Glossary: The Glorious Conquest


decade n a period of ten years.
2 vividly adv. full of life.
3 immortalize v. give endless life.
4 mortals n. human beings.
5 halt n. a stop.
6 skirmish n. a short fight between small forces
7 efface v. rub or wipe out.
8 route v. to direct or transport by a specified route.
9 impose v. force somebody to accept something.
10 homage n. expression of respect.
11 superiority n. state of being better than the average.
12 prohibit v. to forbid.
13 spear n. a weapon, with a metal point on a pole.
14 rebel n. somebody who fights against his own government.
15 assortment n group or collection.
16 kindred n. relatives or family.
17 aggressor n. person making an attack.
18 violate v. act towards a sacred place without proper respect.
19 strategy n. the art of planning operations in war.
20 plunder n. goods seized unlawfully in time of war.
21 clemency n. mercy.
22 woe n. sorrow: distress.
23 scruple n. doubt.
24 sovereignty n. complete freedom and power.
25 grant v. allow, give.
26 squadron n. a group or soldiers.
27 slaughter n. killing of many people at once.
28 abasement n. humiliation.
29 filial adj. of a son or daughter.
30 clement adj. showing mercy.
31 exalt v. praise highly.
32 seize v. take hold of, suddenly and violently.
33 greasy adj. smeared or soiled with grease.
34 bladder v. a bag-like organ that collects waste liquid in the body.
35 deceive v. cause somebody to believe what is untrue.
36 disperse v. scatter.