Campaigns in Syria, Armenia and Asia MinorThe Byzantine attack on SyriaWhen after the death of Umar, Uthman came to power, the Byzantines made a bid to reconquer what they had lost to the Muslims during the caliphate of Umar. The Byzantines made a multi pronged attack on the Muslim dominions. One attack was made on Alexandria in Egypt, another attack was planned on Syria. The Byzantines mustered a strong force of 80,000 men, and planned a whole sale invasion of Syria. Amir Muawiyah the Governor of Syria had an army of 10,000 soldiers with him. He accordingly requested for aid from Uthman. Uthman asked Walid b Uqba the Governor of Kufa to send a contingent to the aid of Syria. A contingent from Kufa was sent to Syria under the command of Salman b Rabia. The Syrian contingent under Habib b Maslama, and the contingent from Kufa under Salman b Rabia met the Byzantines in battle and defeated them. Details about the action are not available, but a story has come down to us highlighting the valor of Muslim women. It is related that the Byzantine army was four times larger than the army of the Muslims. Under the circumstances Habib al-Maslama the Commander of the Muslim army devised the plan to steal across to the camp of the Byzantine commander, and kill him before the Byzantines could know what had happened. When in accordance with plan, Habib managed to reach the camp of the Byzantine Commander he was surprised to see that his wife dressed in male attire had forestalled him and reached the camp of the enemy. The husband and wife together killed the Byzantine Commander. That turned the tide of the battle, and the Muslims won an astounding victory. Campaigns in ArmeniaAfter defeating the Byzantines, the Muslim army penetrated into Armenia. During the time of Umar a multi pronged attack had been made of Armenia. A column under Bukair b Abd had attacked Bab. Shahrbaz the ruler of Bab had surrendered and peace was negotiated on the usual terms of paying 'Jizya'. Another column under Habib b Maslama conquered Tiflis Another column under Hudhaifa overpowered the Al Lan mountainous area. Another column under Abdur Rahmarr'b Rabeah reduced Baida. In the time of Uthman, Armenia rose in revolt like other regions. Habib b Maslama was the victor of Armenia under Umar. After the defeat of the Byzantines, Habib b Maslama was commissioned by Uthman to suppress the revolt in Armenia. Habib penetrated into Armenia and occupied Tiflis. Thereafter he marched up to the Black Sea, and the whole of Armenia was reconquerd. The Muslim column under Salman subjugated the districts of Sharwan and Jabal. Details about the campaigns in Armenia are not available. lt appears that there was not much of fighting, and that on the approach of the Muslim armies, the Armenians laid down arms, and accepted the usual terms of the payment of jizya. Campaigns in Asia MinorAfter the reconquest of Armenia., the Muslim army undertook campaigns in Asia Minor. The Byzantines evacuated all forts between Antioch and Tarsus, and these forts were occupied by the Muslims. Under Uthman, the frontier with the Byzantines came to be extended up to the Tarsus. In the meantime the Muslims had conquered the islands of Cypress and Rhodes. with the naval bases at Rhodes and Cypress, and the military bases at Tarsus the Muslims made raids into the Byzantine territory every year. Full details about such raids are not available but it is clear that these raids had much of nuisance value, and precluded the Byzantines from taking the offensive.