Glossary: Revelation and Empire


ignorant adj. knowing little or nothing.
2 twilight n. faint half-light before sunrise.
3 bypath n. less important or less direct path.
4 entrench v. surround or protect with a trench.
5 flee v. run or hurry away.
6 bridle n. the leather bands that fit over a horse's head.
7 mule n. an animal produced from a male donkey and a female horse.
8 fortified adj. strengthened against attacks.
9 curse v. use rude and violent language against somebody.
10 eventual adj. coming at last as a result.
11 exult v. rejoice greatly.
12 breadth n. distance or measure from side to side.
13 mantle n. loose sleeveless cloak.
14 miserly adj. shouving love of money.
15 cowardly adj. lacking courage.
16 notably adv. especially.
17 err v. go astray morally; sin.
18 reconcile v. render no longer opposed; bring to acquiescence.
19 bountiful adj. generous.
20 discredited adj. not believed in.
21 herd n. number or company of animals.
22 patron n. person who gives encouragement, moral or financial support.
23 instruct v. teach; advise.
24 drought n. continuous lack of rain.
25 hut n a small and roughly built house or shelter.
26 saddle v. put a saddle on.
27 halting-places n. stopping places.
28 resurrect v. bring back into life.
29 bier n. movable wooden stand for a coffin.
30 adequate adj. satisfactory; sufficient.
31 salute v. greet.
32 astute adj. clever.
33 ordeal n. severe test of character or endurance.
34 straitened adj. lacking money.
35 unequivocal adj. clear; plain.
36 miraculous adj. marvellous; involving a supernatural power.
37 wrangle v. take part in a noisy or angry argument.
38 imprecate v. call down or invoke.
39 claim v. declare incorrectly.
40 reiterate v. say several times.