The Holy Qur'an and the Good Citizen

In a number of essays written by the Hungarian orientalist Agnace Goltziher, ["Belief and Law in Islam", Translated from German Dr Ali Hassan Abdol Qader and others. This view was expressed by the writer in more than one place and in more than one treatise.] he described the Holy Quran as an incomplete draft of an unsystematised constitution.

It seemed that after studying a number of European constitutions, all of which were systematised in clauses and articles, no other book could have been taken as a constitution. When he saw that the Holy Quran was something different from the type he thought it was perfect, he considered the Holy Book an incomplete draft of an unsystematised constitution.

As a matter of fact, the Holy Quran is not constitution, but a code of high constitutional principles. It comprises legislation, morality, and meaningful stories which, unlike other constitutions and laws, were unsystematically recorded.

But this unsystematic way in recording these principles or the absence of particular chapters for each and every particular principle, are not blemishes in the Quran. The fact is contrary to that and the way in which the Quran was revealed was deliberately devised by God in this form. The recitation of the Quran is one of the worships [Ordering His Messenger, God said : "And recite in a leisurely manner" - (Surat Al-Muzzammil) Covering Himself Up - : 4] and it is the duty of every believer in Islam to recite whatever he can from the Quran. [God orders :"So read of the Quran that which is easy for you" (Surat Al-Muzzammil) : 20.] Had the Holy Quran been classified subjectwise, one chapter on inheritence, for instance, and another on penal laws, and another on marriage and divorce, every believer would read only the subject he was interested in. This is not what God has aimed at. He made each and every chapter of the Quran comprising more than one subject , legislation, moral directives, religious doctrines, etc... lf a true believer reads even a little part of the Quran, he would benefit much from the different subjects the Holy Book is dealing with, thus, purifying himself and bringing his own self close to perfection. Despite the fact each chapter of the Quran has a particular heading, the title does not exactly imply the contents of the chapter. Each chapter, in fact, comprises various concepts and proofs of the unity of God as well as Islamic jurisprudence and code of morality. The chapter "Al-Baqarah (The Cow), for instance, is not confined only to the story Similarly, the chapter "Al-Qasas" (The Narrative) does not consist only of stories; and the chapter "Yusuf" (Joseph) deals with a number of subjects other other than the story of Yusuf.

Holy Quran, as a matter of fact, has only one in view; it tries to bring into existence and a good citizen who is willing to establish good relations with God, with mankind at large, and with his ownself. To create such a good citizen, he has to be provided with all the components which would make of him such a person. In all his lifetime, one must always remember God's ordinances, guiding directives, punishment and atonement. Therefore, it was necessary that each Quranic chapter should comprise a number and different principles and teachings which would reform the human being and make of him a useful and productive member of the human community, worthy of being God's vicegerent on earth. In every chapter there are Islamic principles and teachings and if a Muslim moves from a certain chapter to another, he would find the same principles and teachings.

This diversification of laws causes the human being to fear and keep God's duties, obey His orders and injunctions, and implore His rewards for his good deeds and expect His punishment for the wrong he would have done. In other words, this would give rise to a life free of crime, and in such a divine community a human being can lead a pure life without doing anything which might displease God. If these principles and teachings are imbued in one's heart and soul, such a person will never think of doing any harm, crime, or aggression.