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Al Darir, S. 1997. Al gharar in contracts and its effects on contemporary transactions. IDB Eminent Scholars' Lecture Series; No. 16. Jeddah: IDB, IRTI.

Al Qurtubi, A. 1996. Al lami` fl 'Ahkam Al Qur'an (Tafsir al Qurtubi). Beirut: Dar Al Kutub Al `Ilmiyyah.

Al 'Imam Al Taba,ri. 1992. Jami ` AI Bayan li Ta'wil AI Qur'an (Tafsir AI T_ abari). Beirut: Dar Al Kutub Al `Ilmiyyah.

AI Misri, R. 1997. Bay` Al Taqs~t: Tahlil Piqhi wa Iqtisadi. Damascus: Dar Al Qalam.

Al Nawawi (continuation by AI Subki). 1995. AI Majmuu` Sharp al Muhadhdhab. Dar 'Iliya' AI Turath Al `Arabs. verified and completed by Muhammad Najib Al Muti i.

Al Qaradawi, Y. 1999. Fiqh al Zakah. Beirut: Mu'assasat A1 Risdlah.

Al Qarafi, A. n.d. Al Furuq. Beirut: 'Alam Al Kutub.

Al Salus, A. 1998. AI 'Iqtisad A1 'Islami wa Al Qadaya Al Fiqhiyyah AlMu'asirah. Al Dawhah: Dar Al Thaqafah.

Al Zuhayli, W. 1997. Al Fiqh Al 'Islami wa 'Adillatuh. Damascus: Dar Al Fikr. Fourth revised edition.

'Ibn Abidin. n.d. HAshiyat radd al muhtar. Egypt: Matba'at Al Babi Al Halabi.

'Ibn Rushd, M. 1997. Bidayat Al Mujtahid wa Nihayat Al Muqtasid. Beirut: Dar AI Ma'rifat. verified by `Abd Al Majid Tu'mat Halabi.

'Ibn Taymiya, A. 1998. Al Fatawa Al Kubra. Cairo: Harf (reprod.): Dar Al Kutub Al `Ilmiyyah. in Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence (CDROM).

M. Taqi Usmani. 1998. An introduction to Islamic finance. Karachi: Idaratul Ma'ari£

Mayers, D. and C. Smith. 1988. Ownership structure across lines of propertycasualty insurance. Journal of Law and Economics 31:351 78.

Sakhr. 1996. AI fatawa al 'Iqtisadiyyah. Heliopolis, Cairo: Sakhr Software Co., and Dallah Al Barakah. 2nd edition, (on CDROM).

Smith, B. and M. Stutter. 1995. A theory of mutual formation and moral hazard with evidence from the history of the insurance industry. Review of Economic Studies 8(2):545 77.

Yusuf 'Ali, A. 1991. The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an. Brentwood, MD: Amana Corporation.

Some information on the Internet

This is a partial list of some of the general information websites that focus on issues in Islamic Banking and Finance. This list excludes many excellent sites developed by providers of Islamic financial services. The reader can find those sites linked to the ones listed here, or by using a web search engine. I do not vouch for the accuracy of all the, information on those sites. This list is not exhaustive. It is provided to give the reader a starting point for searching the web for more information on the subject.






