Supplementary Readings in the English Language on the
Life of the Prophet
Abu'l Fadl, Mirza (ed. and tr.). Muhammad
in the Hadees, or Sayings of the Prophet Mohammad. Allahabad:
Abbas Manzil Library, 195-.
Ahmad, Fazl. Muhammad, the Holy
Prophet, "Heroes of Islam Series." Lahore: Ashraf, 1960.
Ahmad, Syed Khan Bahadur. Essays
of the Life of Mohammed and Subjects Subsidiary Thereto, Vol. 1. London:
Trubner, 1870.
Ali, Muhammad. The Living
Thoughts of the Prophet Muhammad. London: Cassell, 1947.
 | Muhammad and Christ. Madras:
S.P.C.K. Press, 1921. |
Muhammad the Prophet. Lahore:
Ahmadiyya Anjuman-i-Isha'at-iIslam, 1933.
Ali, Syed Ameer. A Critical
Plxaniination of the Life and Teachings of Mohammed. London:
William, 1873.
The Spirit of
Islam, A History of the F'volrttion and Ideals of Islam with a Life of
the Prophet. Amplified and revised ed.; London: Chattos and Windus,
Amin, Muhammad (ed.).. The
Sayings of Prophet Muhanamad. Lahore: Lion Press, 1960.
 | Wisdom of Prophet Muhammad. Lahore:
Lion Press, 1960.
Andrae, Tor. Mohammed: The
Man and His Faith, translated by Theophil Menzel. New York: Barnes
and Noble, 1957.
Azzam, Abdel Rahman. The Eternal
Message of Muhammad, translated from the Arabic by Caesar E. Farah,
with an introduction by Vincent Sheean. New York: Devin-Adair Co.,
Bodley, Ronald Victor Courtenay. The
Messenger: The Life of Muhammed. Garden City, New York: Doubleday
and Co., Inc., 1946.
Bosworth-Smith, R. Mohammed and
Mohammedanism. London: Murray, 1889.
Bush, Rev. George. The Life of
Mohammed; Founder of the Religion of Islam, and of the Empire of the
Saracens. New York: J. & J. Harper, 1830.
Carlyle, Thomas. On Heroes,
Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History (lecture 11). London: J.
Fraser, 1841, and various other editions.
Draz, Muhammad 'Abd Allah.
"Muhammad" in Islam, The Straight Path, ed. by
Kenneth W. Morgan. New York: The Ronald Press, 1958.
Draycott, Gladys M. Mohomet
Founder of Islam. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1916.
Essad Bey. Mohammed: A Biography,
translated by Helmut L. Ripperger. New York and Toronto: Longmans,
Green and Co., 1936.
Foster, H. Frank. "An
Autobiography of Mohammed," The Moslem World, XXVI (1936),
Galwash, A. A. "The Life of
Prophet Mohammad," The Religion of Islam. 5th ed.; Cairo:
Imprimerie Misr, 1958.
al Ghazzali, Abu Hamid Muhammad. Ihya'
'Ulum al Din, Book XX, edited and translated by L. Zolondek.
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1963.
Gibb, H. A. R. Mohammedanism, An
Historical Survey. London: Oxford University Press, 1953.
Glubb, Sir John Bagot. The Life
and Times of Muhammad. London: Hodder and Stoughton, and New York:
Stein and Day, 1970.
Guillaume, Alfred. New Light on
the Life of Muhammad. Manchester: Manchester University Press,
Gulick, Robert. Muhammad, the
Educator. Lahore: Institute of Islamic Culture, 1953.
Hakim, Khalifa Abdul. The Prophet
and His Message. Lahore: Institute Of Islamic Culture, 1972.
Hamadeh, Muhammad Maher.
"Muhammad the Prophet: A Selected Bibliography." Unpublished
Ph.D. dissertation, Michigan University, 1965.
Hashmi, Rahm Ali. Mohammad, the
Benefactor of Humanity, translation and condensation of the Urdu Mohsin-e-insaniyat
by Naeem Siddiqi. Delhi, Board of Islamic Publications, 1971.
Hilliard, Frederick Hadaway. The
Buddha, the Prophet, and the Christ. London and New York: G. Allen
and Unwin and Macmillan, 1956.
Hosain, Saiyid Safdar. The Early
History of Islam: An Impartial Review of the Early Islamic Period
Compiled from Authentic Sources. Karachi: Mushtaq Ali K. Laddhani,
Husain, Athar. Prophet Muhammad
and His Mission. Bombay and New York: Asia Publishing House, 1967.
Ibn Hisham, `Abd al-Malik. The
Life of Muhammad: A Translation of ibn Ishdq's Sirat Rasul Allah. London
and New York: Oxford 'University Press, 1955.
Ibn Sa'd, Muhammad. Kitab al-Tabaqat
al Kabir, translated by S. Moinul Haq assisted by H. K. Ghazanfar.
Karachi: Pakistan Historical Society, 1967.
Imamuddin, S. M. A Political
History of Muslims: Prophet and Pious Caliphs. Dacca: Najmah,
Iqbal, Afzal. Diplomacy in Islam:
An Essay on the Art of Negotiations as Conceived and Developed by the
Prophet of Islam. Lahore: Institute of Islamic Culture, 1962.
Irving, Washington. Life of
Mahomet. London: J. M. Dent and Sons, and New York: E. P. Dutton
and Co., 1911.
Mahomet and His Successors, edited
by Henry A. Pochmann and E. N. Feltskog. Madison: University of
Wisconsin Press, 1970.
Jeffery, Arthur. Islam: Muhammad
and His Religion. New York: Liberal Arts Press, 1958.
Johnstone, P. DeLacy. Muhammad
and His Power. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1901.
Khan, Inamullah. Maxims of
Mohummud. Karachi: Umma Pub. House, 1965.
Lane-Poole, Stanley. The Prophet
and Islam, abridged from 1879 edition. Lahore: National Book
Society, 1964.
Liu Chai-Lien. The Arabian
Prophet: A Life of Mohammed from Chinese and Arabic Sources, translated
by Isaac Mason. Shanghai: Commercial Press, Ltd., 1921.
Margoliouth, D. S. Mohammed and
the Rise of Islam. London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1905.
Merrick, J. L. (tr.). Life and
Religion of Mohammed as Contained in the Sheeah Traditions of the
Hyat-ul-Kuloob. Boston: Phillips, 1850.
Mohy-ud-Din, Ata. The Arabian
Prophet: His Message and Achievements. Karachi: Ferozsons, 1955.
Muir, Sir William. The Life of
Mohammad from Original Sources, a new and revised edition by T. H.
Weir. Edinburgh: J. Grant, 1923.
Nadvi, Muzzaffar Uddin. An Easy
History of the Prophet of Islam. Lahore: M. Ashraf, 1954.
Pike, Edgar Royston. Mohammed,
Prophet of the Religion of Islam. 2nd ed.; London: Weidenfeld,
Rahnama, Zayn al `Abidin. Payambar:
The Messanger, translated by L. P. Elwell-Sutton. Lahore: Sh. M.
Ashraf, 1964-65.
Rodinson, Maxime. Mohammed, translated
by Anne Carter. New York: Pantheon Books, 1971.
Sarwar, Hafiz Ghulam. Muhammad
the Holy Prophet. Lahore: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 1964.
Shibli Numani, Muhammad. `Allamah
Shibli's Sirat al-Nabi, translated by Fazlur Rahman. Karachi:
Pakistan Historical Society, 1970.
Siddiqui, Abdul Hameed. The Life
of Muhammad. Lahore: Islamic Publications, 1969.
Smith, Reginald Bosworth. Mohammed
and Mohammedanism, lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of
Great Britain in 1874. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1874.
Sprenger, Aloys. Life of Mohammad
from Original Sources. Allahabad, 1851.
Stobart, James William Hampson. Islam
and Its Founder. London: Society for Promoting Christian
Knowledge; and New York: Pott, Young, and Co., 1877.
Suhrawardy, Sir Abdullah al-Mamun. The
Sayings of Muhammad. London: J. Murray, 1954.
Wahab, Syed Abdul. The Shadowless
Prophet of Islam: Being- a Treatise on the Spiritual Aspect of the
Prophet's Life and Spiritualism of Islam as Taught by Him. Lahore:
Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, 1962.
Waheeduddin Fakir, Syed. The
Benefactor, translation of Mohsin-e-Axam and Mohsanin, English
text revised by Faiz Ahmed Faiz. Karachi: Lion Art Press, 1964.
Watt, William Montgomery. Muhammad
at Mecca. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960.
 | Muhammad at Medina. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1966. |
Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman. London:
Oxford University Press, 1961.
Wessels, Antonie. A Modern Arabic
Biography of Muhammad: A Critical Study of Muhammad Husayn Haykal's
Hayat Muhammad. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1972.
Widengren, George. Muhammad, the
Apostle of God, and His Ascension. Uppsala: Lundequistska
Bokhandeln, 1955. |