Footnotes (5)

60 A fine edition of Al Burhan has been published recently in Qatar.

61 See al Ghazzali, al Mustasfa, I, 187 An excellent translation into English of al Ghazzali's al Mustasfa was done by Dr. Ahmad Zaki Hammad and will soon he published.

62 Ibid.

63 See Brockelmann, appendix II, p.963, No.49.

64 See al Makki, Manaqib al Imam Abu Hanifah, II, 245; the introduction to Usul al Sarkhasi, I, 3; Qutubzadeh, Miftah al Sa'adah, II, 37; and Ibn al Nadim, Al Fihrist. Everyone who made this claim based his information on Ibn al Nadim's comment in his biography of Muhammad ibn al Hasan: "He has a book of Usul which includes chapters on Salah, Zakah and Hajj." This, however, would appear to refer to work on Usul al Din. (In fact, what is more likely, is that the reference is to al Imam Muhammad ibn al Hasan's work on Fiqh, Kitab al Asl, which was recently published in Pakistan. furthermore, the suggestion that Abu Yusuf first wrote about Usul comes from a narration included by the Khatib of Baghdad in his Tarikh Baghdad. Ed.)

65 See Vol. I, p. 11O-111.

66 Al Jassas's main work, Ahkam al Qur'an, was the subject of this editor's thesis, and is presently being translated, along with detailed annotation, into English. (Ed.)

67 Taqwim al Adillah has been edited in ten volumes and is soon to be published, Allan willing. (Ed.)

68 Each of these groups of scholars added something of their own to their books, though they used the same format for writing and the same method of presenting evidence and arguments.

69 See al Dahlawi, op. cit., I, 336-341; also al Dahlawi, Al Insaf fi Bayan Asbab al Ikhtilaf (Salafiyah, Cairo), p.3840.

70 A further reason is the implication that the scholar is attempting to "second guess" the Almighty. (Ed.)

71 Part of this work has been edited by a student as his master's thesis; and he is editing the rest for his doctorate.

72 See Ibn Khaldun, Al Muqaddimah, III, 1163-64.

73 al Nashshar, Manahij al Bahth, p. 55.

74 See Musallam al Thubut and its commentary accompanying al Ghazali's al Mustasfa, I,9-10. The author denied that logic was like this, and claimed that the position of logic in relation to both philosophy and Usul al Fiqh was the same. He may have been influenced by the suggestion that logic is the standard of all sciences.