Preface to the first edition
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Preface to the First Edition

The present book is a collection of essays on Islamic law which were broadcast in the external service of Radio Bangladesh in 1985 and 1986.

The subjects covered are sources and principles of Islamic law, Islamic law on marriage, divorce, husband-wife relationship, dress, business, profession and earning, entertainment and social relations. In preparing the essays I was greatly benefited from the book 'The Family Structure in Islam' by Hammudah Abdul Ati and 'The Lawful and Prohibited in Islam' by Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradawi. I am grateful to them.

I hope the present book will help people in understanding the basic rules and instructions of Islam in respect of the aforesaid subjects.

I am grateful to the publishers of the book who has taken pains for publishing it.

I am grateful to my wife Akhter Jahan, my daughter Samina Akhter, and my son Faisal for their encouragement in my efforts.

Shah Abdul Hannan


Preface to the Second Edition

I am delighted to express my heartiest congratulation to the readers as well as the publisher of my book "Social Laws of Islam" to learn that the stock of the first edition of the same has already been exhausted within a very short time and initiative has forthwith been taken to bring out its second edition to cater to its demand. Like many others, one of my very dear students in the United States reported me that he found this book very useful for both Muslims and non-Muslims there. May Allah benefit more readers both Muslims and non-Muslims out of this book.

As mentioned in the first edition this book is basically a collection of some essays which were broadcast in the external service of Radio Bangladesh in the years 1985 and 1986. In this edition also I express my profound gratitude to Hammudah Abdul Ati, author of "Family Structure in Islam" and Dr. Yousuf Al-Qurdawi, author of "The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam" for my greatly being benefited from their books in preparing the essays. May Allah grant them reward.

In the first edition in spite of care some mistakes persisted. I hope this edition is correct from such mistakes. May Allah reward Brother Zainul Abedin Mazumder, Associate Professor of Jagannath University College, Dhaka who has gone through the book and made necessary correction.

Allah Hafez

Shah Abdul Hannan



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