Glossary: The City in Peril

The Trench

1 trench n. ditch dug in the ground.
2 expiate v. make up for a wrong-doing.
3 alliance n. close agreement between two groups.
4 hastily adv. quickly.
5 pact n. agreement.
6 siege n. act of surrounding a town in order to capture it.
7 insistence n. the act of insisting.
8 resistance n. opposing.
9 precision n. exactness.
10 distinguish v. see in what way two or more things differ.
11 avail v. serve.
12 stipulate v. make something part of an agreement.
13 level (down) v. to lower down
14 hoarding n. accumulation.
15 animosity n. hostility; ill-will.
16 eradicate v. destroy completely.
17 gird v. wrap oneself in (girt: past p).
18 cloak n. long outer garment without sleeves.
19 sprinkled adj. full of scattered grains.
20 pickaxe n. heavy tool with two sharp points used for breaking up rocks etc...
21 confederate n. person joined with others for some special purpose.
22 renounce v. give up entirely.
23 subtle adj. clever and cunning.
24 morale n. attitude towards difficulties.
25 trace n. mark made by something which has passed or existed.
26 negotiate v. talk with another group to settle a disagreement.
27 offensive n. continued attack.
28 polytheist n. person who believes in or worships many gods.
29 challenge v. to call for a fight, to defy.
30 challenge n. invitation or call to competition.
31 shed v. cause to flow out.
32 dismount v. get down.
33 fatally adv. in a deadly manner.
34 despoil v. rob; plunder.
35 weariness n. tiredness.
36 shortage n. deficiency; condition of not having enough.
37 pasture n. grass for feeding cattle.
38 glorious adj. splendid; magnificent.
39 inwardly adv. in mind or spirit.
40 utmost adj. most extreme; greatest.
41 hostage n. person taken by the enemy to ensure that the other side will fulfil the enemy's demands.
42 exterminate v. completely destroy or kill a large number.
43 suspicious adj. feeling suspicion; not trusting.
44 torrent n. a swift, violent stream of water.
45 shelter n. protection from weather or from danger.
46 departure n. the act of leaving (a place).
47 escort v. go with somebody as a guard.
48 waver v. to be unsteady; be in doubt between two opinions.
49 pretext n. a false excuse.
50 stronghold n. a place that is strongly defended; fortress.
51 accordance n. agreement.
52 blame v. say that somebody or something was the cause of some trouble.
53 reproach v. blame angrily or sadly.
54 consult v. ask the advice of.
55 surrender v. give up.
56 soften v. to make soft.
57 wail v. make a long cry of grief.
58 repentance n. feeling of sorrow, for wrongdoing.
59 overjoy v. give great joy to; delight.
60 free v. to let go; make free.
61 submit v. yield.
62 leniency n. quality of being merciful.
63 spare v. keep from harming.
64 fate n. the end or result.
65 tread v. step; put one's foot down (trodden: past p).
66 courtesy n. politeness.
67 urge v. ask or advise seriously.
68 decisive adj. giving a clear result.
69 disaffection n. disloyalty.
70 sedition n. rebellious action.
71 intervene v. join in a quarrel between two people so as to stop it or to help the loser.
72 precedence n. greater importance.
73 humbler adj. less important.
74 assert v. declare firmly.
75 string v. thread or bead on a string.
76 bead n a small ornamental ball of wood or glass with.
77 ablution n. a hole through it, washing of the hands or the body as an act of religion.