Special Report:
Discussion on Women in Islam

The Witness, an organization for the women based on Dhaka, arranged a discussion session in the city on different aspects of Islam giving a special emphasis on the position of women in Islam. The program was divided into two parts. In the first session the learned speakers spoke on various aspects of Islam and in the second session the then secretary of the Government of Bangladesh Mr. Shah Abdul Hannan answered different queries from the audience regarding Islam.

The program started with recitation from the Holy Qur'an by Fatima Nasreen , a student of A Level. The President of the Witness Mrs. Nasima Hasan gave the inaugural speech. The speakers were Mrs. Sarah, an American convert Muslim, Mrs. Fatema Aversaji, Dr. Lulu Akhter Banu Sugandhi, and Mr. Shah Abdul Hannan, an Islamic scholar and the then secretary of the Government of Bangladesh. Mr. Ferdous Khan, an educationist and a former additional secretary of the Government, was in the chair.

Mr. Shah Abdul Hannan emphasized the rights of women in Islam. Quoting the verse 71 of Surah 9 (Tawbah), he showed that the basic responsibility of both men and women is same. Allah also makes no difference in the reward of men and women as in the verse 35 of Surah Ahzaab, after mentioning a series of duties of the Muslim men and women, the Qur'an states, "…for them (men and women) Allah has prepared forgiveness and great reward."

He said that according to the verse 9:71 of the Holy Qur'an it is incumbent upon both Muslim men and women to pursue the duty of Amru bil Ma'ruf wa Nahi anil Munkar (to enjoin what is good and to forbid what is wrong). So to inspire the humanity to obey the commands of Allah and to prevent them from doing what Allah has forbidden to do is the responsibility of both the genders. If the men show any sort of negligence in this regard then the womenfolk should be liable to take the lead and to continue this mission. What is called politics is essentially this duty of Amru bil Ma'ruf wa Nahi anil Munkar. Referring to the social and political responsibilities of woman Mr. Shah Abdul Hannan added that politics is simply an instrument for eradicating all forms of evils from the society in order to purify it. The mission of our Prophet (SAWS) was also Tajkiyah (purification). Allah sent him to make purification of moral, economic, and political as well as religious life of the whole humanity. So this purification or Tajkiyah includes the political life and hence politics is essentially a part of Islam. And to purify the society through political means is duty that is incumbent upon both the men and women.

According to the verse 9:71, the second important responsibility of men and women is to establish Salah (prayer) in the society. Regarding the issue of woman prayer in mosque, Mr. Shah Abdul Hannan said that the participation of women in performing prayer in the mosque is on the increase in the present world despite the fact that there exist diverse views on the contention. He firmly asserted that the dignity of men and women is essentially same because the essence of a human being is his/her "Ruh" or soul and Allah has made both with the same Ruh. In the matter of physical structure also both men and women are excellent because Allah (SWT) has made both men and women in the best of mould. Allah proclaims in the Holy Qur'an, "We have indeed created human being in the best of mould." (95:4). At the end of his speech Mr. Shah Abdul Hannan made an earnest request to all to give Islamic work priority over all mundane involvement because Allah says in the Holy Qur'an that "…the believers vehemently love Allah." (Al-Baqara: 165)

In his response to one question from the audience Mr. Shah Abdul Hannan very emphatically said that the verse 34 of Surah No.4 (Nisa'a) of the Holy Qur'an in no way indicates the superiority of men over women. Because the real import of the word Qawwamuna is "protectors" and "maintainers" according to the most of the exegesists (Mufassereen) have translated the word. So those who try to establish the supremacy of men over women are really mistaken. Referring to the verse 36 of Surah No. 3 (Ale Imraan), he says that if the question of superiority arises the women are to be said superior because in this particular verse Allah states that "… and nowise is the male is like the female…." And also because heaven is under the feet of mother (again woman).

He said that the parents have no say in the matter of choosing the gender of childbirth. He mentioned different verses from the Holy Qur'an such as "To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and earth. He creates what He Wills (and Plans). He bestows (children) male or female according to His Will (and Plan). Or He bestows both males and females, and He leaves barren whom He Wills: For He is full of knowledge and power." (42: 49-50).

In his speech as the special guest, Mr. Ferdous Khan mostly focused on the inheritance law of Islam. He said that Allah (SWT) promulgates the inheritance law in details in the verses like 11, 12 and 176 of Surah Nisa of the Holy Qur'an. Citing a fable Mr. Khan said that Islam makes no injustice in the matter of inheritance between men and women. He expatiates on the matter that there are two ways to get undeserved property. One is through inheritance and the other is through marital relation i.e. Mohr (marital gift). In the first case, men are privileged and it is because of his financial responsibility in the family affairs, which is very reasonable. But in the second case, women are absolutely privileged whereas the wife has no financial responsibility in the family matters even though she possesses vast wealth through commerce or some other means. To maintain the family is the sole duty of the husband.

Mrs. Fatima Aversaji, an Iranian Muslim scholar, said that the Islamic rules and laws should be applied in all spheres of human life. Comparing the matter of religion with medicine, she said that a patient has to take some particular medicine to cure his disease regularly and in appropriate manner. But if someone takes all types of medicines at random, his disease will surely worsen and will be attacked with diverse types of side affects. She regretted that the Muslims of the present world are combining many types of life-styles in themselves and making a hotchpotch of all types of ideologies. So she made an earnest urge to the Muslim community to fortify themselves against the western cultural infiltration. She affirmed that a man or woman can't be Muslim by birth or by geographical considerations, rather by translating the doctrine of Islam into his/her practical life.

Dr. Lulu Akhter Banu Sugandhi suggested the leaders of Islamic movement in the present world give proper attention to the woman issue for the promotion of the cause of Islam. The converted American Muslim Mrs. Sarah said that family structure of the west has been destroyed. She highly praised the family structure in Islam. Referring to her conversion to Islam, she averred that she had embraced Islam through knowledge and understanding and not blindly; by choice and not by chance. She added that she has taken resort to Hijab (Islamic dress code) with a proper appreciation of the message of Islam.

Mrs. Nasima Hasan stressed on the spread of the message of Islam with wisdom and in the best manner as prescribed by the Holy Qur'an. Miss Alif Rudaba, the secretary of The Witness, conducted the occasion.

Reported by: Md. Mahmudul Hasan

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