The Unbridgeable Gulfs - A Creative Necessity

The universe consists of different stages, each of which succeeds, in higher and different kind of intellect and conscious enlightenment. The development of universe in successive stages implies that there exist infinite gulfs between the intellect and conscious level of the stages. Since despite these gulfs, the universe behaves as a perfect rational order, it establishes that the universe is a creation; it has not evolved as a mechanical system. The materialists agree to the existence of such gulfs but since these gulfs suggest the presence of certain overall Entity Who despite these gulfs gives rational order to the universe in one direction underlying certain aim or goal, they in vain try to play down the presence of these gulfs. Our study of the universe has shown that had there been no gulfs between the stages and the universe would have simply evolved as a continuous system we could neither differentiate values of the universe nor understand its development.

In this connection we shall discuss the views of Frederick Engels [ Frederick Engels – a staunch materialist. His work titled “ Dialectics of Nature” gives material outlook of the universe.], a staunch materialist and author of “Dialectics of Nature”. Engels admits existence of the gulfs when he says, “ it is true that the empirical proof of this cyclical course is not wholly free from gaps” yet he claims that research into nature has considerably narrowed the gulfs! Regarding the gulf existing between the organic and inorganic stages, Engels writes:

“The wonderfully rapid development of chemistry, since Lavoisier and especially since Dalton, attacked the old ideas about nature from another aspect. The preparation by inorganic means of compounds that hitherto had been produced only in the living organism proved that the laws of chemistry have the same validity for organic as for inorganic bodies, and to a large extent bridged the gulf between inorganic and organic nature, a gulf that even Kant regarded as for ever impassable. Almost simultaneously it was established that protoplasm and the cell, which had already been shown to be the ultimate morphological constituents of all organisms, occurred independently, existing as the lowest forms of organic life. This not only reduced the gulf between inorganic and organic nature to a minimum but removed one of the most essential difficulties that had previously stood in the way of the theory of descent of organisms.”

The argument that certain compounds, which hitherto had been produced only in the living organism, have been prepared is a poor argument that does not establish that the mighty gulf existing between organic and inorganic stages has been bridged. Ludwig Feuerbach, the German materialist philosopher is very correct in saying that “ life is, of course, not the product of a chemical process, nor in general is it the product of an isolated natural force or phenomenon, to which the metaphysical materialist reduces it; it is a result of the whole nature”. Engels plea that “ since cell and protoplasm exist independently at the lower forms of organic life it has reduced the gulf between the organic and inorganic nature to a minimum" is no argument at all.

As regards the gulf existing between the Vegetable and Animal Stages, Engels writes:

“ On the one hand the conditions of life of the various floras and faunas were established by means of comparative physical geography; on the other hand the various organisms were compared with one another according to their homologous organs, and this pot only in the adult condition but at all stages of their development. The more deeply and exactly this research was carried on, the more did the rigid system of an immutably fixed organic nature crumble away at its touch. Not only did the separate species of plants and animals become more and more inextricably intermingled, but animals turned up, such as Amnioxus and Lepidosiren, that made a mockery of all previous classification, and finally organisms were encountered of which it was not possible to say whether they belonged to the plant or animal kingdom.”

The above are equally flimsy arguments. Such arguments, which are also often repeated by the biologists, indicate Engels' frustration to explain away the universal mighty gulfs which remains a well-established scientific fact even today. It is true that certain plant species, which as usual obtain their normal nourishment through their roots, are sensitive to draw insects that occasionally rest on their flower buds and some of the species of plants and animals seem intermingled, but this is not the plants conscious play. It is regarded by the scientists merely a superficial activity. If we are aware of the fundamental creative process we can understand such superficial occurrences, which is simply a useless attempt on the part of a creative stage when it nears its completion. As we know the nature allows every creative order to achieve freely the values of the stage to its affinity and it is closed on it only when it can no longer proceed in the right direction of the creative process. Thus the confusion created by the materialists is due to their ignorance of the creative process. They deem the development of the universe as a mechanics and not a creation. The argument that separate species of plants and animals become more and more inextricably intermingled is similar to the one that animal and man belong to the same stock as both the animal, and man share common instincts. No doubt if we ask the animal, and it could reply, it would tell us that man is just an animal like it. Also there are certain human beings who because of sharing common instincts with the animals deem them animals too through they regard them a bit superior or privileged one. But gentlemen know that while animal remains totally immersed in its sense perceptions and is not aware of itself, the human being is not only aware of his own existence as an independent entity but his knowledge has no bounds; even the whole universe before him is nothing but a creative universe. If we put together all the animal heads they cannot cross the conscious barrier within which they live. Similarly all the plants put together can never equal to a tiny animal cell. Unfortunately the flimsy arguments put by Engels and so also the evolutionists show their desperate attempt to mislead the humanity. They want to prove that the whole universe is a dead mechanical development and that the man who is considered as the essence of the whole universe is nothing but a computer machine brought as vanguard by material forces sheer by chance!

If our work we have discussed in detail the creative process of the universe. In the light of the fundamental principles laid down, there remains little doubt that the universe is a creation. The marvellous creative process underlying the development of the universe shows that the gulfs between the various succeeding stages of the universe are not superficial but rather these are purposive. For any development it is imperative that it should pass through different phases of its construction under the overall purpose of the development. The investigation made by the scientists in the fields of physics and natural sciences has shown that the universe has developed in successive stages laid on higher and different kind of intellect and conscious enlightenment. That each higher development stage dominates the preceding stages establishes that the intellectual and conscious level of the succeeding stage is not higher in degree but it is higher in kind also. Had the conscious level been higher in degree only it would have implied that the same developmental stage is in progress. Since, however, we can differentiate the various developmental stages we call it the universe, on the basis of successive intellectual and conscious enlightenment, it establishes that each higher creative stage is not higher in degree only but it descends as a different kind of conscious enlightenment which prevails and dominates all the creation living beneath it. In other words each higher developmental stage descends with consciousness which supersedes conscious enlightenment of all the preceding stages. Since the development of universe is laid on higher and higher kind of conscious enlightenment, the nature of gulfs between the stages is not physical or mechanical which could be bridged.

The fact that simultaneously on appearance of higher stage, the values earned by the preceding stage become fixed establishes presence of the gulfs between the successive stages. It also establishes that certain creative hand has brought these gulfs for achieving certain purpose, as otherwise we cannot explain an abrupt culmination of activity in the preceding stage simultaneously on start of the higher stage. If we talk it that the universe has simply evolved as ac continuous unit order, we could never classify the various developmental stages of the universe as well as its creative processes. Being a part of the same system we would have remained immersed in the system as a fish in the sea. Our knowledge, our personality and Self-consciousness would have never found separate independent existence. However, it is a fact that we determine the universe, classify its developmental stages and investigate its processes, it implies that each of us lives outside the universe as an independent Self-conscious entity. Similar is the case with all the preceding stages each of which exists as an independent creative order with higher and different kind of conscious enlightenment over the creation living beneath it. Hence it is the conscious enlightenment of each higher stage, which determines the creation living beneath it. These facts establish that the gulfs are a creative necessity. Nevertheless despite these gulfs which reveals infinite vacuum of intellect and consciousness between the stages, the Creator of the universe has devised remarkable medium which help bridge these gulfs and because of which the universe lives as a continuum whole. We shall discuss these remarkable mediums developed by each higher stage in the next pages. Needless to say that the mediums which bridge the gulfs between the two worlds are essentially laid on spiritual and intellectual values relevant to the conscious level of the higher stage.