Muslim Narir Sangram
(Struggle of Muslim Women)

This book delves into the authentic teachings of Islam in order to show that Islam wants to shape the human society in a way, which is free of the evils of the modern permissive society. Fully documented from the Qur'an and the Hadeeth, it contains a revolutionary message for the Muslim of today and tomorrow. The writings of 7 women active in Islamic movement have been included to enhance understanding of the issues, including Mariam Jamilah, Azam Taleghani, Nisa'a Ameen etc. Zakiyya A. Khaliq says that as Muslim woman, we have an obligation to participate in the struggle against oppression as the verse 9:71 states. Zakiyya offers some suggestions for the Muslim women:

  1. We must strengthen the basic unit of society-the family-by creating and maintaining Islamic environment in the home.
  2. Through proper self-education, we must become aware of public issues and needs.
  3. We must develop skills useful to our society in a variety of areas.
  4. We must teach those who are uneducated and
  5. Help to reform those who have strayed from the path.
  6. Most importantly, we must continually ask for Allah's help and guidance to avoid being among those who sit at home and serve not in Allah's cause.

Today's woman is oppressed in some religious communities as well as in some so-called "progressive" ones. She is oppressed in the name of God by some religious authorities and institutions through misuse of and misquotations from the Scriptures. Out of ignorance or desperation, most of the Muslim women have accepted this mistreatment as their fate; and a number of them turn against Islam and accept western ways.

Family is the Nucleus of any society. In the family life the husband and the wife should show respect to each other as Islam teaches "And live with them in kindness and justice" (4:19). There are some Qur'anic verses which are often misunderstood and consequently used against the interest of women. But a deeper understanding of these verses dismantle all the misunderstanding. Unfortunately enough the male-oriented view of marriage caused a lot of sufferings to the women who are suppressed under the false notion of absolute obedience to husband. But in Islam absolute obedience is only to Allah and His apostle. Wife beating has been turned into a norm in some societies; whereas our Prophet (SAWS) vehemently forbade it.

The Holy Qur'an relates a story of a woman (Bilkis) who ruled over men as she was the Queen of her people. As the Qur'an does not condemn her for ruling over her people, it indicates that a woman can rule a country. But some of our scholars try to overrule it quoting a Hadeeth. The writer has shown the weakness of the Hadeeth. The narrator of the Hadeeth himself took part in battle under the leadership of Hazrat Ayesha (R) and as such it is implausible that he has narrated a Hadeeth against woman leadership.

Some people are mistaken to such a regretful extent that they very incorrectly claim that women should always stay home. Even they do not support that women should pursue Da'wah work outside home.

The writer tries to indicate the historical causes of the oppression on women. And the remedy he suggested is that proper and comprehensive knowledge should be spread.

by Dr. Kaukab Siddiqui
Reviewd by : A. A. Rahman

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