A biography of a Book

Here is a biography of a book, which is so special that no other book exists as it does. It is a nonfiction book whose Author has 99 beautiful Names. When browsing at a bookstore or at a library, we always read the credentials of the author before selecting a book. It is especially true when we select nonfiction, How-To books. An author who is an auto mechanic himself would be a better author of a book about car care. Similarly, a psychiatrist or a psychologist can write better books about coping with Depression. Thus we use our faculty to make the choice.

Well getting back to the subject of authors, ours has the perfect knowledge. Nothing in the heavens or on the earth is hidden from Him. He existed before time was created and will exist after the Day of Judgment. He has created all living things and everything in space and beyond. He is the Self-sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need. He neither eats nor drinks. "He begets not nor was He begotten" (112:3). He has no partner. Through His 99 Names we are aware of His attributes. He calls Himself Allah, The Merciful, The Gracious…The Patient. In short He is the Perfect Being Who loves and forgives us over and over again. He is Divine and hence the Book we are telling about is also Divine and perfect just like Him. He has created us and He wants us to attain salvation in the hereafter by leading a blissful life here on the earth. It is kind of Him that He has sent us The Book as a Guidance for our short life on this planet. "Verily, We have sent down to you the Book for mankind in truth. So whoever accepts the guidance, it is only for his own-self and whoever goes astray, he goes astray for his own loss..." (39:41). He uses parables throughout the Book to communicate higher thoughts and ideas. "And We have put forth for men, in this Qur'an every kind of similitude in order that they may remember" (39:27). The Book contains guidance in small matters like knocking on the door before entering and big matters like Jihad (persistent struggle in the cause of Allah) and State Policies.

The style of the Book is that of a sermon and the language is simple yet elegant. "An Arabic Qur'an, without any crookedness (therein) in order that they may avoid all evil which Allah has ordered them to avoid, fear Him and keep their duty to Him" (39:28).

Many have tried to copy similar writings but never succeeded. "And if you are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant (the Prophet), then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (if there are any) besides Allah, if your doubts are true. But if you cannot-and of a surety you cannot-then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones-which is prepared for those who reject faith." (2:23-24).

The guidance in it will never change with the times; it is eternal and will remain evergreen. No one can temper with its message since the Divine Author Himself guaranteed its protection. (Ref. Qur'an 15:9).

By this time, I hope that, all the readers have come to realize that this unique Book is, of course, the Holy Qur'an. The Divine Author is Allah SWT Who has given Himself 99 Names. Like any machinery, the human being needs a Manual of Operation. Since Allah SWT has created us, only He knows best what is good for us and what is bad and where lies our salvation and where lies our damnation, what path leads us to Jannah (Heaven) and what leads us to Hell. So only for our wellbeing He has sent us proper guidance with instructions detailed. And throughout the history He sent many other Messengers and Divine Books. Selfish people have altered the teachings of the Divine Books to satisfy the demand of their perverted desires. Finally Allah sent the final edition of the heavenly Book called The Qur'an. In it He completed His favor on mankind. The Qur'an is for all mankind and it is for eternity. "…. This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed my favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion." (5:3).

Dear believer, now perform wudu and begin reading the holy Qur'an. The Author of the Book is Allah Himself. The Book is His workmanship. Both the Author and the Book are Divine. How can we ever disregard such a Masterpiece? The Holy Qur'an can literally transform your life. You will find peace in your soul and an assurance of Paradise in the Hereafter.

by Tasneem Zeenat Ahmad

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