Must spend even in poverty and adversity

(6) Must be generous

(7) Must remember Allah in all conditions

(8) Must not assert obligation

(9) Must not hoard wealth

(10) Must not seek leave when required for cause of Allah

(11) Must be wholeheartedly obedient in the way of Allah

(12) Must not consider spending towards the cause of Allah as undue imposition

(13) Must not be miserly

The place of Zakat in collective life

Allah’s attribute of beneficence

Why inculcation of Infaq? :

(1) Man happens to be selfish

(2) Results of selfish mentality

(3) Individual welfare lies in collective welfare

Solution of problems

General injunctions about Infaq fi Sabilillah

Two kinds of directives--General and Special

General injunction for remembering Allah

Special injunction for remembrance of Allah

General injunction of Infaq fi Sabilillah

Special injunction for Infaq

Brief explanation of general injunction about Infaq :

(1) Three conditions for pursuing the right path

(2) Two ways of life

Modes of spending in the way of Allah

(1) Spending should be exclusively for the pleasure of God

(2) It should not be to assert favor

(3) Good things to be given

(4) Give secretly as far as possible

(5) Imbeciles not to be given beyond need

(6) Defaulters not to be harassed

(7) Moderation in almsgiving

Those deserving of help

Special injunctions for Zakat

Three injunctions about Zakat

Nisab of Zakat on some articles

Zakat on Jewellery

Those deserving of Zakat:

(1) Fuqara

(2) Masakin

(3) Amilin alaiha

(4) Muallafat-ul-Qulub

(5) Fir-riqab

(6) Al-Gharimin

(7) Fi-Sabilillah

(8) Ibn-us-Sabeel

To whom Zakat be given and to whom not?

Need for collective system of Zakat

Chapter 6. HAJJ


Meaning of Hajj

Origin of Hajj

Conditions at the time of Abraham

Family of Abraham

Abraham's exonerative declaration

Mountain of calamities


Children and their training

The greatest of trials

Elevation to the Imamat of the world

Lot sent to Transjordan

Isaac settled in Palestine

Isma'il kept in Hejaz

Construction of Ka'ba

Supplication of Abraham and Ismail

History of Hajj

Custom of idol-worship among Abraham's descendants

How Hajj was mutilated

Competition of Poets

Demonstrations of fake generosity

Circumambulation in the nude

Concept of sacrifice

Sacrilege of sacred months

Some self-imposed restrictions

Abraham's prayer granted

Revival of Abraham's Sunnah

End of idol-worship

Prohibition of indecent acts

Poet's competitions brought to an end

End of ostentatious generosity

No spattering of blood and flesh of sacrificed animals

Prohibition of circumambulation in the state of nudity

Transposition of months of Hajj prohibited

Orders to take provision

Permission to earn livelihood during Hajj

End of customs of ignorance

Fixation of Meeqat

Instruction to maintain peaceful atmosphere

Only one slogan, Talbiyah

Importance of Hajj as an obligatory act of devotion

Benefits of Hajj

Nature of journey for Hajj

Inclination towards virtue and piety

Ihram and its conditions



Sa'i between Safa and Marwah

Wuquf (stay) at Mina, 'Arafat and Muzdalifah

Rami Jimar

Blessing and effects of Hajj

Hajj--a collective 'Ibadat

Universal Assembly of Hajj

Fruits of Hajj

Animation in Muslim world

Growth of piety and virtuousness

Season of awakening of Islamic world

Inspiring spectacle of unity of Millat

One aim, assemblage at one centre

Greatest movement for establishment of peace

Only peace-centre in the world

Centre of real equality

Our lack of appreciation

Method of deriving full benefits from Hajj

Chapter 7. JIHAD


Real objective of Islam

Root of evil--rotten political system

First step toward reform--improvement of government

Basis of ignoble government--man's rule over man

Basis of reform--God's lordship over man

Governance--a hard way

'Ibadat--a training course

Blessings of Government run by God-conscious persons

Importance of Jihad

Meaning of Deen

There cannot be two Deens of a man

Every Deen wants power

A few examples

Deen of the Democracy

Deen of the Monarchy

Deen of the British

Deen of Islam

Importance of Jihad in Islam

Sign of recognizing a true Momin--Jihad

No change possible without struggle