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The Treaty of Hudaybiyah
Six years had passed since the
emigration of the Prophet and his companions from Makkah to Madinah.
During that time, they were constantly occupied with war and conflict, now
with the Quraysh, now with the Jews. All along, Islam was gaining converts
as well as power. From the first year of the Hijrah, Muhammad changed his
orientation in prayer from al Aqsa Mosque to the Mosque of Makkah. The
Muslims turned toward the house of God which Ibrahim had built in Makkah
and which was renewed and reconstructed during Muhammad's youth. The
reader will remember that it was Muhammad who lifted and placed the Black
Stone in its position in the wall of that house, long before he could have
ever thought that he was to become the recipient of a revelation from God
on High.
Proscription of the Sanctuary to Muslim Entry
For hundreds of years, this Mosque had
been the center toward which the Arabs turned in their worship and to
which they went in pilgrimage during the holy month of every year.
Everybody entering the area of the Mosque was to be safe and secure. The
most hostile enemies met on its grounds without anyone ever drawing his
sword or shedding the blood of his enemy. Ever since Muhammad had
emigrated with the Muslims to Madinah, the Quraysh resolved to prevent
them from entering the Mosque. This prohibition applied only to the
Muslims among all the Arabs of the Peninsula. To this effect, God said in
the Qur'anic verses revealed during the first year of the Hijrah

"They challenge you regarding the
sacred month, that there should be no fighting whatsoever during its whole
course. Answer, that fighting in the holy month is a great transgression.
But to hinder men in their pursuit of God's path, to be blasphemous to Him
and to the Holy Mosque, to force the worshippers out of the Mosque-all
these are greater transgressions in the eye of God."[Qur'an,
Likewise, the following verse was
revealed after the Battle of Badr : "And why should they not be
punished by God when they prevent men from entering the Holy Mosque for
worship? Surely, they are not its guardians. The guardians of the Holy
Mosque are only the pious and righteous. But most of them are utterly
ignorant. As for their worship in the House of God, it is nothing but
whistling and clapping and garbling. They should then be punished for
their ungodliness. The unbelievers spend of their wealth for the purpose
of hindering men from the path of God. Their expenditure is wasted and
will bring about their own ruin. For it is to Hell that they shall finally
be assigned [Qur'an,
8:34-36]. During these six years many
other verses were revealed centering on the Mosque of Makkah which God had
declared to be a place of repentance and of security for mankind. But the
Quraysh never saw in Muhammad and his companions who turned their backs on
the idols of that house-namely, Hubal, Isaf, Na'ilah and the
others-anything but men who ought to be fought and combatted and denied
the privilege of pilgrimage to the Ka'bah until they repented and returned
to the gods of their ancestors.
Muslim Yearning for Makkah
During the whole time the Muslims were
kept from fulfilling their religious duty, they suffered deeply. The
Muhajirun especially felt this privation more strongly as it was combined
with banishment from their own hometown and people. All the Muslims,
however, were convinced that God would soon give victory to His Prophet
and to them and would raise Islam high above all other religions. They
firmly believed that the day would soon come when God would unlock for
them the gates of Makkah that they might perform their pilgrimage to the
ancient house and thus fulfill the duty which God had imposed upon all
men. If so far the years had passed one after another with frequent
campaigns and battles, beginning with Badr, Uhud, the Ditch and others, so
too the day of victory which they believed to be necessary must soon come.
How strong was their longing for this day! And how intensely did Muhammad
himself share their very faith in the proximity of that day of victory!
The Arabs and the Ka'bah
The truth is that the Quraysh had done a
great injustice to Muhammad and his companions by forbidding them to
`visit the Ka'bah and to perform the duties of pilgrimage and 'umrah. [Pilgrimage
to the Sanctuary of Makkah at a time other than that prescribed for it by
custom and the Qur'an. -Tr.]
The ancient sanctuary of Makkah was not a property of the Quraysh but
of all the Arabs together. The Quraysh enjoyed only the services attached
to the Ka'bah such as the sidanah, siqayah, and other functions
pertinent to the sanctuary or to the care for its visitors. The fact that
one tribe worshiped one idol rather than another never permitted the
Quraysh to forbid any tribe from visiting the Ka'bah, from
circumambulating it, or from filling any religious duties or acts of
worship demanded by the tribe's loyalty to that god. If Muhammad came to
call men to repudiate idol worship, to purify themselves from paganism and
associationism, to raise themselves to the worship of God alone, devoid of
associates, to conduct themselves for the sake of God in a manner free of
all moral flaws, to elevate their spirit to consciousness of the unity of
being and the unity of God, and if the new faith imposed on its adherents
the duty of pilgrimage and 'umrah to the sanctuary of Makkah, it
would be sheer aggression and injustice to prevent the followers of that
faith from fulfilling their religious duty. The Quraysh, however, feared
that were Muhammad and his Makkan companions to visit Makkah, they might
persuade the majority to follow them, especially since they were related
to the Makkans with bonds of blood and family and had been separated from
them long enough to arouse in them the strongest longing. Such a
development would start a civil war in Makkah which the Quraysh wanted to
avoid. Moreover, Makkan leaders and noblemen had not forgotten that
Muhammad and his companions had destroyed their faith, cut off their trade
route to al Sham, and antagonized them so deeply that no common loyalty to
the sanctuary and no common feeling that it belonged to God and to all the
Arabs could compose their differences. The Quraysh could not be convinced
that their relationship to the house was merely one of taking care of it
and of its visitors.
The Muslims and the Ka'bah
Six whole years had passed since the
Hijrah, during which the Muslims longed to visit the Ka'bah and perform
the pilgrimage and `umrah. One day, while they congregated in the mosque
in the morning, the Prophet informed them of a vision he had seen that
they should enter the holy sanctuary of Makkah secure, shaven, and
unarmed, and without fear for their safety. As soon as the Muslims heard
of the news, they praised God for His grace and spread the tidings all
over Madinah. No one, however, could imagine how this was going to be
accomplished. Would they fight and enter Makkah after battle? Would they
force the evacuation of Quraysh and pull down its guardianship of the
Ka'bah? Or would Quraysh open the road to them in humiliation and
Muhammad's Proclamation Concerning Pilgrimage
No! There was to be neither war nor
fighting. Muhammad proclaimed to the people that pilgrimage to Makkah
would take place in the holy month of Dhu al Qi'dah. He had sent his
messengers to the tribes, whether Muslim or otherwise, inviting them to
participate with the Muslims in a visit to the sanctuary of God in
security and peace. Apparently, he sought to make the group performing the
pilgrimage the largest possible. His objective was to let the whole
Peninsula know that this expedition of his during the holy month was
intended purely for pilgrimage and not for conquest, as well as to
proclaim the fact that Islam had imposed pilgrimage to Makkah just as
preIslamic Arab religion had done and, finally, that he had actually
invited even the Arabs who were not Muslims to join in the performance of
this sacred duty. If, despite all this, the Quraysh insisted on fighting
him during the holy month and preventing him from the performance of a
duty commonly held by all Arabs regardless of their personal faith, the
Quraysh would surely find themselves isolated and condemned by all. In
that eventuality, the Quraysh would find the Arabs unwilling to help them
in fighting the Muslims. In the eyes of all the tribes, the Quraysh would
have indicted themselves. They would have to appear as stopping men from
visiting the sanctuary, as combating the religion of Isma'il and of his
father, Ibrahim. By this means, the Muslims would guarantee that the Arab
tribes would not rally against them under Makkan leadership as they did
hitherto in the campaign of the Ditch, and their religion would itself
gain some credit among the tribes who had not yet been converted to it.
What would the Quraysh say to a people who came to their doors armless
except for their undrawn swords, and in a state of ritualistic purity,
accompanied by the cattle which they planned to sacrifice near the Ka'bah
and whose every care was simply to circumambulate the House, the duty
common to all the tribes of the Peninsula?
Muhammad publicly proclaimed that the
pilgrimage had started and asked the tribes, including the non-Muslim, to
accompany him on that holy mission. Some of the tribes rejected his
invitation and others accepted. His procession set forth on the first of
Dhu al Qi'dah, one of the holy months; and it included al Muhajirun, al
Ansar, and a number of other tribes. He led the procession riding on his
she-camel, al Qaswa'. Their total number was about one thousand four
hundred men. They took with them seventy camels and donned the garb
demanded by the ritual of `umrah that the people might know that this was
no military campaign but a pilgrimage to the holy sanctuary and a
fulfillment of religious duty. When he reached Dhu al Hulayfah, the
pilgrims shaved their heads, purified themselves as the ritual demanded,
and isolated their sacrificial cattle by placing them to their left. The
sacrificial cattle included the camels of Abu Jahl which were seized in
the Battle of Badr. No man in the whole group carried any arms except the
undrawn sword usually worn by all travelers. Umm Salamah, the wife of the
Prophet, accompanied him on this trip.
Quraysh and Muslim Pilgrimage
When the Quraysh learned that Muhammad
and his companions were approaching Makkah for purposes of pilgrimage,
they were filled with fear and pondered whether or not Muhammad was now
playing a war game against them in order to enter Makkah after they and
their allies had failed to enter Madinah. Their fear was not dissipated
when they learned that the pilgrims had actually donned the ritual garb
demanded by 'umrah, nor by Muslim proclamation across the Peninsula that
they were coming solely to fulfill a religious duty approved and accepted
by all the Arabs. None of this prevented them from resolving to stop
Muhammad from entering Makkah at whatever cost. Quickly, they mobilized an
army, including a cavalry force of two hundred. They gave the command to
Khalid ibn al Walid and 'Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl. This army advanced to Dhu
Tuwa and took up position to prevent the Muslims' religious march to
Muhammad and the Muslims continued their
march. At 'Usfan, they met a tribesman of Banu Ka'b whom the Prophet
questioned regarding the Quraysh. The man answered: "They heard about
your march; so they marched too. But they wore their tiger skins, their
traditional war apparel, pledging that they will never let you enter
Makkah. Their general, Khalid ibn al Walid, set up camp for his cavalry at
Kara' al Ghamim." Upon learning this, Muhammad said: "Woe to
Quraysh ! Their hostility is undoing them. Why should they object to
letting me settle this affair with all the tribes without intervention? If
the Arab tribes destroy me, that will be the realization of their
objective. If, on the other hand, God gives me victory, then they can
enter into Islam with dignity; and if they resist, they can then fight
with good cause. What does the Quraysh think? By God, I shall continue to
serve that for which God has commissioned me until the divine message has
become supreme or I lose my neck in the process." Pondering over the
issue, he thought that, whereas he did not come thither as a conquerer but
as a Muslim pilgrim seeking the sanctuary as a religious duty, he might be
compelled to fight and perhaps lose unless he should take the precaution
of arming his people. Should he lose in such an engagement, the Quraysh
would parade their victory throughout the Peninsula and thus deal a tragic
blow to the Muslim position. Indeed, it is perhaps for that reason that
the Quraysh delegated the command of their army to Khalid ibn al Walid and
'Ikrimah, their most illustrious generals, that they might attain this
very objective, knowing that Muhammad was not prepared to fight on this
Muhammad's Caution to Safeguard the Peace
While Muhammad pondered these issues,
Makkan cavalry was looming on the horizon. The presence of the enemy
prepared for war showed the Muslims that it was impossible for them to
reach their objective without going through these lines and engaging in a
battle in which the Quraysh had come prepared to repulse the threat to
their dignity, honor, and homeland. Such would have been a battle
undesired and uncalled for by Muhammad and forced upon him. The Muslims
were not afraid of battle. With the high morale they enjoyed, their swords
alone would be sufficient to stop this new aggression of the Makkans. But
if they did fight the Makkans, the peaceful purpose of the whole affair
would not be realized. On the contrary, the Quraysh would use such
fighting as proof of Muhammad's guilt before the tribes. Muhammad was too
farsighted to allow such a course to be followed. He therefore asked his
party to find someone who could show them a road to Makkah other than the
main one which was blocked by the Quraysh. Apparently, he was still of the
same mind as before he started out from Madinah. A man was found to lead
the procession by a different route which was yet more desolate and full
of hardships. That road led them to a valley at the end of which a turn by
al Murar brought them to the locality of al Hudaybiyah, south of Makkah.
When the Quraysh discovered the movement of Muhammad and his companions,
they returned quickly to Makkah in order to defend it against what they
thought to be a Muslim invasion from the south. Upon arrival at the plain
of al Hudaybiyah, al Qaswa', she-camel of the Prophet, stopped. The
Muslims thought the she-camel was exhausted; but the Prophet explained
that it was stopped by the same power which stopped the elephant from
entering Makkah. He continued, "If only the Quraysh would ask us for
guarantees of Muslim intentions based upon our blood relationship to them,
we should be happy to give them the same." He then called upon the
Muslims to encamp. When they complained that the place was waterless, he
sent a man with a stick to one of the wells of the area and asked him to
verify the existence of water. When the man plunged his stick into the
bottom of the well, water sprang up; the people felt reassured, and they
put up camp.
Quraysh's Delegates to the Muslims
The Muslims encamped and the Quraysh
observed their moves. The Makkans had resolved to prevent the Muslims by
force from entering their city. To them, this was a clear and final
commitment. The Muslims, on the other hand, did not know whether or not
they were heading for an all-out war with the Quraysh which would decide
the matter between them once and for all. Undoubtedly, some people on both
sides preferred a settlement by the sword. The Muslims who approved of
this course thought their victory would bring about a final destruction of
the Quraysh. The Quraysh's reputation throughout the Peninsula as well as
their sidanah and Siqayah functions in pilgrimage-indeed,
their pride and religious distinction-would be eliminated. The two camps
were poised seeking an answer. Muhammad did not change his original plan
to perform the `umrah in peace and to avoid war unless attacked. In
case of attack, there would be no escape from recourse to the sword. As
for the Quraysh, while hesitant, they decided to send some delegates to
the Muslim camp, partly to reconnoiter Muslim strength and partly to
dissuade Muhammad from executing his plan. For this purpose, Budayl ibn
Warqa' arrived at the Muslim camp, together with some tribesmen from
Khuza`ah. Inquiry into Muhammad's objectives convinced them that he did
not come to fight but to honor the sanctuary and pay to it the homage due.
The delegation returned to the Quraysh and counseled that the Muslims be
permitted to fulfill their religious wish. The Quraysh, however, remained
unconvinced. Indeed, they accused their own delegates of conniving with
Muhammad. They argued that even though Muhammad might not have come to
make war, he should not be allowed to enter Makkah against their will and
with such preponderant numbers. Otherwise, the Quraysh would become the
mockery of Arabia. In order to make sure that their first delegates told
them the truth, the Quraysh sent another delegation which returned with
exactly the same reports, which the Quraysh now believed. The Quraysh were
depending for their war against Muhammad upon their Ahabish allies. [A
group of strong bowmen from Arabia-i.e. Abyssinians-so called for their
dark complexion. Another possible explanation for their name is that it
refers to Hubshi, a mountain south of Makkah.]
They thought of sending the Ahabish leader to talk to Muhammad with the
hope that the two leaders would misunderstand each other and the Quraysh
ally would become increasingly committed to fight on Makkah's side against
Muhammad. A1 Hulays, as the leader of the Ahabish was called, went to the
Muslim camp to see for himself. When the Prophet saw him arriving, he
ordered the sacrificial cattle paraded in front of him as material proof
of Muslim intention to perform the pilgrimage and to honor the sanctuary.
A1 Hulays saw the seventy sacrificial camels shaved and readied for
sacrifice and was moved by the view of this display of Arab religiosity.
He soon became convinced that the Quraysh were doing an injustice to those
people who had come neither for war nor for hostility. Without bothering
to meet Muhammad and converse with him, he returned to Makkah and told the
Quraysh of his opinion. Full of resentment, the Quraysh slighted al Hulays
as a Bedouin and neglected his advice as that of one uninstructed. Al
Hulays was naturally angered, and he threatened them that he had not
allied himself with them in order to stop pilgrims from performing their
religious duties. He even threatened that unless they allowed Muhammad and
his party into the sanctuary, he would remove himself and his tribe from
Makkah. The Quraysh feared the consequences of such a move and begged him
to give them time to reconsider.
The Delegation of `Urwah ibn Mas'ud al Thaqafi
The Quraysh then thought of sending
somebody whom they could trust and whose judgment stood beyond suspicion.
They approached `Urwah ibn Mas'ud al Thaqafi and apologized to him for
having slighted the delegate whom they had sent before him to negotiate
with Muhammad. When they assured him of their respect and pledged their
compliance with his advice, he agreed to meet with Muhammad. He proposed
to the latter that since Makkah was his own hometown whose honor it was
his duty to safeguard, it would be opprobrious for him to prefer the
commonplace people he brought with him to the noblemen of Quraysh who were
none other than his own people. `Urwah stressed the point that such
opprobrium would attach to Muhammad as well as to the Quraysh even though
the two had been at war with each other. On hearing this, Abu Bakr
objected loudly to `Urwah's request that the Prophet of God separate
himself from the people. While talking to Muhammad, `Urwah touched
Muhammad's beard in supplication, and al Mughirah ibn Shu'bah, standing on
the side of the Prophet, struck the hand of `Urwah every time it was
stretched toward Muhammad's beard despite the fact that `Urwah had
ransomed al Mughirah by paying the bloodwit of the thirteen men whom all
Mughirah had killed prior to his conversion to Islam. Accordingly, `Urwah
returned to Makkah after convincing himself that Muhammad had not come to
wage war but to honor the holy sanctuary in fulfillment of a divine
imperative. Upon return to the Quraysh, he said to them: "O Men of
Quraysh, I have visited Chosroes, Caesar, and the Negus in their
respective courts. By God, I have never seen a king attaching himself to
his people as Muhammad does. His companions love him and honor him and
revere him so much that they carefully lift every hair that falls off his
body, and they save the water with which he performs his ablutions. They
will never allow any hand to fall on him. Judge then accordingly."
Muhammad's Delegation to Quraysh
In this way, negotiations between
Muhammad and the Quraysh lasted a long time. Muhammad wondered whether or
not the delegates of Quraysh had enough courage and initiative to convince
the Quraysh with the facts which they had noted. He therefore sent a
delegate from his own camp to inform the Quraysh of the Muslim view. The
Makkans slew the camel of Muhammad's delegate and were about to kill him
when the Ahabish intervened and let him go free. This conduct of the
Makkans only confirmed their hostile spirit and, consequently, the Muslims
began to lose patience and think of fighting their way through. While
still considering what to do, some plebeians from Makkah went out under
the cover of night to throw stones at the tents of the Muslims. The latter
sent out forty or fifty men who encircled the attackers, captured them and
brought them to the Prophet for judgment. To the surprise of everyone,
Muhammad forgave the attackers and allowed them to go free in accordance
with his general plan for peace and in deference to the holy month in
which no blood was to be shed in al Hudaybiyah, an area falling within the
holy ground of Makkah. The Quraysh for their part were stupefied by this
conduct of Muhammad and lost every argument they had that Muhammad wanted
war. It had become absolutely certain that any attack on the part of the
Quraysh against Muhammad would be regarded by all Arabs as a sneaking,
treacherous act of aggression which Muhammad would be perfectly entitled
to repel with all power at his disposal.
The Prophet of God-May God's blessing be
upon him-tested the patience of the Quraysh once more by sending a
delegate from his camp to negotiate with them. He called 'Umar ibn al
Khattab for the job of conveying his message to the noblemen of Quraysh. 'Umar,
however, pleaded with the Prophet of God that since none of his people,
the Banu 'Adiyy ibn Ka'b, were left in Quraysh, he would be unprotected
prey for them to pounce upon in revenge for his many offenses against
them. He counselled the Prophet to send another man, 'Uthman ibn 'Affan,
who was far more protected among the Quraysh than he. The Prophet called 'Uthman
ibn 'Affan, his son-in-law, and sent him to Abu Sufyan and the noblemen of
Quraysh. 'Uthman proceeded to Makkah, and on its outskirts was met by Aban
ibn Said who extended to him his protection for the duration of time that
it would take him to convey his message. 'Uthman approached the noblemen
of Quraysh and handed over the Prophet's message. They suggested to him
that he might circumambulate the sanctuary if he wished. But he declined,
saying, "I shall never do so until the Prophet of God had done so
himself." He continued to insist that the Muslims had come to Makkah
simply in order to visit the holy shrine and to glorify it and to perform
the religious duty of pilgrimage. He pointed out that the Muslims had
brought with them their sacrificial animals and pleaded that if they were
allowed to sacrifice them, they would return in peace. The Quraysh pleaded
that they had already sworn defiantly that Muhammad would not be allowed
to enter Makkah this year. The negotiations lasted a long time during
which 'Uthman was forced to stay in Makkah. Soon the Muslims began to
suspect that he had been treacherously put to death. Perhaps during this
time the noblemen of Quraysh were busy conversing with 'Uthman in an
attempt to find a common form in which their pledge not to allow Muhammad
to enter Makkah this year, and the Muslim's desire to visit the Holy House
and to fulfill their religious duty, could be composed. Perhaps, too, they
appreciated 'Uthman's frankness and sincerity and were seriously engaged
in discussing with him how best to reorganize the relations with Muhammad
in the future.
The Covenant of al Ridwan
Whatever the reason, 'Uthman's failure
to return quickly caused the Muslims at Hudaybiyah no little anxiety. They
began to give vent to their imagination by picturing the Quraysh
treacherously attacking them in the holy month despite the sanctity
of the occasion and of the purpose for which they came. They feared that
the Quraysh would violate the religious conscience of all Arabia with
impudence, even within the holy sanctuary or on the holy grounds of Makkah.
With tension rising in the Muslim camp, and everybody reaching for his
sword, Muhammad assured them that he would not allow them to return
without challenging their enemies. He called his companions to him under a
large tree in the middle of that valley, and there they covenanted with
him to fight to the last man. Their faith was certain, their conviction
was strong, and their will was determined to avenge the blood of `Uthman
whom they thought the Quraysh had murdered in Makkah. This covenant was
called the Covenant of al Ridwan ; and in its regard, the following verse
was revealed: "God is pleased with the believers who have covenanted
with you under the tree. God knows what is in their hearts and, therefore,
He has granted them His peace and will soon give them great victory. [Qur'an,
When the Muslims concluded their covenant, Muhammad-May God's peace and
blessing be upon him-pledged the same covenant on behalf of `Uthman, and
the latter was regarded as if he were present. Thereupon, swords shook in
their scabbards and the Muslims realized that war was now inevitable.
Everybody looked forward to the day of victory or martyrdom with a mind
convinced and satisfied, and a heart reassured and at peace. While in this
state, the news reached them that `Uthman had not been murdered, and soon
the man himself returned safe and sound. The Covenant of al Ridwan,
however, like the great Covenant of al `Aqabah, remained a great landmark
in Muslim history. Muhammad was particularly pleased with this covenant
for the evidence it furnished of the strength of the bonds which tied him
and his companions together, and for the readiness of the Muslims to face
the greatest dangers without fear. For whoever is willing to face death
will find that death itself shies away from him, life itself surrenders to
him, and victory is always his own to reach.
The Quraysh's Response
Upon return, `Uthman conveyed to
Muhammad the message of the Quraysh. They entertained no more doubt that
the Muslims had come to Makkah for anything but the religious purpose of
pilgrimage to the Holy House, and they realized that they had no right to
prevent any Arab from performing his pilgrimage or `umrah during the holy
month. Nonetheless, they had mobilized their army under the leadership of
Khalid ibn al Walid to prevent Muhammad and his companions from entering
Makkah, and some skirmishes had taken place between the two parties. After
all this had happened, to let Muhammad enter Makkah would allow the tribes
to conclude that the Quraysh had been defeated and, as a result, their
position in the Peninsula would suffer greatly. Therefore, the Quraysh
argued, they must insist on maintaining this decision of theirs in order
to preserve their reputation and prestige. They invited Muhammad to think
out with them both his and their position that together they might find an
outlet from this difficulty. By themselves they saw no escape from a war
which they would have to wage whether they wanted to or not. Rather, they
wished they might not have to fight during the holy months because of
their religious sanctity and out of fear that should those months be
violated, then the tribes would never feel secure that they would not be
violated again in the future. The result of a present conflict would be
that the security of passage to Makkah and to its market, of the religious
rites and of the prosperity of the Makkans and Arabs alike would all go
Another round of negotiations between
the two parties followed. The Quraysh sent Suhayl ibn `Amr to reconcile
Muhammad and to ask him to return for the same purpose the following year.
They argued that in such an arrangement the tribes would not claim that
Muhammad had entered Makkah in defiance of the Quraysh. Suhayl began his
negotiations with the Prophet, and these lasted a long time during which
they were interrupted and resumed again by both parties, anxious as they
were for the negotiations to succeed. In the Muslim camp the Muslims
listened in on these negotiations and often lost patience at their
involvement and length, the obstinacy with which Suhayl refused to make
any concessions, and the leniency with which the Prophet made his. Were it
not for the absolute conf dence the Muslims had in their Prophet, they
would have never accepted the terms reached by those negotiations. They
would have fought with the Makkans and either entered Makkah victorious or
perished in the process. Even such a great man as `Umar ibn al Khattab
lost patience and said to Abu Bakr, "O Abu Bakr, isn't Muhammad the
Prophet of God and aren't we Muslims?" Abu Bakr answered in the
affirmative. 'Umar then said, "Why then should we give in to the
unbelievers in a matter vital to our faith?" Abu Bakr replied,
"O 'Umar, do not trespass one inch where you ought not to go.
Remember that I witness that our leader is the Prophet of God."
Angrily, 'Umar acquiesced by replying: "I, too, witness that our
leader is the Prophet of God."
Conclusion of the Treaty (March, 628 C.E.)
'Umar turned to Muhammad and complained
to him with the same anger and resentment, but could not alter the
Prophet's determination and patience. Their talk was concluded with the
Prophet's statement that he was the servant of God and His Prophet and
that he would not deviate from the divine commandment nor entertain any
doubt of divine support. So patient was Muhammad in these negotiations
that many Muslims remembered anecdotes which speak most eloquently to this
effect. It is reported, for instance; that Muhammad called 'Ali ibn Abu
Talib and said to him: "Write, 'In the name of God, the Merciful, the
Compassionate.'" Suhayl, the non-Muslim delegate of Quraysh
interrupted. "Stop," he said, "I do not know either 'the
Merciful' or 'the Compassionate.' Write, 'In your name, 0 God.'" The
Prophet of God instructed 'Ali to write accordingly and continued:
"Write, 'Following is the text of a pact reached by Muhammad, the
Prophet of God and Suhayl ibn 'Amr.' " Suhayl again interrupted.
"Stop it. If I accepted you as a Prophet of God I would not have been
hostile to you. You should write only your name and the name of your
father." The Prophet of God instructed 'Ali to write accordingly,
referring to himself as Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah. The text of the treaty was
redacted and agreed upon. In the opinion of most biographers, the treaty
specified that the peace was to last for ten years. According to al Waqidi,
the peace was stipulated for only two years. The pact also specified that
any person from Quraysh emigrating to Muhammad's camp without permission
from his guardian would have to be returned to Makkah, whereas any Muslim
emigrating from Muhammad's camp to Makkah would not have to be returned.
It also specified that any tribe was free to ally itself to Muhammad
without incurring any guilt or censure from Quraysh, and likewise, any
tribe seeking an alliance with Quraysh could do so without let or
hindrance from the Muslims. The pact stipulated that Muhammad and his
companions would leave the area of Makkah that year without fulfilling
their religious function but that they might return the next year, enter
the city and stay therein three days for this purpose while carrying no
more than swords in their scabbards.
Promulgation of the Treaty
As soon as this pact was solemnly
concluded by the parties concerned, the tribe of Khuza`ah entered into an
alliance with Muhammad and that of Band Bakr with Quraysh. Soon after, Abu
Jandal ibn Suhayl ibn 'Amr left Makkah forever and came to the Muslim camp
seeking to join the Muslims. When Suhayl, the delegate of Quraysh to the
Muslim camp, saw his son change loyalties in his presence, he struck him
in the face and pulled him by the hair to return to the Quraysh. Abu
Jandal was calling upon the Muslims to save him from the fate of being
returned to the unbelievers who would persecute him for his faith. This
greatly increased the Muslims' resentment and their dissatisfaction with
the pact the Prophet had just concluded with Suhayl. But Muhammad spoke to
Abu Jandal. "0 Abu Jandal," he said, "have patience and be
disciplined; for God will soon provide for you and your other persecuted
colleagues a way out of your suffering. We have entered with the Quraysh
into a treaty of peace and we have exchanged with them a solemn pledge
that none will cheat the other." Abu Jandal returned to Quraysh in
compliance with the demand of this treaty and Suhayl returned to Makkah.
Muhammad, too, was disconcerted with the resentment and dissatisfaction of
the Muslims around him. After reciting his prayers he felt reassured,
sought his sacrificial animal, and slaughtered it. Then, he sat down and
shaved his head, thus declaring the `umrah, or lesser pilgrimage,
complete. His soul was satisfied and his heart full of contentment, as if
the peace of God had come upon him. When the people saw what he did and
observed the peace of soul shining through his face, they began to
slaughter their animals and to shave off their hair. Some of them shaved
off their hair completely and others only in part. Muhammad said,
"God Bless those who shaved their heads." The people asked him
about those who only cut their hair short, and Muhammad repeated his
blessing for the benefit of those who shaved their heads. After the
people asked him three times and he repeated the same blessing three
times, he was asked: "Why, 0 Prophet of God, do you exclude those who
cut off their hair short from your blessing?" He answered,
"Because the shavers did not doubt, whereas the others did." [It was customary for the pilgrim in pre-Islamic Arabia to shave his head
as evidence of desacralization after a complete performance of the religious
function of pilgrimage. When the performance of the religious function had been
interrupted or any one of its rituals for some reason missed, the pilgrim would
only cut his hair short rather than shave it. He thereby gave evidence of his
awareness that his religious function had not been completely fulfilled and of
the need to repeat the same function in the following season. -Tr.]
Nothing remained for the Muslims to do
except to return to Madinah and there await the arrival of the coming
season for another trip to Makkah, Most of them accepted this idea
grudgingly, and consoled themselves purely on the grounds that the
unwelcome compliance therewith was only the command of the Prophet
himself. They were not accustomed to acquiesce in a defeat or to surrender
without a fight. Moreover, in their faith in God and in the timely
assistance that God would grant to His Prophet, his religion and
themselves, they could entertain no shadow of a doubt of their ability to
storm Makkah if only Muhammad had commanded it. They stayed in al
Hudaybiyah a few days questioning one another regarding the wisdom of this
pact which the Prophet had concluded. Some of them were inclined to doubt
its wisdom. But they bore in patience and then returned home. On their way
home between Makkah and Madinah, the surah "al Fath" was
revealed to the Prophet, and he recited it to his companions.

"We have granted to you a clear
victory that God may forgive you your past and future shortcomings, grant
you His blessings, and guide you to the straight path." [Qur'an,
There was hence no reason to doubt that
the Hudaybiyah Treaty was a victory for the Muslims. History has shown
that this pact was the product of profound political wisdom and
farsightedness and that it brought about consequences of great advantage
to Islam and indeed to Arabia as a whole. It was the first time that
Quraysh acknowledged that Muhammad was an equal rather than a mere rebel
and runaway tribesman. It was the first time that Makkah acknowledged the
Islamic state that was rising in Arabia. Makkan acquiescence in the right
of the Muslims to visit the sanctuary and to perform the pilgrimage was
equally a recognition on her part that Islam was an established and
approved religion in the Peninsula. Furthermore, the peace of the
following two or ten years gave the Muslims the peace and security they
needed on their southern flank without fear of an invasion from Quraysh.
The peace also contributed to the spread of Islam. Even Quraysh, the most
determined enemy of Islam and its greatest antagonist, had by this pact
come to recognize Islam and its community, and to acquiesce in that in
which it had never acquiesced before. Indeed, Islam spread after this
treaty more widely and quickly than it had ever spread before. While those
who accompanied Muhammad to Hudaybiyah counted one thousand and four
hundred, those who accompanied him on his conquest of Makkah two years
later counted well over ten thousand. The greatest objection to those who
doubted the wisdom of the Hudaybiyah pact was directed to the provision
that any Quraysh member joining the Muslims without the permission of his
guardian would have to be returned to Quraysh, and that any apostate from
Islam would not have to be returned to Madinah. Muhammad's opinion in this
matter centered on the consideration that the apostate from Islam who
seeks the shelter of Quraysh is not really worthy of readmission to the
Muslim community; that for the convert who wished to join that community
but who was not allowed to at present, God would soon find an outlet.
Events have confirmed this judgment of Muhammad far more quickly than his
companions anticipated, and given evidence that Islam had actually drawn
great advantages. Indeed, the treaty even made it possible two months
later for Muhammad to begin to address himself to the kings and chiefs of
foreign states and invite them to join Islam.
The Story of Abu Basir
Events succeeded one another very
rapidly, all of which confirmed Muhammad's judgment and wisdom. Abu Basir
became a Muslim and escaped from Makkah to Madinah. Obviously, the
provisions of the Hudaybiyah Treaty applied to him and demanded his return
to the Quraysh, for he had not obtained the permission of his master.
Azhar ibn `Awf and al Akhnas ibn Shariq wrote to the Prophet to this
effect and sent their letter with a tribesman of Banu `Amir and a slave of
theirs. When the demand was made, the Prophet called Abu Basir and said to
him: "We have covenanted with the Quraysh to honor the Treaty of
Hudaybiyah which you well know. In our religion, we are not permitted to
cheat. You should therefore return to your people. God will grant to you
and to the other persecuted Muslims a means of emancipation in His good
time." Abu Basir objected to the Prophet that the unbelievers would
force him to apostatize. The Prophet, however, repeated the same judgment
to him. Abu Basir had, therefore, to give himself up to the two messengers
and accompany them back to Makkah. Once they arrived at Dhu al Hulayfah,
Abu Basir asked the Banu `Amir tribesman to show him his sword, and as
soon as he laid his hand upon it, he struck the tribesman with it and
killed him. The Makkan slave ran toward Madinalf and into the Prophet's
presence with obvious signs of fear and panic on his face. When
interrogated, the slave told the Prophet that Abu Basir had killed his
master. Soon, Abu Basir himself arrived brandishing his sword and
addressing Muhammad: "0 Prophet of God, you have fulfilled your duty
under the Treaty and God has relieved you of your obligation, for you have
in fact surrendered me to my people as the treaty prescribed. But I was
not willing to allow myself to be persecuted, enticed away, or forced to
abjure my religion." The Prophet did not hide his admiration for him
and wished that he had many companions. Later on, Abu Basir went to al `Is
on the sea coast, on the road which the Quraysh followed to al Sham and
which the Treaty of Hudaybiyah prescribed to keep open for Makkan trade.
When his story and that of Muhammad's admiration of him reached Makkah,
the Muslims still residing there were elated, and about seventy of them
ran away to al `Is to follow him as their chief. Abu Basir and his
companions began to cut off the trade route on their own initiative,
killing any unbeliever they caught and seizing any camels belonging to
Quraysh. Only then did it dawn on the Quraysh what a loss they had
incurred by insisting as they did on keeping their Muslim members or
slaves in forced residence in Makkah. They realized that the man who is
truly committed to Islam was a greater handicap to them than the loss of
him altogether to the Muslim camp. Such a man would escape at the first
opportunity without entering into the camp of Muhammad and, hence, without
becoming an outlaw under the prescriptions of the Hudaybiyah Treaty. He
would then wage a terrible war against the Makkans in which the Makkans
had everything to lose and nothing to gain. Remembering too well that
Muhammad had cut off the caravan road after his emigration to Madinah, the
Quraysh feared that Abu Basir would do likewise. They therefore wrote to
the Prophet asking him, in violation of the Hudaybiyah Treaty, to accept
their fugitives into his camp, in order to keep the caravan route open. In
the consequent negotiation, the Quraysh relinquished the privilege
emphasized by Suhayl ibn'Amr so strongly, namely, that the Muslims of
Quraysh who escape therefrom without approval of their masters or
guardians be returned to Quraysh. Thus, the concession criticized by 'Umar
ibn al Khattab and for the sake of which he revolted against Abu Bakr was
dropped by request of the Quraysh. Muhammad then invited all the Muslims
to enter Madinah, and the caravan route to al Sham became once more
Muslim Women Emigrants
As for the Muslim women of Quraysh who
escaped to Madinah, Muhammad had a different opinion. Umm Kulthum,
daughter of 'Uqbah ibn abu Mu'ayt, escaped from Makkah to Madinah after
the Hudaybiyah Treaty, and her two brothers 'Umarah and al Walid came to
the Prophet demanding her return under terms of the Treaty. The Prophet
refused, judging that the treaty did not apply to women and that if women
called for assistance and shelter, their request could not be turned down.
Furthermore, when a woman becomes a Muslim, she is no more legally tied to
her husband who is an unbeliever. Dissolution of the bond of marriage is
then automatic. On this point, the revelation is clear: "O Men who
believe, if the women believers come to you for shelter, examine them,
remembering that God knows the nature of their faith better than anyone.
If you find them to be true believers, do not return them to the
polytheists to whom they are no longer legitimate. Return to them that
which they have spent and marry them if you wish; for there is no blame
upon you if you do so, provided you give them their dowries. Do not hold
to your matrimonial ties with women unbelievers, but ask them to return
what you have spent and return to them what they have spent and separate
yourselves from each other. That is the judgment of God and He wishes to
see it observed among you. God is All-Knowing and All-Wise." [Qur'an,
Thus events confirmed Muhammad's wisdom, foresight, and deep
political insight. History has indeed proved that the Treaty of al
Hudaybiyah actually laid down a very important foundation for Islam's
political career as well as for its spread throughout the world. That is
the meaning of the clear victory God had promised.
Relations between Quraysh and Muhammad
became quite peaceful and settled after the Treaty of al Hudaybiyah. Both
parties felt secure. The Quraysh embarked on enlarging trade, hoping to
recapture the losses which had resulted from the war with the Muslims in
which the road to al Sham was cut. As for Muhammad, he embarked on a wider
policy of mission, seeking to bring his message to all men in all corners
of the earth and to lay down the foundations for the happiness and success
of the Muslims throughout the Peninsula now that their security was
guaranteed. Both these considerations enabled him to send his messengers
to the kings in the surrounding empires and, especially after the Battle
of Khaybar, to expel the Jews from the Arabian Peninsula altogether.
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