Glossary: Defeat and Final Triumph


fortress n. a large, strongly made building for defense: stronghold.
2 exile v. force somebody to leave his own country.
3 vicinity n. nearness: neighbourhood.
4 wilful adj. done on purpose.
5 treachery n. an act of perfidy or treason.
6 scriptures n. the sacred books of a religion.
7 rejecting n. refusing to accept.
8 manifestly adv. in a clear manner.
9 provoke v. make angry.
10 surrender n. the act of yielding or giving up.
11 insolent adj. insulting, offensive.
12 pleading n. declaration.
13 incessant adj. continual: often repeated.
14 impeachable adj. undoubted.
15 transcendence n. the state of being beyond ordinary limits.
16 perennial adj. lasting or continuing for a long time.
17 vengeance n. the act of punishing a person for the harm.
18 mail n. body armour made of small metal rings.
19 dent n. place pushed in without breaking the surface.
20 encamp v. settle in a camp: lodge in tents.
21 disaster n. great or sudden misfortune: terrible accident.
22 dejected adj. in low spirits: depressed.
23 frustrated adj. baffled, defeated.
24 steadfast adj. firm: loyal.
25 adjure v. ask earnestly or solemnly.
26 abandon v. go away from, not intending to return to.
27 battalion n. army unit made up of several companies.
28 archer n. person who shoots with a bow and arrows.
29 cavalry n. soldiers who fight on horseback.
30 fiercely adv. violently.
31 launch v. send; set.
32 javelin n. light spear for throwing.
33 bearer n. a person who carries.
34 gash v. make a long, deep cut in.
35 valiant adj. brave.
36 revenge n. the act of revenging: vengeance.
37 withdraw v. move back; retreat.
38 assemble v. gather together.
39 slay v. kill with violence, murder. (slain past p).
40 mutilate v. cut off a part of the body.
41 grieved adj. extremely sad.
42 furious adj. violent; full of anger.
43 rabbi n. teacher of the Jewish law.
44 idolater n. person who worships idols.
45 alms n. money, clothes, food, etc. given to the poor.
46 funeral n. the ceremony of burying a dead person.
47 pursuit n. the act of chasing someone in order to catch him.
48 majority n. greater number; more than half.
49 affirmation n. confirming that something is true.
50 cessation n. stopping.
51 convert n. person who changes into a different religion.
52 prick v. pierce with a sharp point.
53 thorn n. sharp-pointed growth on the stem of a plant.